In the model part, NEU-China team mainly verified whether ompR mutation enhanced the film-forming ability of Escherichia coli MG1655. We referred to the biofilm growth model of Western_Canada team in 2019.
Because the number of strains is proportional to the high probability of time, we use linear fitting to input our experimental data to solve Kb in Logistic Model formula, and then use known experimental data, that is, maximum and minimum, to solve the change of B (the amount of biofilm present) in Logistic Model with time. Logistic growth model follows the shape of S curve, indicating that biofilm growth tends to be stable after a certain length of time[1].
B(t) is the amount of biofilm present at time t
B0 is the initial amount of biofilm present (at t=0)
Kb is the growth rate of the biofilm
Bmax is the maximum amount of biofilm that is produced
Where the Kb value is calculated from the experimental data obtained by us.
Detailed experimental data are as follows:
This model includes two strains: E.coli MG1655 (wild type) and E.coli MG1655-ompR234 (mutant type). Here are the results:
Result:As shown in the figure, when the biofilm growth tends to saturation, the number of film formation of mutant type is far greater than that of wild type, so we can think that the film formation ability of E.coli MG1655-ompR234 is significantly higher than that of E.coli MG1655.
[1].Verotta, D., Haagensen, J., Spormann, A. M. & Yang, K. Mathematical Modeling of Biofilm Structures Using COMSTAT Data. Comput. Math. Methods Med. 2017, 1–11 (2017).