The overall container is shown as follows:
Part A is as follows:
Part B is as follows:
Work on the realization of our concept and viable product.
Study how our project would be implemented in real life by integrating input from stakeholders and investors in our business model.
Integrate the help and advice from numerous experts and collaborators to complete our project.
Provide a reliable method to monitor the metabolic health for everyone, especially the high-risk groups, such as overweight and sub-healthy people around the world, so that they can realize the measurement at home.
In order to validate both our method and our biomarker selection for metabolic syndrome diagnosis, testing our diagnostic tool in patients' blood samples is essential. Complementary experiments such as RNA-seq to analyze the expression profile of hsa-miR-34a-5p, has-miR-155, has-miR-1281 and other micro RNAs will determine if these novel biomarkers can be readily used for detection. Cross-validating these results with the ones obtained from patients tested with the DIRENJIE system will prove the sensitivity and specificity of our method. However, a large number of patients is necessary to obtain high statistical power data, indicating that clinical trials are in order.
We hope that in the next step, we can use colloidal gold particles to achieve stable visual signal output. So far, we have achieved the synthesis of colloidal gold aggregates, and we have developed an APP that can recognize the color change of colloidal gold solutions. Please refer to the results page and the software page for more information about the efforts we have made to achieve the goal. In the future, we hope to achieve the stability of colloidal gold into our detection system, instead of fluorescent signals, to achieve a more convenient home self-test.
In addition to the detection of metabolic syndrome, we also hope that our detection system can be applied to detect other diseases. We hope to develop a more universal APP and accompanying test kit to detect other disease-related microRNAs, such as early detection of cancer, pathogen detection, and so on.
In the future, we hope to cooperate with hospitals and companies to realize telemedicine based on our APP and test kits, and provide patients with more scientific and accurate personalized advice. Please refer to the Entrepreneurship page for more information about the efforts we have made to achieve the goal.
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