    In 2023, the iGEM team of the University of Macau,
UM-Macau, aims to address gluten intolerance, as represented by
celiac disease, by constructing a delivery-adhesion-release system for the duodenum. During this
year's research in
human practice, we realized that although this disease is a global epidemic, the distribution of
the disease shows a
clear trend of "less in the east and more in the west" - combining the characteristics of this
disease with the fact
that our team is located in Macau, where is a world-renowned tourist city and a center of
cultural exchange between the
East and the West, we are aiming to raise the awareness of the local population about the
disease and to awaken the
local community to a global vision of health care. At the same time, we are also working with
different iGEM teams,
experts, scholars, social figures, technology companies, relevant practitioners, and other
stakeholders throughout the
process of the project. In the past 5 months, we have conducted a series of external
communications, participated in
numerous meetups around the world, and played an important role as initiator, organizer and
facilitator in several
important alliances in similar fields or regions.
    The aim of our project is to help people suffering from
gluten intolerance, as represented by Coeliac Disease, to free
themselves from the potential health risks of long-term dietary restrictions and intestinal
damage, so that people with
Celiac Disease can live their lives as normal people under the protection of our project
products - thus, the project
title "GEIG: Gluten Enzymatic Intestinal Guardians" was developed based on the concept of
"Guardianship" and other
important elements. Therefore, based on the word "Guardians" and other important elements, the
project theme "GEIG:
Gluten Enzymatic Intestinal Guardians" was developed. Our mascot Wheatty, a magical little girl
created from our
engineered bacteria, will use synthetic biology magic as a weapon to safeguard the long-term
intestinal health of
everyone with celiac disease!
Human Practice Timeline
May 2023
June 2023
July 2023
August 2023
September 2023
iHP reflection-Experts & Stakeholder Interview
-Interview with Dr Zhang Jingwen
For clinical staff, we were fortunate to be able to have an interview with
Dr. ZHANG Jingwen, a
gastroenterologist at
Kiang Wu Hospital in Macau, about UM-Macau's iGEM project this year. During the conversation,
UM-Macau had a very
interesting discussion with Dr Cheung about the prevalence of celiac disease in East Asia,
common intervention
strategies for food intolerance at the clinical level, and how to control the use of in vitro
engineered bacteria
the treatment of intestinal diseases in a safer and more controlled manner.
Dr ZHANG said that although the prevalence of celiac disease differs significantly between
Eastern and Western
countries, the idea that we want to enhance the local community's ability to care for foreigners
and encourage more
people with special needs to feel comfortable coming to Macau and contributing to the
development of the local
and culture through our project is very praiseworthy. At the same time, Dr Zhang also proposed
the idea of
based kill switch to control the in vitro proliferation of the bacteria in the safety module
built in our project,
this feedback has improved the overall design of our project later.

Figure 3.1.51 The photo was taken during the
interview process with
-Interview with Beer Pro
In today's world, gluten-free food supplies are an important part of life
for people with
celiac disease. To address the
specific needs of celiac disease sufferers and to explore the importance of gluten-free food in
Macau, we visited
Pro, a local shop selling gluten-free beer.
During our face-to-face meeting with the merchant, we gained a better understanding of the
recent development of
gluten-free food in Macau - the merchant is unable to keep gluten-free beer in stock at all
times due to cost
the gluten-free diet is not really widespread in Macau, and there is very little communication
between the
of Beer Pro and their friend merchants in Macau, which is certainly a big problem for celiacs
traveling in Macau.
The merchant expressed their support for the use of modified intestinal flora to address celiac
disease, and believe
that if the technology becomes widespread in Macau, it will enhance the ability of the Macau
community to help
disease sufferers, help attract tourists to Macau, and contribute to Macau's economic

Figure 3.1.52/3.1.53 The photo was taken during
interview process with Beer
-Interview with Prof. Leung Lai Han
As a professor of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Macau
who has been
involved in the research of
intestinal flora in the past, Professor Leong Lai Han was also the subject of our interview.
During the interview
Prof Leong, we discussed the cycle of probiotic drugs from R&D to practice, the dilemmas faced
by intestinal flora
research nowadays, and the public's views on genetically modified (GM) food.
Professor Leung firstly expressed her approval of our project, saying that the choice of gut
flora for the treatment
coeliac disease is a remarkable attempt! At the same time, Prof Leung also described to us
objectively that
flora as an independent research direction is still very young in the academic field, and a
considerable part of the
mechanism and process of its operation is still in a very vague state, but she also said that
intestinal flora in
future there is still a very great potential for development, and encouraged us not to be backed
off because of the
difficulties. Finally, in the face of genetically modified products, Professor Leung said that
we should look at
issue dialectically, and told us that as a research team we should popularize the relevant
knowledge in a way that
ordinary people can understand, and correctly help the public to build up a rational perception.

Figure 3.1.54/3.1.55 The photo was taken during
interview process with
Prof. Leung.
-Interview and visit to ZHUHAI HENGQIN IMSTEM
As an important part of our final transformation visit, the site visit to
BIOTECH LTD has provided
us with a complete picture from R&D to production. Located in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, IMSTEM
three floors, but it has all the essentials - it uses the first floor as its own R&D laboratory
and the third floor
its own production workshop, which reflects the high efficiency and integration of the
enterprise in production,
learning and research.
During this visit, we gained an in-depth understanding of IMSTEM BIOTECH LTD's research and
development practices in
fields of anti-aging, medical aesthetics, and other products based on stem cells. In addition,
the director of
BIOTECH LTD highly praised the iGEM project of UM-Macau this year, and encouraged us to follow
their model to
the construction of the idea of industry-academia-research and patent application according to
the similarity
the therapeutic track and the direction of the enterprise, so that our project can really
benefit the world.

Figure 3.1.56/3.1.57/3.1.58 The photo was taken
during the
interview and visit process
iHP reflection-Public
Analysis of Questionnaire Results
In our social research phase, we wanted to know more about the subject's
knowledge of the core elements of our project
in East Asia, synthetic biology, the perception of genetic engineering, and the attitudes
towards the implementation of
care for celiac disease as a specific group in East Asia, in order to further define our
project's strategy to address
celiac disease in East Asia, especially in China, and how to make the people change from not
understanding about certain
concepts to understanding about them, through our endeavors.

Figure 3.1.59/3.1.60 Collect questionnaires
After a long period of questionnaire collection, we collected more than
1,000 results from people of all ages and
educational levels, from primary school students to middle-aged and older adults. From these
results, we observed that
74.1% of the survey results came from people between the ages of 18 and 45, and 91.9% of the
respondents had a high
school education or higher.

Figures. The result of our online
In the first tier of questions, we investigated the preference for
gluten-rich foods such as pasta and nuts in the East
Asian region. The results showed that 67.6% of the population in East Asia had a preference for
pasta, while 59.6% had a
preference for nuts.

Figure 3.1.61/3.1.62 The result of our online
In the next question, we do surveys on the public about their knowledge of
gluten, which is the core element of our
project; And celiac disease, which is the target group of our project. The results showed that
65.8% of the population
had no knowledge of the concept of gluten, while 53.9%, more than half, had never heard of
celiac disease.

Figure 3.1.63/3.1.64 The result of our online
Combining these two questions we can draw feedback from the general public
- from the level of understanding of "gluten"
and "celiac disease" we can see that coeliac disease is not prevalent in our region, East Asia.
Celiac Disease is not
prevalent in our part of the world. The preference for gluten-rich foods such as pasta and nuts
is at a high level here
(especially in northern China), so for those in the West where Celiac disease is prevalent,
traveling, studying and
working in East Asia can be problematic for those populations.
Next, a survey was conducted on the attitudes of the local population towards the special needs
care of the migrant
population and the results showed that 92.0% of the population felt that additional care for
this population was
necessary. At the same time, we also surveyed people's attitudes towards genetic engineering,
and their knowledge of the
synthetic biology tools for celiac disease that we used in the project, and found that there was
an overall normal
distribution of attitudes towards genetically modified products, but that up to 94.7% of the
population had a relatively
open attitude towards the use of genetically engineered pharmaceuticals. However, 71.8% of the
respondents had no idea
about the synthetic biology tools we used in the project.

Figure 3.1.67/3.1.68/3.1.69/3.1.70 The result
of our online
Promotion to Our Project
Based on all the above feedbacks, we found that there is a clear
contradiction between the vision of people with high
prevalence of celiac disease in western countries who want to come to East Asia to work, live
and work, and the lack of
care and potential risks caused by the low prevalence of celiac disease and dietary habits here,
which is in line with
the hypothesis we made during the Brainstorm, and strengthens our determination to solve the
The contradiction between the public's lack of understanding of coeliac disease and synthetic
biology and the passion
for caring for special populations also made it clear that during the course of the project,
education and
popularization for the general public will also be the focus of our radiant influence on
According to the results of the social research, the attitudes of a considerable number of
people towards products
related to GM technology are still negatively affected by the media publicity in recent years.
Therefore, in addition to
strengthening our investment in science education and helping to alleviate the public's
misunderstanding about synthetic
biology technology, enhancing the safety of the project must also be a key consideration
throughout the project.
iHP reflection-Technology Transformation
For a complete project, we, the UM-Macau team, will not only consider the
short months of preparation for the iGEM in
2023, but more importantly, we will plan for a longer-term plan for our product, forming a
R&D-production-practice closed loop. Therefore, in the final top-level design of the project,
the thinking of
industry-academia-research is also the key direction for us to get relevant feedback and new
knowledge from the outside.
Enterprise Tea Party Form Communication
During our final translational exploration, we are fortunate to have four
major research institutes and companies as our
key collaborative partners: ZUMRI, Zhuhai Hengqin Imstem Biotechnology Co. Nanjing
helptherapeutics Co., Ltd.,
Sanmedgene Co., Ltd. .With their help, we have been able to gain sufficient experience in
entrepreneurship, R&D,
production and practice from the enterprises, so that we can have a clear picture of the
technology transformation
level, and point out the direction for our next development after completing the development of
the basic functional
modules of the GEIG project. The partnership with these companies has allowed us to communicate
with them
directly——During August, in the form of a tea party, details of industry-academia-research and
areas that UM-Macau
should pay attention to in the future.
In their presentation to UM-Macau, the Representative of Sanmedgene Co.,
Ltd. emphasized the importance of in-depth
academic knowledge and continuous study in the field of biotechnology, whether it is in the area
of liquid cancer biopsy
technology or celiac disease treatment. They hope that we can combine this "continuity" with the
concept of project
design cycle in iGEM to optimize our projects from the basic theoretical level.

Figure 3.1.71 Representative of Sanmedgene Co.,
shared with us the experience of "Academia" in the context of
The representative of Nanjing helptherapeutics Co., Ltd. discusses with
UM-Macau the aspect of collaborative research in
the context of "research" in "industry-university-research". The representative of the company
was very impressed by the
cooperation between UM-Macau and many other iGEM teams this year in the construction of basic
functional modules and
human practice, and stressed that collaborative research is a very important way to improve the
quality of research in
the process of realizing the closed-loop of "industry-academia-research". They hope that we can
maintain this spirit of
cooperation in the process of patenting and putting our products into production in the future,
and continue to realize
the effect of 1+1 is greater than 2 together with different groups.

Figure 3.1.72 Representative of Nanjing
helptherapeutics Co., Ltd. shared with us the experience of "Research" in the context
of industry-academia-research.
Addressing the "industry" aspect of "industry-academia-research", the
representative of Zhuhai Hengqin Imstem
Biotechnology Co. In doing so, the representative of Imstem mentioned that the needs of the
customer are a very
important part of the actual industrial production. Combined with UM-Macau's strategic vision of
"solving local
problems" this year - UM-Macau was impressed by the lack of local care for celiac disease,
dietary preferences that are
not favorable to celiacs; And the fact that Macau, as a crossroads between East and West,
attracts a large number of
Westerners with high levels of celiac disease. UM-Macau has identified a potential blue ocean
for its own project, which
has the potential to grow the industry in the future, and encourages us to continue this
strategic vision in future
industry-academia-research transformations.

Figure 3.1.73 Representative of Zhuhai Hengqin
Biotechnology Co., Ltd shared with us the experience of "Industry" in
the context of industry-academia-research.
Field Visits - Exploring the Path to Patent
In addition to the tea party, UM-Macau also visited Zhuhai Hengqin Imstem
Biotechnology Co., Ltd in September again to
study how a company specializing in biomedicine transforms its research into patents and
ultimately products for the
benefit of the public.

Figure 3.1.74/3.1.75 Zhuhai Hengqin Imstem
Co., Ltd introduce their product’s research-product pathway.
In this field research, Imstem introduced to us the whole process of their
latest product SCSRF from R&D to
experimentation, to patent application and application. In this communication, UM-Macau had a
clear understanding of how
to apply for a patent and what the role of a patent is. And in response to our own project of
treating celiac disease by
building a delivery-adhesion-release system of gut microbiota, Imstem feedback us a clearer
picture - since our product
will be bacteria, similar to stem cell products, the development will take at least 5-10 years,
patent application takes
1-2 years, and from the time it is put into practice to actually generating positive revenues
will also take a
relatively long period of time. Therefore, UM-Macau not only builds up a clearer view of the
later stage, but also takes
this opportunity to prepare for the later stage of long-term efforts in the GEIG project.

Figure 3.1.76 The patent of Zhuhai Hengqin
Biotechnology Co., Ltd’s Product.