This section collects the protocols we followed and developped during our 4 months of experimentations in the laboratory. We present here all the medium, the molecular biology protocols, the proteins purification protocols, and the protocols for the PURE system.
Aim: Prepare liquid and solid media for bacterial culture.
- • 10 g of tryptone
- • 5 g yeast extract
- • 15 g NaCl
- • 15 g agar *if LB agar
- • Distilled water q.s.p to 1 L
1. Mix all the ingredients without specific order of addition (besides adding distilled water last).
*There is no need to use volumetric flasks (which should NOT be autoclaved), or to use a precision balance to weigh the ingredients.2. Add water up to 1 L.
3. The medium should be transferred to a glass bottle before autoclaving.
*Antibiotics are added when pouring plates.
Aim: Conserve bacterias at -80°C. Glycerol is an osmoprotectant agent. An overnight preculture has to be prepared to obtain a maximum of cells to conserve.
- • Sterile glycerol (final concentration 15%)
- • 1.5 mL Eppendorf tubes
1. Manipulate under PSM.
2. In an Eppendorf tube add 828 µL of preculture and 172 µL of glycerol 87%. *Be careful the glycerol is viscous, so pipet slowly.
3. Immediately stock at -80°C.
Aim: Amplify a DNA sequence of interest using 2 oligonucleotides and a polymerase chain reaction.
- • Milli-Q Water
- • dNTPs mix
- • Buffer adapted to the polymerase
- • Forward oligonucleotide
- • Reverse oligonucleotide
- • Polymerase: Phusion DNA Polymerase if you want a high fidelity reaction to avoid potential mutations, Taq DNA Polymerase for general screening purposes.
- • DNA template.
- • PCR machine (Bio-rad T100 Thermal Cycler)
- • Vortex
- • Table-top centrifuge
I. PCR Phusion Polymerase
1. Set the PCR machine with the following parameters:
- • 30" - 98°C (pre-denaturation step)
- • 10" - 98°C (denaturation step)
- • 10" - at the relevant temperature, if you don't know, perform a temperature gradient between 50 to 65°C (annealing step)
- • X - 72°C (elongation step), to be adapted to the length of the fragment of interest, knowing that the Phusion DNA polymerase processes 2000 bp/min
- • Repeat 30 cycles of steps 2-3-4
- • 5' - 72°C (final elongation step)
2. PCR premix
Mix each reactive with the following order and vortexing at each step before adding the DNA polymerase. Quantities are given for one 50 µL PCR tube. Multiply each quantity by the number of tubes needed.- • X µL Milli-Q Water (X being the quantity necessary to obtain 50 µL)
- • 1 µL dNTP
- • 10 µL High-Fidelity Phusion Buffer
- • 2.5 µL Forward oligonucleotide
- • 2.5 µL Reverse oligonucleotide
- • 0.5 µL Phusion DNA Polymerase (from this step, never vortex the mix, mix by smooth pipetting)
3. Centrifuge with a table-top centrifuge for a few seconds if needed (for example if bubbles form).
4. Distribute 49 μL of premix in each PCR tube.
5. Add 1 μL of the DNA template corresponding to 30-240 ng DNA total.
6. Centrifuge with a table-top centrifuge for a few seconds if needed.
7. Place the PCR tubes in the thermocycler and start your run.
II. PCR screening
1. Set the PCR machine with the following parameters:
- • 5' - 94°C
- • 30" - 94°C
- • 30" - at the relevant temperature, if you don't know, make a temperature gradient between 50 to 65°C
- • X at 68°C (elongation step) to be adapted to the length of the fragment of interest, knowing that the Taq polymerase processes 1000 bp/min
- • Repeat 30 cycles of step 2-3-4
- • 5' - 68°C
- • 4°C
2. PCR premix
Add each reactive with the following order and vortexing at each step before adding the DNA polymerase. Quantities are given for one 50 µL PCR tube. Multiply each quantity by the number of tubes needed.- • 18.375 µL Milli-Q Water (X being the quantity necessary to obtain 50 µL)
- • 0.5 µL dNTP
- • 5 µL 5X Onetaq Standard Reaction Buffer
- • 0.5 µL Forward oligonucleotide
- • 0.5 µL Reverse oligonucleotide
- • 0.125 µL of OneTaq Polymerase
3. Centrifuge with a table-top centrifuge for a few seconds if needed.
4. Distribute your PCR mix in your microtubes.
5. For each microtube, scratch one colony with a pipette tip, wipe it smoothly on a clean petri dish, and gently tap (20 times) the tip inside the microtube. Remember to keep one microtube for the negative control without matrix (DNA or colonies). For colony PCR keep one microtube for the positive control with 1 µL of DNA of interest not inserted in the bacterial cells.
Aim: The DpnI restriction enzyme cuts methylated DNA only. It is used to remove the remaining plasmid DNA template after a PCR: the plasmid DNA template will be cut but not the generated PCR amplicon.
- • 10X rCutSmart Buffer (New England BioLabs)
- • DpnI enzyme (NEB, ref: R0176S)
- • PCR product (amplified from a plasmid)
For 30 µL of PCR product:
- 1. Add 14.3 µL of Milli-Q water in an Eppendorf tube.
- 2. Add 5 µL of rCutSmart Buffer.
- 3. Add 0.7 µL of DpnI for a final volume of 50 µL.
- 4. Add 30 µL of the PCR product.
- 5. Incubate at 37°C for 30 minutes.
Aim: To purify the DNA directly.
- • NucleoSpin Gel and PCR Clean-up kit (50 preps), REF: 740609.50, MACHERY-NAGEL.
You can combine up the remaining PCR products in one tube.
- 1. If needed milli-Q water is added to obtain a volume between 50 µL and 100 µL, then 2 volumes of NTI for 1 volume of sample is added.
- 2. The contents are transferred to the kit columns.
- 3. Centrifuge at 13.000 xg for 1 minute and empty the flow-through. Place the column back into the tube.
- 4. Add 700 µL of NT3 Buffer to the column. Centrifuge at 13.000 xg for 1 minute and discard the flow-through.
- 5. Repeat step 4 once more.
- 6. Centrifuge for 1 minute at 13.000 xg to completely remove the remaining NT3 Buffer.
- 7. Place the column in a new 1.5 mL Eppendorf tube.
- 8. Add 30 µL of milli-Q water to the center of the cilica membrane without touching it or the edges.
- 9. Incubate the tube at room temperature for 3 minutes.
- 10. Centrifuge for 1 minute at 13.000 xg.
- Discard the column. The tubes are stored at -20°C.
Aim: Cut a piece of DNA into fragments to verify their size (fragment) or perform subsequent cloning steps.
- • Restriction enzyme (New England BioLabs)
- • Corresponding buffer (usually 10X rCutSmart Buffer, New England BioLabs, ref: B6004S)
- • Milli-Q Water
- • Template DNA (PCR product or purified plasmid)
- • Agarose gel (see agarose gel preparation protocol)
- • Size ladder (Quick-Load Purple 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder, New England BioLabs, ref: N0550S)
- • Gel loading dye, purple 6X (New England BioLabs, ref: B7024S)
- • Water bath
- 1. Add 2 μL of Enzyme Buffer.
- 2. Add a volume of DNA corresponding to 1 µg of DNA sample to the reaction solution.
- 3. Add Milli-Q water to obtain a reaction volume of 19 µL. Add 1 μL of the restriction enzyme.
- 4. Incubate 2 hours at 37°C.
- 5. Put the mix at -20°C to stop the reaction.
- 6. Deposit the samples on an agarose gel and perform an electrophoresis to separate the fragments.
- • Centrifuge
- • Plasmid extraction kit (Sigma-Aldrich, ref: PLN70-1KT)
- 1. Pellet cells from 1-5 mL overnight cultures for 1 minute (1 mL for cultures made in TB or 2xYT; 1-5 mL for LB medium).
- 2. Resuspend cells in 200 µL resuspension solution (contains RNase A). Pipette up and down or vortex.
- 3. Add 200 µL of Lysis Solution. Invert gently to mix. Do not vortex. Allow to clear for 5 minutes.
- 4. Add 350 µL of Neutralization Solution (S3). Invert 4-6 times to mix.
- 5. Pellet debris 10 minutes at maximum speed.
- 6. Add 500 µL Column Preparation Solution to the binding column in a collection tube.
- 7. Spin at 11.000 xg 1 minute. Then discard the flow-through.
- 8. Transfer cleared lysate into binding column.
- 9. Spin at 11.000 xg 1 minute. Then discard the flow-through.
- 10. Add 500 µL Wash Solution to the column. Spin at 11.000 xg 1 minute. Discard the flow-through.
- 11. Add 750 µL Wash Solution (contains Ethanol) to the column. Spin at 11.000 xg 1 minute. Then discard the flow-through.
- 12. Spin for 2 minutes at 11.000 xg to dry the column.
- 13. Transfer the column to a new collection tube.
- 14. Dry the column 3 minutes at room temperature.
- 15. Elute with 50 µL Milli-Q water and spin 1 minute at 11.000 xg to collect the elution solution.
Aim: To prepare an agarose gel for electrophoresis.
- • 50X TAE Buffer (Euromedex, Ref: EU0201-A)
- • Distilled Water
- • Agarose (Euromedex, Agarose Type D-5, Ref: D5-C)
- 1. Dilute 50X TAE with distilled water to obtain a 1X TAE solution.
- 2. Mix 0.5X TAE with the corresponding weight of agarose depending on the length of the DNA fragment to be migrated in a Schott flacon (see table below).
- 3. Heat it in the microwave until the agarose is completely dissolved.
- 4. Put the gel into a mold with a plate and place the appropriate comb, and let it solidify 15-20 minutes. For a later use, the agarose solution can either be stored at room temperature (NB: it will resolidify so repeat step 3) or at 50°C.
Average length DNA matrix | Percentage of agar | Weight of agarose for 100 mL 1X TAE |
4000 bp | 0.6 | 0.6 g |
1500 bp | 0.8 | 0.8 g |
800 bp | 1 | 1 g |
300 bp | 1.2 | 1.2 g |
Aim: Migrate different DNA fragments into an agarose gel to control their length.
I. 50X TAE Buffer preparation
Aim: Produce a 50X TAE stock solution.
- • EDTA disodium salt (372.24 g/mol)
- • Tris (121.14 g/mol)
- • Acetic Acid (60.05 g/mol)
- • Deionized water
Preparation of a 0.5 M EDTA stock solution
- 1. Dissolve 93.05 g of EDTA disodium salt into 400 mL deionized water and adjust the pH with solid sodium hydroxide (NaOH) plates (pH around 8).
- 2. Top up the solution with deionized water to a final volume of 500 mL.
Preparation of 50X TAE buffer
- 1. Dissolve 242 g of Tris-base in approximately 700 mL of deionized water.
- 2. Carefully add 57.1 mL of 100% acetic acid and 100 mL of 0.5 M EDTA (pH 8.0).
- 3. Adjust the volume to 1 L with deionized water (pH~8.5, not adjusted).
- 4. Store the stock solution at room temperature.
- 5. Dilute the 50X TAE solution to obtain a 1X TAE buffer.
II. DNA migration
- • Electrophoresis tank
- • Parafilm
- • Gel loading dye, purple 6X (New England BioLabs, ref: B7024S)
- • Size ladder (Quick-Load Purple 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder, New England BioLabs, ref: N0550S)
- • Sample (generally PCR or digested sample)
- • Agarose gel with 0.5X TAE
- 1. Place the agarose gel into the electrophoresis tank. Remove the comb.
- 2. Immerse the agarose gel using a 1X TAE solution.
- 3. On a piece of parafilm, lay 2 µL of gel Loading Dye and add 8 µL of the DNA sample.
- 4. Add the preparation (10 µl) into a well of the gel and repeat for each sample.
- 5. Add 4 µL of size ladder in the middle well.
- 6. Adjust the voltage to 100 V and let the migration occur for ~25 minutes.
- 1. Incubate the gel for 10 minutes in an ETB bath solution.*Be careful: ETB is carcinogenic. Make sure to follow the appropriate security procedures.
- 2. Rinse the gel once in deionized water.
- 3. Place the gel under a UV machine to visualize DNA fragments.
Aim: Extract DNA from the agarose gel after an electrophoretic separation.
- • UV bench
- • Scalpel
- • 15 mL Falcon tube
- • NucleoSpin Gel and PCR Clean-up Kit (Macherey-Nagel, ref: 740609.50)
For 30 µL of PCR product:
- 1. Take a clean scalpel to excise the DNA fragment from the agarose gel. Place the fragment into a pre-weighted 1.5 mL Eppendorf tube.
- 2. Determine the weight of the gel slice.
- 3. Add 200 µL of Buffer NTI solution per 100 mg of gel.
- 4. Incubate the tube at 50°C for 5-10 minutes and vortex briefly until the gel is completely dissolved.
- 5. Place a NucleoSpin Gel and PCR Clean-up Column into a Collection tube and load up to 700 µL of sample directly into the column.
- 6. Centrifuge using a bench top centrifuge at max speed for 1 minute. Discard the flow-through and place the column back into a collection tube. Load the remaining sample if necessary.
- 7. Add 700 µL of Buffer NT3 to the column and centrifuge at max speed for 1 minute. Discard the flow-through. Note: Make sure that 100% ethanol has been added to the Buffer NT4 stock solution before using it.
- 8. Centrifuge for 1 minute at speed max to remove Buffer NT3 completely from the column.
- 9. Place the column into a new 1.5 mL microtube.
- 10. Add 30 µL Milli-Q water and incubate at room temperature for 3 minutes.
- 11. Centrifuge 1 minute at speed max.
- 12. Discard the column. DNA is in the flow through.
- 13. To measure the concentration of DNA in the solution and check the purity, use a Nanodrop.
- 14. The tubes can be stored at -20°C.
This In-Fusion protocol is based on Takara's In-Fusion® Snap Assembly Multiple-Insert Cloning Protocol-At-A-Glance, follow the above link for more information.
Aim: Achieve cloning by annealing of complementary ends of a cloning insert and a linearized cloning vector.
- • Linearized vector
- • DNA fragment to be cloned
- • 5X In-Fusion Snap Assembly Master Mix
- • Linearized pUC19 Control Vector (50 ng/μL)
- • 2 kb Control Insert (40 ng/μL)
- • Ampicillin
- • The antibiotic corresponding to your vector’s antibiotic resistance
- • LB medium (pH = 7.0)
- • LB/antibiotic plates
- • SOC medium
1. Plan the In-Fusion cloning reaction. Good cloning efficiency is achieved when using 200 ng DNA total (combined amounts of vector and inserts) in a 10 μL reaction. More is not better. Use the table below for reaction recommendations:
Reaction component | Cloning reaction | Negative control reaction | Positive control reaction |
Purified PCR fragment | 10-200 ng | - | 2 µL of 2 kb control insert |
Linearized vector | 50-200 ng | 1 µL | 2 µL |
5X In-Fusion Snap Assembly Master Mix | 2 µL | 2 µL | 2 µL |
Deionized Water | to 10 µL | to 10 µL | to 10 µL |
Molar Ratio Recommendations
Generally, the molar ratio of each of the multiple inserts should be 2:1 with regard to the linearized vector, i.e., two moles of each insert for each mole of linearized vector. The molar ratio of two inserts with one vector should be 2:2:1.
NOTE: A molar ratio calculator is included in the Takara online cloning tools. The tool currently supports cloning reactions with up to five inserts:
2. Set up the In-Fusion cloning reaction by combining the required elements, using the volumes calculated before:
2 µL | 5X In-Fusion Snap Assembly Master Mix |
x µL* | Linearized vector |
x µL* | Purified PCR insert |
x µL* | Purified PCR insert |
x µL | dH2O (as needed) |
10 µL | Total volume |
*For reactions with larger combined volumes of vector and PCR insert (>7 µL of vector+insert), double the amount of enzyme premix, and add dH2O for a total volume of 20 µL.
Adjust the total reaction volume to 10 µL using deionized H2O, and mix.
- 3. Incubate the reaction for 15 minutes at 50°C, then place on ice.
- 4. You can store the cloning reactions at –20°C until you are ready. Continue by transforming 2 µL of the In-Fusion reaction into 50 µL chemically competent E. coli cells.
Aim: Transform competent E. coli cells. The protocols for 3 commercially available strains are described (Stellar, XL1-Blue, and TOP10).
- • Competent cells
- • Plasmids
- • SOC (for stellar transformation)
- • Autoclaved LB medium (for tuner transformation)
- • Autoclaved LB agar + ampicillin medium on sterile Petri dishes
- • Water bath
- • Incubator
- • Glass beads
Transformation of E. coli Stellar™ Competent Cells
This protocol is inspired by the protocol Stellar™ Competent Cells Protocol PT5055-2, Clonetech, Takarabio.
Manipulate in a Biological Safety Cabinet.
- 1. Thaw Stellar Competent Cells in an ice bath just before use.
- 2. After thawing, mix gently to ensure even distribution, and then move 50 μL of competent cells into a 1.5 mL Eppendorf instead. Do not vortex.
- 3. Add 2.5 μL of the In-Fusion cloning reaction to the competent cells (suggestion: add all the infusion cloning reactions).
- 4. Place the tubes on ice for 30 minutes.
- 5. Heat shock the cells for exactly 45 seconds at 42°C.
- 6. Place the tubes on ice for 1–2 minutes.
- 7. Add SOC medium to bring the final volume to 500 μL. SOC medium should be pre-warmed to 37°C before use.
- 8. Incubate by shaking (160–225 rpm) for 1 hour at 37°C.
- 9. Plate 100 µL of each tube on LB agar + antibiotic solid media.
- 10. Centrifuge the remaining cells for 3 minutes at 4.000 xg.
- 11. Discard 350 µL of the supernatant.
- 12. Resuspend the cells in the 50 µL left media.
- 13. Plate these 50 µL on LB agar + antibiotic solid media.
- 14. Incubate overnight at 37°C.
Transformation of E.coli XL1-Blue or TOP-10
- 1. Add 50 µL of cells to a mix containing plasmidic DNA, mix that should not exceed a volume of 10 µL.
Note: Whether you transform an In-Fusion product, a plasmid from minipreps or milliQ water for control, the volume of the solution should always be taken to 10 µL adding milli Q water before performing the transformation. - 2. Let the tubes rest on ice for 10 minutes.
- 3. Add 250 µL of LB medium to each tube.
- 4. Process to the phenotypic expression: incubate for 1 hour at 37°C under agitation at 180 rpm (or at least 15 minutes if the antibiotic for selection is ampicillin).
- 5. Plate 300 µL of each tube on LB agar + antibiotics solid media.
- 6. Incubate overnight at 37°C.
- • INFORS HT Multitron Standard (AG CH-4103 Bottmingen)
- • Biosafety Cabinet (BSC)
- • Colonies from an agar plate (or from a glycerol stock)
- • LB medium
- • 50 mL Falcon tubes
- • Antibiotic of interest
- 1. Under the BSC, add 10 mL of LB medium in a Falcon tube.
- 2. Add antibiotics to get a final concentration of X μg/mL in the falcon (see table below).
- 3. With an inoculation loop, select one colony from the petri dish (or scratch the surface of the glycerol stock with a toothpick).
- 4. Mix sharply the medium with the loop (or break the toothpick to retrieve the side touched by the glove).
- 5. Close the falcon cap tightly, then open it by a quarter turn, and tape the lid and the falcon together to secure the lid.
- 6. Put the falcon tubes into the incubator agitator for the night at 37°C, agitation 180 rpm.
*X is determined according to the antibiotic
Antibiotic | [Stock solution] | [X in the final medium] |
Ampicillin | 100 mg/mL | 50 µL/mL |
Spectinomycin | 100 mg/mL | 50 µL/mL |
Kanamycin | 50 mg/mL | 50 µL/mL |
Chloramphenicol | 50 mg/mL | 50 µL/mL |
Aim: After a transformation, to better isolate colonies before PCR Screening.
- • Incubator
- • Biosafety cabinet
- • New agar plate with appropriate antibiotics
- • Agar plate with transformed clones
- 1. Divide the empty agar plate into 8 triangles.
- 2. With a cone, pick up a colony from the transformation plate and spread it tightly over the top of one of the triangles (from the edge of the petri dish).
- 3. Halfway through, change the cone, go over the last strokes and continue spreading.
- 5. Repeat the procedure for each triangle, with a new colony every time.
- 6. Incubate the agar plate at 37°C for a day.
Depending on to the goal of our experiments, either a commercial gel either a SDS-page gel was used.
- • TGS running Buffer (Tris 25 mM. Glycine 200 mM. SDS 0.1%)
- • 40% acrylamid (euromedex EU0062-B)
- • 1 M Tris-Hcl pH 8.8
- • 1 M Tris-Hcl pH 6.8
- • 10% SDS (Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate)
- • 10% Ammonium persulfate (APS)
- • TEMED (tetramethylethylenediamine)
- • Electrophoresis components
- • 4X Nude PAGE LDS Sample Buffer Thermo Fisher Scientific
- • Bio-rad T100 Thermal Cycler
- • SDS-page ladder: PageRuler™ Prestained Protein Ladder, Thermo Scientific
- • SDS-page kit: SE250 Mighty Small II Mini Vertical Protein Electrophoresis Unit
- • Commercial kit ladder: Precision Plus Protein™ Unstained Protein Standards, Bio-Rad
- • Commercial kit: Bio-Rad MINI-protean Tetra-Cell, 2-Gel system
- • Generator: Biorad PowerPac™ HC
I. SDS-page Gel preparation
• Stacking gel: prepare 4 mL of 5% polyacrylamide
Composant | Volume |
ddH20 | 2.87 ml |
40% acrylamide mix | 0.5 ml |
1.0 M Tris pH 6.8 | 0.5 ml |
10% SDS | 0.04 ml |
10% ammonium persulfate (freshly prepared) | 0.04 ml |
TEMED | 0.004 ml |
• Separation gel: prepare 10 ml of 10% polyacrylamide
Composant | Volume |
ddH20 | 4.9 ml |
40% acrylamide mix | 2.475 ml |
1.0 M Tris pH 8.8 | 2.5 ml |
10% SDS | 0.1 ml |
10% ammonium persulfate (freshly prepared) | 0.1 ml |
TEMED | 0.004 ml |
II. SDS-PAGE revelation
- 1. 3 µL of 4X Nude page LDS Sample Buffer were added into 10 µL of each of the saved samples.
- 2. 4 µL of protein ladder was added:
- • SDS-page gel: PageRuler™ Prestained Protein Ladder, Thermo Scientific for SDS
- • Commercial gel: Precision Plus Protein™ Unstained Protein Standards, Bio-Rad
- 3. Samples were heated at 95°C for 5 minutes, and then loaded into the wells of the SDS-PAGE gel/strain free commercial gel.
- 4. TGS running buffer was finally added before the run (generator: 200 V).
- 5. Revelation:
- • Coomassie Blue for SDS-page gel: all proteins are revealed.
- • Stain free for commercial gel: all proteins with tryptophan are revealed.
- • GreenLys: all proteins who have incorporated GreenLys during their synthesis are revealed by a reading at 488 nm.
I. Protein expression
- • LB medium
- • Ampicilline 100 mg/mL
- • E.coli BL21 (DE3)
- • IPTG 1 M
- • Resuspension buffer (20 mM NaH2PO4 H2O, 500 mM NaCl + 1mM PMSF + 10% (v/v) glycerol + 20 mM imidazole - pH 7.4)
- • VWR Water Bath
- • V-1200 spectrophotometer UVisco
- • Centrifuge SIGMA 3-18KS
- • INFORS HT Multitron Standard (AG CH-4103 Bottmingen)
1. E.coli BL21 (DE3) was transformed with the plasmid containing DhdR gene. See the transformation protocol above.
2. In a 250 mL flask, 50 mL of LB medium were poured and supplemented with 25 µL of Ampicillin (final concentration 50 µg/mL). Culture media was inoculated with 500 µL of an overnight culture.
3. Cells were grown at 37°C 120 rpm until OD600 reached 0.5-0.6.
4. Culture media was cooled down at 16°C and protein expression was induced by addition of 500 µL of IPTG (final concentration 1 mM) at 16°C overnight.
5. Culture was stopped by centrifugation (4.000 g for 20 minutes) at 4°C.
6. The pellet was resuspended in 10 mL of resuspension buffer and then stored at -20°C, protected from sunlight.
II. Protein purification, dialysis and revelation
- • VWR Water Bath
- • Refrigerated Microfuge SIGMA 1-14K
- • Bio-rad T100 Thermal Cycler
- • Fisherbrand™ Model 505 Sonic Dismembrator
- • [Clontech] TALON® Metal Affinity Resin
- • Purification column
- • Dialysis tube
- • Pliers
- • Equilibration buffer: 20mM NaH2PO4 H2O, 500 mM NaCl + 20 mM imidazole (pH to 7.4)
- • Elution buffers: 20mM NaH2PO4 H2O, 500 mM NaCl + (20mM, 50 mM, 100 mM, 250 mM and 500 mM imidazole, depending on the fraction) (pH to 7.4)
- • Dialysis buffer: 50mM NaH2PO4 H2O and 150 mM NaCl (pH to 7.2)
- • 4 X Nude page LDS Sample Buffer Thermo Fisher Scientific
- • Gel and electrophoresis components
1. Resuspended cells were lysed by sonication during 1 minute at 25% power.
2. Cell free extract (CFE) was recovered by centrifugation at 13.300 g for 20 min at 4°C and stored on ice.
3. A 20mL purification column was filled by decantation with 2 ml of 50 % TALON® Metal Affinity Resin and extensively washed with 5 CV of MilliQ water.
4. 10 CV of equilibration buffer was added.
5. The CFE was poured by decantation, mixed gently to the resin and placed at 4°C for 10 minutes.
6. Unbounding fraction was eluted using 5 CV of equilibration buffer 3 times.
7. Protein of interest was eluted using 3 CV of elution buffer supplemented with increasing concentration of imidazole.
8. Presence of pure protein in different fractions was assessed by SDS-PAGE. Cf SDS-PAGE Gel migration protocol with 13% acrylamide.
9. Pure fractions were pooled and extensively dialysed in the dialysis buffer. Dialysed proteins have been used in the PURE system.
10. Cobalt resin was regenerated using 2 CV of 500 mM imidazole ; 5 CV of MilliQ water ; then with 1 CV of MES (20 mM, pH =5) ; 5 CV of MilliQ water and finally stored with 1 CV of 20% ethanol.
I. Protein expression
- • E. coli BL21 cells VHH anti-HER2
- • LB medium
- • Kanamycin 50 mg/mL
- • IPTG 1 M
- • INFORS HT (AG CH-4103 Bottmingen)
- • Spectrophotometer Jenway 7205
1. Inoculation of the E. coli BL21 cells VHH anti-HER2 from glycerol stock. Cf Inoculation Protocol.
2. In a 250 mL flask, 50 mL of LB medium were poured and supplemented with Kanamycin at a final concentration of 50 µg/mL. Culture media was inoculated with 500 µL of an overnight pre-culture and Cells were grown at 37°C 150 rpm until OD600 reached 0.5-0.6.
3. AtOD600≈ 0,5-0,6, the erlenmeyer was retrieved and cooled down iced water tank shaking continuously. When the temperature of 20°C is reached, the culture is incubated at 18°C, 150 rpm until OD600≈ 0,8-1, and the protein expression is induced by the addition of IPTG at a final concentration of 1 mM.
4. The culture was incubated at 18°C, 150 rpm for 20 hours.
II. Protein extraction
- • TSE Buffer: 200 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8, 500 mM sucrose, 1 mM EDTA
- • Binding buffer: 50 mM sodium phosphate, 300 mM NaCl, pH 7.4
- • Slide-A-Lyzer™ MINI dialysis devices (3.5 k molecule retention threshold)
- • Centrifuge SIGMA 3-18KS
1. The culture was harvested at 8.000 xg, 4°C, for 20 minutes and the supernatant pulled off.
2. The cell pellet was resuspended in 3 mL of buffer TSE buffer per gram of cells.
3. The resuspended cells were incubated at room temperature for 10 minutes.
4. The cells were cold-shocked by adding 3 mL of ice-cold sterile MQ water per gram of cells.
5. The suspension was incubated on ice for 10 minutes.
6. The cells free extract (FCE) was recovered by spinning down at 8.000 xg, 4°C, for 20 minutes.
7. CFE was buffer exchanged by extensive Dialysis on binding buffer, following the fabricant protocol.
III. Protein purification
- • Dialysed CFE
- • [Clontech] TALON® Metal Affinity Resin
- • Purification column
- • Binding buffer: 50 mM sodium phosphate, 300 mM NaCl, pH 7,4; 4°C
- • Washing buffer: 50 mM sodium phosphate, 300 mM NaCl, 5 mM imidazole, pH 7,4; 4°C
- • Elution buffers: 50mM sodium phosphate, 300 mM NaCl + (10mM, 20mM, 200mM, 250 mM imidazole), pH 7,4; 4°C
- • Recuperation buffer (PBS): 50 mM sodium phosphate; 4°C
- • Slide-A-Lyzer™ MINI dialysis devices (3.5 k molecule retention threshold)
- • 4X Nude page LDS Sample Buffer Thermo Fisher Scientific
- • Gel and electrophoresis components
1. A 20 mL purification column was filled by decantation with 2 mL of 50% TALON® Metal Affinity Resin extensively washed with 5 CV of MilliQ water.
2. The resin was equilibrated with 10 CV of binding buffer.
3. CFE was poured by decantation.
4. Unbounding fraction was eluted using 5 CV of washing buffer three times.
5. Protein of interest was eluted using 3 CV of elution buffer supplemented with increasing concentration of imidazole.
6. Presence of pure protein in the different elution fractions was assessed by SDS-PAGE at 15% acrylamide.
7. Pure fractions were pooled and extensively dialysed on a recuperation buffer (PBS).
8. Fractions were conserved at -80°C after a nitrogen bath.
9. Cobalt resin was regenerated using 2 CV of 500 mM imidazole ; 5 CV of MilliQ water ; then with 1 CV of MES (20 mM, pH =5) ; 5 CV of MilliQ water and finally stored with 1 CV of 20% ethanol.
I. In vitro protein synthesis with PUREfrex2.0
- • Solution I (amino acids, NTPs, tRNAs and substrates for enzymes etc...) (GeneFrontier PF201-0.25-EX). Storage at -80°C.
- • Solution II (Proteins in 30% glycerol buffer) (GeneFrontier PF201-0.25-EX). Storage at -80°C.
- • Solution III (Ribosome) (GeneFrontier PF201-0.25-EX). Storage at -80°C.
- • FluoroTect GreenLys solution (Promega L5001)
- • SP6 RNA Polymerase with its dilution buffer (Sigma-Aldrich 10810274001)
- • RNase A (Sigma R6148-25 mL)
- • DHFR DNA (GeneFrontier PF201-0.25-EX): 20 ng/µL.
- • SUPERase (Invitrogen AM2694 Thermo fisher scientific): 20 U/µL.
- • PCR machine (Bio-rad T100 Thermal Cycler)
- 1. The following reaction mixture was prepared in Eppendorf tubes to synthesize proteins in 20 μL:
Sample of interest Positive control Negative control Nuclease-free water 7-X µL 6 µL 6.5 µL Solution I * 10 µL 10 µL 10 µL Solution II * 1 µL 1 µL 1 µL Solution III * 2 µL 2 µL 2 µL GreenLys (only for co-translational labeling) 0.5 µL 0.5 µL 0.5 µL DNA (1-3 ng/µL per 1 kb) X µL (0.5 to 3 ng/μL per 1 kbp) 0.5 µL (present in the kit) / Total 20 µL
Note: The experiments were conducted with 5 nM of DNA. When adding other components (e.g., 2-HG, DhdR, Tegafur), the volume of water was adjusted accordingly, or the same volume of the vehicle solution was added as a control. - 2. When needed, 1 µL of SP6 RNA polymerase was added and the volume of water was adjusted accordingly.
- 3. Proteins of interest were synthesized by incubating the tubes for 4 to 6 hours at 37°C (check the optimal temperature for your protein).
- 4. The pre-run solution was incubated for 15 minutes at 37ºC with 0.5 µL of RNase A at 20 mg/ml to digest unreacted FluoroTect GreenLys.
- 5. 5 µL of reaction mix was transferred into an Eppendorf tube.
- 6. An equal volume of water and Sample Buffer was added to the reaction mixture, which was then heated for 3 minutes at 95°C for protein denaturation.
- 7. 15 μL of each sample was run on an SDS-PAGE gel for protein analysis. (cf Protein electrophoresis).
- 8. A Coomassie Blue stain was used to visualize the total protein content. In addition, the gel was imaged with a fluorescence gel imager at 488 nm excitation wavelength to visualize GreenLys-labeled proteins.
II. In vitro protein synthesis with PUREfrex2.1
- • Solution I (amino acids, NTPs, tRNAs and substrates for enzymes etc...) (GeneFrontier PF213-0.25-EX). Storage at -80°C.
- • Solution II (Proteins in 30% glycerol buffer) (GeneFrontier PF213-0.25-EX). Storage at -80°C.
- • Solution III (Ribosome) (GeneFrontier PF213-0.25-EX). Storage at -80°C.
- • FluoroTect GreenLys solution (Promega L5001)
- • RNase A (Sigma R6148-25 mL)
- • Cysteine (GeneFrontier PF213-0.25-EX).
- • GSH (GeneFrontier PF213-0.25-EX).
- • GSSG (GeneFrontier PF213-0.25-EX).
- • DsbC with its dilution buffer: DsbC must be diluted from 320 µM to 80 µM (GeneFrontier PF213-0.25-EX).
- • DTT (GeneFrontier PF213-0.25-EX).
- • DHFR DNA (GeneFrontier PF201-0.25-EX): 20 ng/µL
- • SUPERase (Invitrogen AM2694 Thermo fisher scientific): 20U/µL
- • PCR machine (Bio-rad T100 Thermal Cycler)
- • Heat bath
- 1. The reaction mixture was assembled in an Eppendorf tube as follows:
Sample of interest Positive control Negative control Nuclease-free water 20-X 3.25 µL 3.75 µL Solution I 8 µL 8 µL 8 µL Solution II 1 µL 1 µL 1 µL Solution III 2 µL 2 µL 2 µL Cysteine 1 µL 1 µL 1 µL GSH 1 µL 1 µL 1 µL GSSG 1 µL 1 µL 1 µL DTT 1 µL 1 µL 1 µL DsbC (diluted) 1 µL 1 µL 1 µL GreenLys (only for co-translational labeling) 0.5 µL 0.5 µL 0.5 µL SUPERase 0.75 µL 0.75 µL 0.75 µL DNA (1-3 ng/µL per 1 kb) X 0.5 µL (present in the kit) / Total 20 µL
Note: The experiments were conducted with 5 nM of DNA. When adding other components (e.g., 2-HG, DhdR, Tegafur), the volume of water was adjusted accordingly, or the same volume of the vehicle solution was added as a control. - 2. When needed, 1 µL of SP6 RNA polymerase was added and the volume of water was adjusted accordingly.
- 3. Proteins of interest were synthesized by incubating the tubes for 4 to 6 hours at 37°C (check the optimal temperature for your protein).
- 4. The pre-run solution was incubated for 15 minutes at 37ºC with 0.5 µL of RNase A at 20 mg/ml to digest unreacted FluoroTect GreenLys.
- 5. 5 µL of reaction mix was transferred into an Eppendorf tube.
- 6. An equal volume of water and Sample Buffer was added to the reaction mixture, which was then heated for 3 minutes at 95°C.
- 7. 15 μL of each sample was run on an SDS-PAGE gel for protein analysis. cf protein electrophoresis protocol.
- 8. A Coomassie Blue stain was used to visualize the total protein content. In addition, the gel was imaged with a fluorescence gel imager at 488 nm excitation wavelength to visualize GreenLys-labeled proteins.
III. In vitro proteins synthesis with PUREfrex2.1 custom kit
- • Solution I (amino acids, NTPs, tRNAs and substrates for enzymes etc...) (GeneFrontier PFC-Z117-1-EX). Storage at -80°C.
- • Solution II (Proteins in 30% glycerol buffer) (GeneFrontier PFC-Z117-1-EX). Storage at -80°C.
- • Solution III (Ribosome) (GeneFrontier PFC-Z117-1-EX). Storage at -80°C.
- • T7 RNAP with its dilution buffer; T7 RNAP must be diluted to 20μL/mL of buffer (Gene Frontier PFC-Z117-1-EX). Storage at -80°C.
- • SP6 RNA Polymerase with its dilution buffer (Sigma-Aldrich 10810274001)
- • FluoroTect GreenLys solution (Promega L5001)
- • RNase A (Sigma R6148-25 mL)
- • Cysteine (GeneFrontier PFC-Z117-1-EX).
- • GSH (GeneFrontier PFC-Z117-1-EX).
- • GSSG (GeneFrontier PF005-0.5-EX).
- • DsbC with its dilution buffer: DsbC must be diluted from 320 µM to 80 µM (GeneFrontier PF005-0.5-EX).
- • DTT (GeneFrontier PFC-Z117-1-EX).
- • DHFR DNA (GeneFrontier PFC-Z117-1-EX): 20 ng/µL
- • SUPERase (Invitrogen AM2694 Thermo fisher scientific): 20 U/µL
- • GroE mix with its dilution buffer : 2-fold dilution necessary (GeneFrontier PF004-0.5-EX)
- • PCR machine (Bio-rad T100 Thermal Cycler)
- • Heat bath.
- 1. The reaction mixture was assembled in an Eppendorf tube as described above in II.In vitro proteins synthesis with PUREfrex2.1.
- *Note: The experiments were conducted with 10 nM of DNA.
- 2. When needed, 1 µL of SP6 RNAP was added to the reaction mix.
- 3. When needed, 1 µL of T7 RNAP was added to the reaction mix.
- 4. When needed, 1 µL of GroE mix was added to the reaction mix.
- Note: If more components were added, the volume of water was adjusted accordingly, or the same volume of the vehicle solution was added as a control.
- 5. Proteins of interest were synthesized by incubating the tubes for 4 to 6 hours at 37°C (check the optimal temperature for your protein).
- 6. The pre-run solution was incubated for 15 minutes at 37ºC with 0.5 µL of RNase A at 20 mg/ml to digest unreacted FluoroTect GreenLys.
- 7. 5 µL of reaction mix was transferred into an Eppendorf tube.
- 8. An equal volume of water and Sample Buffer was added to the reaction mixture, which was then heated for 3 minutes at 95°C.
- 9. 15 μL of each sample was run on an SDS-PAGE gel for protein analysis. cf protein electrophoresis.
- 10. A Coomassie Blue stain was used to visualize the total protein content. In addition, the gel was imaged with a fluorescence gel imager at 488 nm excitation wavelength to visualize GreenLys-labeled proteins.
- Spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific Varioskan lux)
- PURE system samples
- Black 384-well microplate (Corning Product Number 3658)
- 1. 15 µL of each sample was added in a well of the microplate.
- 2. The excitation wavelength was set to 488 nm. Emission signal was measured at a wavelength of 510 nm.
- • Incubator at 37°C, 5% CO2 (Binder C150)
- • Biology safety cabinet (Faster Ultrasafe)
- • Water bath (Bioblock Scientific, Polystat 86602)
- • Inverted microscope (Nikon Eclipse TS100)
- • Petri Dishes
- • Culture medium: Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (SIGMA: D0819-500ML) + Foetal Bovine Serum (SIGMA: F7524-500ML) + MEM Non-Essential Amino Acid solution (SIGMA: M7145-100mL) + Penicillin Streptomycin (GIBCO: 15140-122)
Procedure for thawing
Aim: To put frozen cells back into culture.
1. Pour 8 mL of 37°C heated medium in a Petri Dish.
2. Quickly heat up the ampoule containing the cells at 37°C until the ice is gone.
3. Add the entire contents of the ampoule in the Petri Dish and gently mix.
4. Check the density of cells under the microscope.
5. Incubate at 37°C and 5% CO2.
Procedure for medium change
Aim: To replace the previous medium by a fresh medium to ensure continuous growth. Medium should be changed every two days.
1. Aspirate the previous medium and pour 10 mL of a fresh 37°C heated medium.
2. Gently mix.
3. Check the appearance of cells under the microscope.
5. Incubate at 37°C and 5% CO2.
When the cells have reached confluence (i.e. they cover the entire flask), the passage allows a certain quantity of cells to be transferred to a new flask with fresh medium to ensure a continuous growth.
- • Incubator at 37°C, 5% CO2 (Binder C150)
- • Biology safety cabinet (Faster Ultrasafe)
- • Water bath (Bioblock Scientific, Polystat 86602)
- • Inverted microscope (Nikon Eclipse TS100)
- • Malassez cell
- • Flasks T25
- • Culture medium: Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (SIGMA: D0819-500ML) + Foetal Bovine Serum (SIGMA: F7524-500ML) + MEM Non-Essential Amino Acid solution (SIGMA: M7145-100mL) + Penicillin Streptomycin (GIBCO: 15140-122)
- • Phosphate-Buffered Saline (SIGMA, ref: 806552-1L)
- • 15 mL Falcon
1. Heat up the medium, PBS and Trypsin at 37°C.
2. Check the confluence with the microscope. The passage should be done when reaching 70-80%.
3. Withdraw the medium from the flask.
4. Wash with 5 mL of PBS, then withdraw the PBS.
5. Add 1 mL of Trypsin - EDTA to the empty flask.
6. Incubate 3 minutes at 37°C and 5% CO2.
7. Once the cells are detached, add 2 mL of DMEM to inhibit the trypsin. Perform up and down 2/3 times and withdraw everything to transfer it into a 15 mL Falcon. Pipette from the sides as the cells gather to the edge with the trypsin.
8. Centrifuge 10 minutes at 1.200 rpm.
9. Withdraw the supernatant and solubilize cells in 5 mL of medium. This step removes trypsin from the sample.
10. Rapidly, add 20 µL of the cell solution to the Malassez cell and count the number of cells into that volume.
11. Determine the volume necessary Vfalcon to add 750.000 cells into the new T25.
12. Add V = 5 mL - Vfalcon of DMEM in the T25.
13. Gently resuspend the cells as they sediment fastly in the new flask, and add Vfalcon of the cell solution in the T25.
14. Put the flask into the incubator until they reach 70-80% of confluence again.
15. After each passage, the medium should be changed regularly (every 2-3 days).
The aim is to count the number of cells that have been recovered from the confluent dish, and determine the volume to inoculate the next dish.
- • Inverted microscope (Nikon Eclipse TS100)
- • Malassez cell
- • Culture medium containing cells from flask
1. Introduce 20 µL of sample between slide and cell coverslip and observe the grid using the microscope.
2. To be consistent, count in 10 different squares all over the grid and determine the average number of cells per square.
3. Given that each square has a volume of 1/100 mm3, determine the number of cells per unit volume.
4. Determine the quantity of cells in the complete sample (several mL).
5. Determine the quantity of sample to be taken to obtain the desired quantity of cells in the new flask.

It is a rapid colorimetric assay based on the cleavage of the tetrazolium ring of MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthazolk-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) by dehydrogenases in active mitochondria of living cells, to estimate the number of viable cells.
- • Incubator at 37°C, 5% CO2 (Binder C150)
- • Biology safety cabinet (Faster Ultrasafe)
- • Water bath (Bioblock Scientific, Polystat 86602)
- • Inverted microscope (Nikon Eclipse TS100)
- • Spectrophotometer (Varioskan Lux, thermoscientific)
- • Culture medium: Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (SIGMA: D0819-500ML) + Foetal Bovine Serum (SIGMA: F7524-500ML) + MEM Non-Essential Amino Acid solution (SIGMA: M7145-100mL) + Penicillin Streptomycin (GIBCO: 15140-122)
- • MTT kit (Biotium, Cat No: 30006)
- • DMSO
1. Place 10.000 cells in 0.1 mL of medium in each well of a 96-well plate and incubate for 48 hours at 37°C.
2. Discard the supernatant and add 0.1 mL of medium containing 5-FU in each well in duplicate.
3. Incubate for 48 hours at 37°C.
4. Discard drug solution and add 0.1 mL of clean medium in each well.
5. Add 10 μM of MTT solution in each well and mix gently by tapping the side of the plate.
6. Incubate for 4 hours at 37°C.
7. Add 200 μL of DMSO in each well and mix by pipetting up and down.
8. Measure the absorbance with a spectrophotometer at 570 nm. Measure background absorbance at 630 nm and subtract it to normalize every value.
A calibration curve is necessary for the MTT assay.
9. The day of the assay, add in a 96-well plate 0.1 mL of medium in each well containing a known concentration of cells (for example, 1.000, 10.000, 40.000…). For each concentration, do not forget to duplicate.
10. Repeat from step 5 for the calibration curve.
- • DOPC (Avanti Polar Lipids 850375C-25MG)
- • DOPG (Avanti Polar Lipids 840475C-25MG)
- • PEG-Biotin (Avanti Polar Lipids 880129P-10MG)
- • PE-TopFluor594(Avanti Polar Lipids 810387C-250UG)
- • DSPE-PEG Folate (Avanti Polar Lipids 880123X-500UG)
- • DGS-NTA (Ni) (Avanti Polar Lipids 790404C-5MG)
- • Chloroform
- • Glass beads, acid-washed 212-300µm, Sigma-Aldrich
- • PUREfrex solutions (20 µL)
- • DNase I (New England Biolabs M0303S): 2000 U/mL
- • Rotavapor (HiVap Heidolph)
- • Dessicator
- • Hamilton syringes
- • Zeiss Axio Observer with a camera ANDOR (Zyla sCMOS) and a HXP 120V lamp with appropriate filter cubes for our fluorescent dyes.
- • Celldiscoverer 7 Zeiss: 20x air objective with extra 2x magnification, appropriate wavelengths and filters for Topfluor594 and GFP. Measurements were performed at the photonic platform LITC at CBI (Centre de Biologie Intégrative, Toulouse).
- • Nikon Eclipse Ti: measurements were performed at the photonic platform LITC at CBI (Centre de Biologie Intégrative, Toulouse).
Preparation of lipid-coated beads:
- 1. For liposomes decorated with anti-HER2 nanobodies (anti-HER2 nb) and folate: a mixture of DOPC (77% molar), DOPG (19.5% molar), PEG-biotin (0.5% molar), Topfluor594 (0.1% molar), DSPE-PEG Folate (0.1% molar) and DGS-NTA(Ni) (2% molar) lipids, all dissolved in chloroform, was prepared in a round-bottom flask to obtain a total mass of 5 mg.
For “standard” liposomes: a mixture of DOPC (80% molar), DOPG (20% molar), PEG-biotin (0.5% molar) and Topfluor (0.1% molar), all dissolved in chloroform, was prepared in a round-bottom flask to obtain 5 mg/mL of lipids.
*Note: The Hamilton syringes were washed several times with chloroform between each sample. - 2. 2.4 g of glass beads was poured into the lipid mixture.
- 3. The solution was subjected to 3-4 hours of rotary evaporation at room temperature at 300 mbar, followed by 2 hours of rotary evaporation at 20 mbar.
- 4. The solution was stored under argon at -20°C.
Liposome formation: Swelling of the lipid film by gentle rehydration with the PURE system solution:
- 1. A 20 μL PUREfrex2.0/2.1 reaction solution was assembled. cf PURE system protocol.
- 2. To the well-mixed reaction, 10 mg of lipid-coated beads freshly pre-dessicated for at least 30 minutes were added.
- 3. The 1.5 mL Eppendorf tube containing the bead-PUREfrex mixture was incubated at 4°C for about 1 hour. The tube was gently rolled in the hand a few times during incubation for uniform liposome swelling.
- 4. The mixtures were then subjected to four freeze/thaw cycles (5 seconds in liquid nitrogen followed by 6 minutes on ice).
- 5. From this step onward, the liposome suspension was handled gently and only with cut pipette tips to prevent liposome breakage.
- 6. Finally, 10 μL of supernatant liposome suspension was transferred to a PCR tube, where it was mixed with 0.5 units of DNase I (NEB) to avoid expression outside liposomes.
- 7. The reaction solution was incubated at 37°C in a thermocycler for 4 hours.
- 8. Extra step for anti-HER2 nb liposomes: 10 µL of liposomes were mixed with 50 µL of anti-HER2 nb (stock at 17 µM) and incubated for 30 minutes at 37°C in an Eppendorf tube.
The protocol was modified from Step 7 when anti-HER2 nb-coated liposomes were injected on top of cancer cells:
- 7. 10 µL of liposomes were mixed with 50 µL of anti-HER2 nb (stock at 17 µM) for 30 minutes, at 37°C in an Eppendorf tube.
- 8. The medium of the 9-cm² petri dish containing Caco-2 cells at the optimal density was removed.
- 9. 1 mL of culture medium (Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (SIGMA: D0819-500ML) supplemented with Foetal Bovine Serum (SIGMA: F7524-500ML), MEM Non-Essential Amino Acid solution (SIGMA: M7145-100mL), and Penicillin Streptomycin (GIBCO: 15140-122)) was added to the solution containing liposomes and nanobodies.
- 10. The growth medium was added on Caco-2 cells and incubated for 4-6 hours at 37°C.
Imaging PURE system-containing liposomes and cultured cancer cells by optical microscopy
- Celldiscoverer 7 Zeiss: Samples were mounted on an environmental chamber set to 37°C with CO2. A 20x air objective with an extra 2x magnification, appropriate excitation wavelengths and filters for Topfluor594 and GFP were used. Measurements were performed at the photonic platform LITC at CBI (Centre de Biologie Intégrative, Toulouse).
Imaging PURE system-containing liposomes by optical microscopy
- 1. Nikon Eclipse Ti: Measurements were performed at the photonic platform LITC at CBI (Centre de Biologie Intégrative, Toulouse).
- 2. Axio Observer Zeiss equipped with an 100x oil-immersion objective and appropriate wavelengths and filter cubes for Topfluor594 and GFP were used. A camera ANDOR (Zyla sCMOS) was used.
- • DOPC (Avanti Polar Lipids 850375C-25MG)
- • DOPG (Avanti Polar Lipids 840475C-25MG)
- • DGS (Avanti Polar Lipids 790404C-5MG)
- • PEG-Biotin (Avanti Polar Lipids 880129P-10MG)
- • Topfluor594 (Avanti Polar Lipids 810387C-250UG)
- • PBS (Phosphate buffered saline)
- • Chloroform
- • Büchi Rotavapor® RE 121
- • Dessicator
- • Liposofast Basic Avestin Extruder with polycarbonate membranes 400-nm pore size (Avestin)
- • Axio Observer Zeiss, 40x oil-immersion objective with a camera ANDOR (Zyla sCMOS) and a HXP 120V lamp with appropriate filter cubes for our fluorescent dyes
- • Celldiscoverer 7 Zeiss: Samples were mounted on an environmental chamber set to 37°C with CO2. A 20x air objective with an extra 2x magnification, appropriate excitation wavelength and filter for Topfluor594 were used. Measurements were performed at the photonic platform LITC at CBI (Centre de Biologie Intégrative, Toulouse).
Lipid film formation
- 1. A mixture of DOPC (80% molar), DOPG (20% molar), DGS (2% molar), PEG-biotin (0.5% molar) and Topfluor594 (0.1% molar) lipids, all dissolved in chloroform, was prepared in a round-bottom flask to obtain a total mass of 2 mg.
- 2. The solution was subjected to 2 hours of rotary evaporation at room temperature (atmospheric pressure) and a speed of 200 rpm/minutes.
- 3. The round-bottom flask was placed in a dessicator for 1-2 hours and stored at -20°C.
Liposome formation
- 1. Lipids in the round-bottom flask were resuspended into 1 mL of PBS to obtain a final concentration of 2 mg/mL lipids.
- 2. With the extruder, the suspension of multilamellar liposomes was forced through polycarbonate filters with 400-nm pore size. The process was repeated four to seven times to obtain homogeneous sizes of liposomes.
- 3. Liposomes were then stored at -20°C.
Functionalization of anti-HER2 nb liposomes
- 1. 50 µL of the liposome solution (stock at 2 mg/mL) was mixed with 50 µL of anti-HER2 nb (stock at 17 µM) for 30 minutes at 37°C.
- 1. The medium of the 9-cm² petri dish containing Caco-2 cells at the optimal density was removed and replaced with 1 mL of sterile PBS.
- 2. The anti-HER2-nanobodies-functionnalized liposomes were added to 900 µL of sterile PBS. cf In-liposome gfp expression and Preparation of 400-nm fluorescent liposomes decorated with anti-HER2 nb.
- 3. This solution was incubated with Caco-2 cells for an additional 10-30 minutes at 37°C.
- 4. Optical microscopy:
- Celldiscoverer 7 Zeiss: Samples were mounted on an environmental chamber set to 37°C with CO2. A 20x air objective with an extra 2x magnification, appropriate excitation wavelength and filter for Topfluor594 were used. Measurements were performed at the photonic platform LITC at CBI (Centre de Biologie Intégrative, Toulouse).
- Axio Observer Zeiss equipped with an 40x oil-immersion objective and appropriate wavelengths and filter cubes for Topfluor594 were used. Cells were imaged with the brightfield mode. A camera ANDOR (Zyla sCMOS) was used.
- • High-Performance Liquid Chromatography column Genesis C18
- • Elution solvent consisted of MeOH:water 10:90 vol. with 0.1% acetic acid
- • Stock solutions of Tegafur and 5-FU at 5 mg/mL in DMSO.
- • Intermediate solutions of Tegafur and 5-FU at 500 µg/mL and 100 µg/mL were prepared in water.
- • Distilled water
- • pre-run PUREfrex samples
Calibration curves of Tegafur and 5-Fluorouracil in water
- 1. From the intermediate solutions of Tegafur and 5-FU at 500 µg/mL, a calibration curve was prepared with concentrations of: 0, 30, 40, 50, 100, 150, 200, 400, 500, 1.000, 2.000, 4.000, 6.000, 8.000, 10.000, 20.000 ng/mL.
- 2. The volume for each sample vial was 15 µL as the injection volume to HPLC was 10 µL.
- 3. The settings were: 0.5 mL/min; 100% A (elution solvent), 2 bar-400 bar; Stoptime: 30 minutes; injection volume: 10 µL; UV: 260 nm, AS Pump; 35°C.
- 4. Area of the peaks are retrieved on the offline software Agilent ChemStation B.04.03 SP1.
Simultaneous detection and stability test of 5-FU and Tegafur in water
- 1. A mix of 5-FU and Tegafur at a final concentration of 1 µg/mL each was analyzed in water. The minimal volume was 30 µL as two injections were done.
- 2. The first injection was done at time zero, while the second injection was performed three days later.
- 3. Instrument settings were the same as for constructing the calibration curve.
Detection of 5-FU and Tegafur in PUREfrex
- 1. 1 µL of a solution of Tegafur at 100 µg/mL (final concentration 5000 ng/mL) was added to a mix of 14 µL of water and 5 µL of PUREfrex containing 1.5 µM DhdR and 1000 µM 2-HG.
- 2. 1 µL of a solution of 5-FU at 100 µg/mL (final concentration 5000 ng/mL) was added to a mix of 14 µL of water and 5 µL of PUREfrex containing 1.5 µM DhdR and 1000 µM 2-HG.
- 3. Each sample was run on the HPLC with the same settings as described above.
Simultaneous detection and stability test of 5-FU and Tegafur in PUREfrex
- 1. A mix of 4 µL of each 5-FU and Tegafur at 100 µg/mL (final concentration 1 µg/mL) was analyzed in 56 µL of pre-run PUREfrex containing 100 µM 2-HG and 1.5 µM DhdR.
- 2. The first injection was done after seven hours, while the second injection was performed three days later, incubation at 35°C.
- 3. Instrument settings were the same as for constructing the calibration curve.
Simulation of the enzymatic conversion of Tegafur into 5-FU
- 1. Preparation of samples at different ratios of 5-FU/Tegafur (v/v): 0/1; 0.2/0.8; 0.5/0.5; 0.8/0.2 and 1/0. An intermediate solution of Tegafur and 5-FU with concentration 100 µg/mL was prepared.
- 2. Each sample was run on the HPLC with the same settings as described above.
Activity test of PPnP produced in PURE system
- 1. E. coli purine/pyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylase (PpnP) was produced in two different PURE system solutions (PUREfrex2.0 and PUREfrex2.1) at 37°C for 12 hours. DHFR was produced as a negative control. cf PURE system protocol.
- 2. Prior to gene expression, Tegafur was added to each sample at a final concentration of 119 µM.
- 3. Samples were analyzed by HPLC at time zero (t-0h), i.e., before gene expression, and after 12 hours.