“Collaboration", which means "going both ways". iGEM teamwork is about
providing a stronger force between us and our
friend teams to help us solve each other’s problems, meet our own needs, and build deep
friendships in the process! From
different iGEM teams all over the world, our UM-Macau are honored to be able to work with each
other to get a lot of
feedback, ideas and to learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses.How those iGEM
teams reached out to us
for collaboration shows the importance and need for collaboration even more.
Organizing Events together
Organizing the “Synbio Rainbow” coloring book
for education

Figures 3.3.1 UM-Macau, OUC-China
Our team contributes to the “Synbio Rainbow '' coloring book educational
activity by giving the formal name of this
event and adding our coloring pages story about our project with other 11 teams over the world.
As a follow-up to the
event, we also collaborated with the Macau Down Syndrome Association by providing them with the
works of two other iGEM
teams that also participated in this coloring book event, providing local Down Syndrome children
in Macau with the
opportunity to rely on drawing for their ability training.

Figures 3.3.2/3.3.3 UM-Macau Coloring book illustration in
this Synbio Rainbow event.

Figures 3.3.4/3.3.5 In the UM-Macau part, the event was
held together with the local Down Syndrome Association.

Synbio-rainbow coloring book collection

Figure 3.3.6 This is a list of the teams participating in the event
Organizing the 1st iGBA Forum

Figure 3.3.7/3.3.8/ 3.3.9/3.3.10
Logo of UM-Macau, BNUZH-China, SZU-China, HKUST.
Logo of UM-Macau, BNUZH-China, SZU-China, HKUST.
This year, UM-Macau, together with the other three teams located in the Greater Bay Area,
combined the characteristics
of our region, which has a large number of iGEM teams and a dense distribution of biotechnology
industries. Our four
co-organizers innovated the traditional team-team exchange mode, and jointly opened up a new
form of team-enterprise
communication, based on the team-enterprise salon and enterprise factory tour, to help each team
understand the social
positioning and future development of their projects from the perspective of industry, academia
and research. With the
cooperation of our four teams, we put this forum into practice in just one month and held it
successfully on 19-20

Figures 3.3.11/3.3.12/3.3.13 The successful held 1st iGBA Forum
during 19-20 August.
The forum brochure of 1st iGBA

Figure 3.3.14 This is a list of the teams as well as companies participating in the event
Organizing the iG20 for publication and

Figure 3.3.15/3.3.16/3.3.17/3.3.18/3.3.19/3.3.20 The logo of Gut Alliance and the organizers’ logos
As a key organizer and facilitator of the Gut Alliance 2023, UM-Macau,
together with the other teams of the Gut
Alliance, organized and planned an educational project called "iG20". Drawing on the example of
the G20, which united 20
countries to lead the world economy, we conceived the iG20 campaign to present the contents of
synthetic biology and
their respective projects to the public through the medium of video.

Figures 3.3.21 Gut Alliance Joint Questionnaire.

Figures 3.3.22 The publication brochure of Gut
Video. The iG20 Synbio public video project organized by Gut Alliance
This is a list of the teams as well as companies participating in the

Participating in the Synbio & SDG Science

Figure 3.3.23/3.3.24 Logo of UM-Macau and SCUT-China
At the end of September, as one of the participating teams in the Synbio & SDG Science
Exhibition co-organised by
SCUT-China and SCAU-China, UM-Macau together with more than 10 iGEM teams, attracted the
visitors to the Guangdong
Science Centre with exhibition boards, photo booths on KT boards, and a garden party to learn
about the amazing power of
synthetic biology and to enhance the impact of our own projects on society!

Figures 3.3.25/3.3.26 The photos of Synbio & SDG Science

Figure 3.3.27 This is a list of the teams as well as companies participating in the
Research & Practice work help to each other
Support on each other’s Modules construction

Figure 3.3.28/29/30/31/32. Team logos of UM-Macau, HNU-China, BNUZH-China, NWU-China, SUSTech-China and LZU-China.
During our project construction phase, we found out the common points of our project modules
through mutual
communication with the above-mentioned teams, so as to find out the direction of cooperation at
the project construction
In the UM-Macau GEIG project this year, for the module of bacterial adhesion, we found that
HNU-China used a different
promoter from ours in inducing the conversion of the tyrosine side-chain of Mefp-5 to the Dopa
motif, so we shared the
literature with HNU-China and looked for inspirations from each other's literature for our
respective projects.
At the same time, during our communication with BNUZH-China, as we were at the early stage of
project construction,
BNUZH-China found that even though our project involved the human body, there was no safety
module for us. Therefore,
under BNUZH-China's advice to us during the communication stage, we started to build the
security module for our own
After completing the construction of the safety module, in the course of communication with
SUSTec-China, we found that
its ability to kill intestinal infectious bacteria through Quorum quenching was very much in
line with the direction of
the construction of our safety module. Therefore, we also exchanged relevant literature with
SUSTec-China to enrich
UM-Macau's concept of how to build a safety module based on Quorum Sensing.
Support on each other’s dry-lab or wet-lab work

Figure 3.3.33/34/35/36 Logo of UM-Macau, BNUZH-China, HKUST, LZU-China
At the experimental level. During our previous communication with BNUZH-China, BNUZH-China told
us that its laboratory
did not have the technology of electrotransfer and anaerobic culture, then we enquired with the
Faculty of Health
Sciences of the University of Macau, we found that we have such technologies. We responded to
BNUZH-China's request for
help decisively. Unfortunately, BNUZH-China was unable to collaborate on these two technologies
due to legal
restrictions on cross-border transport of biological samples between Macau and China.
During the summer, UM-Macau and HKUST had exchanged visits. During HKUST's return visit to
UM-Macau, they requested us
to exchange 2023 distribution kits in interlab. Therefore, UM-Macau decided to offer this help
by sharing a portion of
our DNA fragment samples with them.

Figure 3.3.37 The interlab materials exchange between our friend teams.
UM-Macau also has close contact with LZU at experimental level. After the communication between UM-Macau and LZU-China,
both of our team realized that we have common module of safety module to control the growth of gut bacteria in
intestine, then we proceeded with the collaboration on this module based on design and data sharing With the help of
LZU-Chinadoing kill switch experiment using lysin in ourin in vivo safety module, and we got several relevant datas to
improve our design. In return,we use our own materials and samples to test for them in our lab, because we don’t have
the strain of EcN that LZU-China use in our own lab, so after discussing with LZU-China we decide to use E. coli
DH5-alpha directly to test if dh5- alpha strain without any genetic modification can still stick to targets target
material. Our discovery also help them to perfect their experiment design and result.
Support on each other’s education work

Figure 3.3.38/39 Logos of UM-Macau, LZU-China and BOKU-Vianna
This year, UM-Macau and LZU-China exchanged educational materials such as powerpoints and
syllabus, and based on the
conditions of both teams, we shared resources and used the exchanged materials to conduct
educational activities with
each other's communities for different school-age audiences. This collaboration has successfully
reached primary, high
school and undergraduate populations in Macau and Mainland China, and by leveraging LZU-China's
local resources, the
wisdom of the UM-Macau project has been able to successfully reach out across thousands of miles
to teach synthetic
biology to children in remote areas.

Figure 3.3.40/3.3.41 The educational collaboration events of UM-Macau and LZU-China.
Outside of China region, attracted by our Gut Alliance’s work on the public gut health brochure’s work, the team of
BOKU-Vienna built a collaboration relationship between UM-Macau and UM-Macau worked as a bridge between BOKU-Vienna and
Gut Alliance to help them prepare the content to join the booklet project and filling in the blank in our scientific
publication of colon cancer this year. Meanwhile, during the public event of UM-Macau this year, UM-Macau also use our
own platform to spread the social research questionnaire of BOKU-Vienna to general population.
Support on survey or social research of other teams.
By helping each other with questionnaire surveys, UM-Macau strives to
achieve mutual success with other teams. While a
survey by itself is not an effective co-operation, all of the surveys we participate in and
encourage other teams to
participate in can contribute to a large achievement of social research. As a result, our team
helps others as much as
possible and seeks out other teams for help with social research. The results are shown below.

Figure 3.3.42 The social research questionnaire face to abroad iGEM teams

Figure 3.3.43 The list of iGEM teams helped us to spread the questionnaire.