In order to facilitate the publicity of our products and the use of users, we have translated the manuals of our products into multiple languages for people in different countries and regions to use.
        Considering that the age range for the onset of metabolic syndrome is mostly older adults, we referred to the 2022 "Design and Service Reference Guide for Aging" and specifically designed a "Senior Version Product User Manual" to make it easier for them to read. The user manual for our product uses large font size, blue and white color scheme, and bold typeface for easy reading and use. Additionally, we have incorporated web-based voice broadcasting to facilitate users in using the product.
        To complement our project, we interviewed experts in multiple fields and conducted extensive integrated human practices, which contributed well to the inclusiveness of our project.
        In order to call on the full name to participate in healthy weight loss and sports life, our team has produced a special calisthenics video. Taking into account the population of different weight bases, we designed different level of videos that is convenient for the public to choose their own suitable calisthenics.
        In response to the World Environmental Pact and to protect our environment, the packaging boxes and body of our products are made of environmentally friendly sustainable materials that can be recycled and used many times. At the same time, the enzyme we use is reasonably modified in the iterative process, adopts a honeycomb structure, has multiple binding sites, and can detect the iconic substances of multiple diseases at one time in the future, which greatly improves efficiency, increases users’ compliance, saves resources, and plays a positive role in the sustainable development of the project.