    In terms of external communication, UM-Macau has taken
"connecting dots to form lines, and lines to form surfaces" as
its key strategy. Through communication, we are able to find similarities in project design and
cooperation in project
promotion and practice among the vast number of iGEM teams, and obtain feedback on UM-Macau's
own projects in the course
of communication.
Points to lines-
-Project communicate with HNU
    UM-Macau conducted our first online communication with
HNU-China in
June. Through the communication, we found that one of the HNU-China's functional modules
involving tyrosine hydroxylase is related to our earlier adhesion module.
In order to make use of all possible resources to optimize our adhesion module, we exchanged
some relevant literature for
mutual reference after the exchange. At the same time, we took the opportunity of the 10th CCiC
symposium to have a longer and more in-depth offline
communication and interaction between members of both teams.
Details can be seen in the Collaboration part.

Figure 3.2.1 Online communication with HNU-China.
Figures 3.2.2 /3.2.3 Offline communication with HNU-China
during 10th CCiC.
-Communicate with JNU
    In 2023, UM-Macau remained in close communication with
In June, we held our first online communication meeting with Jiangnan-China and discussed our
modeling and human practice parts and both gave each other
constructive advice.
Details can be seen in the Collaboration part.

Figure 3.2.4 Online communication with JNU-China.
-Communicate with HKUST
    Due to the close location and our consensus reached,
this year we
communicated with HKUST in many aspects. We had several online and offline interactions during
the whole process——We not only exchange lab work material
including the iGEM distribution kit, but also co-worked and co-host with them to organize a
series of communication events
Details can be seen in the Collaboration part.

Figure 3.2.5 Online communication with HKUST.

Figures 3.2.6 Offline visit between UM-Macau and
-Communicate with BNUZH
    With the advantage of convenient transport and being
one of the first
groups of teams to establish contact with UM-Macau, BNUZH-China has maintained a smooth
communication with us for a long time. UM-Macau has always been
helping each other with BNUZH-China in project module construction, experiment and modeling, and
has worked together in
promoting the Greater Bay Area team to plan and co-host a series of communication activities.
Details can be seen in the Collaboration part.

Figures. Offline communication between UM-Macau
and BNUZH-China
-Communicate with SUSTech-China
    We set up a tight relationship with SUSTech-China
because we have
similar topic directions on gut microbiota but on different targets. We conducted an offline
visit to SUSTech-China in July, exchanged mutual projects on the
campus of Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), discussed the suicide
switching module, where
commonalities existed between the our two teams, and shared possessed literature in their hands
related to it.
Details can be seen in the Collaboration part.

Figures 3.2.7 Offline communication between UM-Macau
and SUSTech-China
-Communicate with LZU
    UM-Macau and LZU-China have developed an in-depth
communication of
ideas and cooperation because of our similar focus on gut research. The two organisations are
helping each other in joint science education and multi-team alliances
on similar topics, as well as sharing data on regulating the density of bacterial populations
through suicide
Details can be seen in the Collaboration part.

Figure 3.2.8 Online communication with LZU-China.
-Communicate with NWU
    At the invitation of NWU-China, UM-Macau has
established the Gut
Alliance with NWU and other iGEM teams focused on gut microbiota to jointly carry out social
research and gut health science activities. In addition, UM-Macau also
cooperates with NWU-China in the delivery module of medicinal intestinal flora, and jointly
builds similar functional
modules for both sides.
Details can be seen in the Collaboration part.
Figure 3.2.9 Online communication with NWU-China.
Lines to surfaces
Lines to surfaces-2023 iGEM team meetup
Throughout June and July, we participated in the 10th CCiC (..........)
organized by HainanU-China, in which most iGEM
teams in China had engaged. This is the first time for us to present our projects to many other
iGEM teams as a
rehearsal for our grand jamboree. The 10th CCiC conference is the first time UM-Macau attended
the offline Chinese iGEM
teams meetup, it was also amazing to listen to all the other team’s projects, exchange ideas
with them and get very
valuable feedback from iGEM's predecessors.

Figures 3.2.11/3.2.12 Our team members shared our project at
the 10th CCiC conference.
Meanwhile, during the 10th CCiC at Hainan University, UM-Macau and
BNUZH-China cooperate to form a debate team to
participate in the Biology Theme Debate entitled "Does China's Animal Experimentation Ethics
Require Only the 3Rs' '.
UM-Macau team leader Edmend was awarded as the best debater of the debate, and at the same time
expanded the influence
of our friendship team with BNUZH-China.

Figures 3.2.13 Participate in the biology theme
debate together with BNUZH-China.
-JulyGEM of Calgary
In July, we traveled across time zones to attend the University of
Calgary's JulyGem meetup, where we heard from many
iGEM teams from around the world and several synthetic biology luminaries. At the same time, we
also shared our project
with the panel of judges in the mock judging session organized by the organizers, and received
feedback from our team in
a systematic way, strictly classified according to the indicators of the iGEM judging process.
According to the feedback
results, UM-Macau would strengthen the shortcomings that still exist in the background
construction process, and
actively seek improvement suggestions from professors of our faculty and our friendly team in
the colony delivery module
where we have technical vague part.

Figures 3.2.14 Our team members shared our project at
the JulyGEM of Calgary.
-Hong Kong-Macau Symposium
In August, in order to absorb the mature experience and strengths of the
university teams from Hong Kong, at the
invitation of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, the organizer of this symposium, some members
of the UM-Macau team
came to Hong Kong to present our team's project on Celiac Disease to the four Hong Kong
university teams and the two
Hong Kong high school teams, and to listen to the project of the Hong Kong university teams.
Through this symposium, UM-Macau was able to step out of the comfort zone of the past few years
and experience the rigor
of the Hong Kong teams from topic selection to project design - although the topics and contents
of each team were very
different, we were still impressed by the interlocking logic of the modules in their projects,
and encouraged us to bide
our time and help UM-Macau's future development in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay

Figure 3.2.15. Group photo of Hong Kong-Macau Symposium meetup.
-Northwest China teams meetup
UM-Macau was also invited by Northwest University to participate in the
Northwest China teams meetup in August, which
featured teams from Northwest China. In the process, we were able to build a stronger bond with
our friends from
Northwest University and Lanzhou University. As the last team-to-team meeting we attended in the
past few months,
UM-Macau has achieved a global coverage in terms of east, south, north and west in terms of
participating in the iGEMer
meetup, which has given us a more comprehensive understanding of our team's strengths, and at
the same time allowed us
to understand our team's shortcomings in some areas. In the meetup, UM-Macau has made great
progress in terms of content
preparation and fullness of speeches compared to the beginning of the meetup and team exchanges.
After experiencing
several similar meetups, UM-Macau has also witnessed the progress of its ability to tell other
teams about its project,
which is an important ability for the November grand jamboree and judgment.

Figures 3.2.16 Group photo of Northwest China teams
Lines to surfaces-Establishment of regional communication and cooperation networks
(Co-founder: UM-Macau, BNUZH-China, HKUST, SZU-China)
We, UM-Macau, was one of the initiator of iGBA league and co-host the large scale communication
activity based on the
region of Hong Kong-Macau-Guangdong Greater Bay area and invite the team of SUSTec-Med,
,,,,,,into our first industry-academia-research forum. All the co-founder teams and participate
teams are from Hong
Kong-Macau-Guangdong Greater Bay area, we set up this league with aim of establishing a network
of collaboration between
multiple teams in the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau region, and work together to bring more
opportunities and
possibilities for the future development of iGEM and synthetic biology in the GBA.

Figures 3.2.17/3.2.1 Logo and poster of iGBA
Lines to surfaces-Establishment of alliances of teams with similar themes
-Gut Alliance
(Co-founder: UM-Macau, NWU-China, LZU-China, SUSTech-China, CPU)
All the teams in the alliance have similar project content about gut health and the relative
therapy based on the
engineered gut microbiota, whatever to solve the problem of food intolerance, IBD, or address
hypercholesterolaemia or
infections, etc. We use the alliance as a platform to share our experience with other teams,
co-organize some
educational events face to face with normal people and solve many technical problems together in
this long session.

Figure 3.2.19 Logo of Gut Alliance