Cloning results
This page presents the results of the cloning work we've carried out. The purpose of these clonings is to prepare plasmids for expression of the proteins required for our proof of concept, including superfolder GFP, DhdR, Thymidine Phosphorylase, and the two parts of split-T7 RNA polymerase each linked to an anti-HER2 antibody.
All constructs listed in the table below were prepared by molecular cloning. Fragments and vectors were amplified by PCR using the high-fidelity Phusion DNA polymerase and were further assembled by In-Fusion.
Construct name | Insert (fragment) | Vector used |
pET21_dhdR | Histag-dhdR | pET21 |
pET21_sfgfp | dhdO-sfgfp | pET21 |
pET21_tymp | dhdO-tymp | pET21 |
p0579_Pertuzumab-SL-T7Nterm | SP6Promoter-T7Nterm-SolulbeLinker-Pertuzumab-TerminatorT7 | p0579 |
pET21_Pertuzumab-SL-T7Nterm | SP6Promoter-T7Nterm-SolubleLinker-Pertuzumab-TerminatorT7 | pET21 |
p0539_Trastuzumab-SL-T7Cterm | SP6Promoter-Trastuzumab-T7Cterm-SolubleLinker-TerminatorT7 | p0539 |
pET21_Trastuzumab-SL-T7Cterm | SP6Promoter-Trastuzumab-T7Cterm-SolubleLinker-TerminatorT7 | pET21 |
All Ribosome Binding Sites sequences on the constructs are Shine-Dalgarno sequences: AAGGAG, present on bacterial messenger RNAs, upstream of the initiation codon.
You can also find all the plasmid, gBlock and primers sequences on the materials page.
The dhdR gene was successfully cloned into an E. coli expression vector for subsequent production of purified DhdR protein. See the protein production and purification here and the corresponding part BBa_K4768000.

Expected sizes of the amplicons:
Name of the amplicon | Expected size (bp) |
Histag-dhdR | 771 |
pET21 | 5135 |
- • The Histag-dhdR fragment was PCR amplified from the corresponding IDT gBlock with primers dhdR-pET21-F and dhdR-pET21-R. pET21 was linearized by PCR with primers pET19T7-F and pET19T7-R from a template miniprep. After PCR, the plasmid DNA PCR product was further digested by DpnI treatment.
- • The amplification products sizes were checked by electrophoresis in an EtBr stained agarose gel. Figure 1A shows amplification products matching with expected sizes.
- • PCR clean-up was performed on the amplification products.
- • The Histag-dhdR fragment was inserted into pET21 by In-Fusion. Transformants were selected on ampicillin plates.
- • 24 transformants were screened by colony PCR with primers flanking the insertion site within pET21 (dhdR-pET21-F and dhdR-pET21-R). 3 positive transformants (clones 4, 6 and 7) were detected (figure 1B).
- • Plasmids were extracted from clones 4, 6 and 7 and digested by restriction enzymes (EcoRV and NdeI) to check the correctness of the assembly. Figure 1C shows correct restriction maps for clones 4, 6 and 7.
- • Plasmids from clones 4, 6 and 7 were sent to Eurofins
Genomics to check the insert sequence and flanking regions by Sanger
sequencing. No mutations were detected in the insert sequence.

The following construct was successfully cloned and was used as our biosensing module for the expression of the sfGFP reporter conditional to the 2-HG inducer. See the corresponding part BBa_K4768001.

Expected sizes of the amplicons:
Name of the amplicon | Expected size (bp) |
dhdO-sfgfp | 922 |
pET21 | 5135 |
- • The dhdO-sfgfp fragment was PCR amplified from the corresponding IDT gBlock with primers T7-term-F and T7-prom-R. The pET21 plasmid was linearized by PCR from a template miniprep using the same primers as those for the pET21_dhdR construct. After PCR, the plasmid DNA PCR product was further digested by DpnI treatment.
- • The amplification products sizes were checked by electrophoresis on an EtBr stained agarose gel. Figure 2A shows amplification products matching with the expected sizes.
- • PCR clean-up was executed on the amplification products.
- • The dhdO-tymp fragment was inserted into pET21 by In-Fusion. Transformants were selected on ampicillin plates.
- • 16 transformants were screened by colony PCR with primers flanking the insertion site within pET21 (T7-term-F and T7-prom-R). 9 positive transformants were detected (figure 2B).
- • Plasmids were extracted from clones 8 and digested by restriction enzymes (EcoRV and XhoI) to check the correctness of the assembly. Figure 2C shows correct restriction maps for clone 8.
- • The plasmid from clone 8 was sent to Eurofins Genomics to check the insert sequence and flanking regions by Sanger sequencing. No mutations were detected in the insert sequence.

The following construct was successfully cloned. It was used as a DNA template in PURE system for the expression of the thymidine phosphorylase enzyme in the presence of 2-HG. See the corresponding part BBa_K4768003.

Expected sizes of the amplicons:
Name of the amplicon | Expected size (bp) |
dhdO-tymp | 1655 |
pET21 | 5135 |
- • The dhdO-tymp fragment was PCR amplified from the corresponding IDT gBlock with primers T7-term-F and T7-prom-R. The pET21 plasmid was linearized by PCR from a template miniprep using the same primers as those for the pET21_dhdR construct. After PCR, the plasmid DNA PCR product was further digested by DpnI treatment.
- • The amplification products sizes were checked by electrophoresis in an EtBr stained agarose gel. Figure 3A shows amplification products matching with expected sizes.
- • PCR clean-up was performed on the amplification products.
- • The dhdO-tymp fragment was inserted into pET21 by In-Fusion. Transformants were selected on ampicillin plates.
- • 24 transformants were screened by colony PCR with primers flanking the insertion site within pET21 (T7-term-F and T7-prom-R). 11 positive transformants (clones 1, 2, 4, 10, 12, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22 and 24) were detected (figure 3B).
- • Plasmids were extracted from clones 10, 19 and 21 and digested by restriction enzymes (EcoRV and BamHI) to check the correctness of the assembly. Figure 3C shows correct restriction maps for clones 10, 19 and 21.
- • Plasmids from clones 10 and 21 were sent to Eurofins
Genomics to check the insert sequence and flanking regions by Sanger
sequencing. No mutations were detected in the insert sequence.

We attempted to prepare the following construct for converting the detection of HER2 into transcriptional activation of the sfgfp or tymp genes in PURE system. Cloning failed due to an inefficient In-Fusion step, which led us to switch the cloning vector. See the corresponding part BBa_K4768005.

Expected sizes of the amplicons:
Name of the amplicon | Expected size (bp) |
SP6Promoter-T7Nterm-SolubleLinker-Pertuzumab-TerminatorT7 | 2087 |
p0579 | 2391 |
- • The SP6Promoter-T7Nterm-SolubleLinker-Pertuzumab-TerminatorT7 fragment was PCR amplified from the corresponding IDT gBlock with primers Pertuzumab-F and Pertuzumab-R. The p0579 plasmid was linearized by PCR with primers p0579-Pertu-F and p0579-Pertu-R from a template miniprep. After PCR, the plasmid DNA PCR product was further digested by DpnI treatment.
- • The amplification products sizes were checked by electrophoresis on an EtBr stained agarose gel. Figure 4A and 4B show amplification products matching with the expected sizes.
- • After gel extraction of the insert and PCR clean-up of the linearized plasmid, we attempted to insert the SP6 Promoter-T7Nterm-SolubleLinker-Pertuzumab-TerminatorT7 fragment into p0579 by In-Fusion. Transformants were selected on spectinomycin plates.
- • 24 transformants were screened by colony PCR with primers flanking the insertion site within p0579 (Pertuzumab-F and Pertuzumab-R). No positive transformant was detected (figure 4C).
- • The lack of positive clones very probably resulted from a failed In-Fusion to assemble the Pertuzumab-containing insert and the linearized p0579. The In-Fusion assembly was attempted 2 more times with the same fragments but no positive clone was obtained. We hypothesize the size of the linearized p0579 plasmid was relatively too small for the size of the insert (2391 bp for the linearized plasmid and 2087 bp for the insert). We therefore switched to pET21 as a cloning vector, which size after linearization (5135 bp) is greater than the insert size.

We attempted to prepare the following construct for converting the detection of HER2 into transcriptional activation of the sfgfp or tymp genes in PURE system. In parallel, the recombinant protein was produced in PURE system with PCR products from the gBlock as it already contains the SP6 promoter, an RBS and a T7 Terminator. See the cell-free experimentation results.

Expected sizes of the amplicons:
Name of the amplicon | Expected size (bp) |
SP6Promoter-T7Nterm-SL-Pertuzumab-TerminatorT7 | 2087 |
pET21 | 5135 |
- • The SP6Promoter-T7Nterm-SolubleLinker-Pertuzumab-TerminatorT7 fragment was PCR amplified from the corresponding IDT gBlock (with primers T7-F and T7-R). The pET21 plasmid was linearized by PCR from a template miniprep. After PCR, the plasmid DNA PR product was further digested by DpnI treatment.
- • The amplification products sizes were checked by electrophoresis on an EtBr stained agarose gel. Figure 5A shows amplification products matching with expected sizes.
- • PCR clean-up was performed on the amplification products.
- • The SP6Promoter-T7Nterm-SolubleLinker-Pertuzumab-TerminatorT7 fragment was inserted into pET21 by In-Fusion. Transformants were selected on ampicillin plates.
- • 16 transformants were screened by colony PCR with primers flanking the insertion site within pET21 (T7-F and T7-R). 1 positive transformant was detected. (figure 5B).
- • Plasmid was extracted from clones 8, 6 and 15 and digested by the restriction enzyme BsaI (clone 8) and EcoRV and XhoI (clones 6 and 15) to check the correctness of the assembly. Figure 5C shows correct restriction maps for clone 8.
- • Plasmid from the clone 8 were sent to Eurofins Genomics to check the inserted sequences.
- • The sequencing results obtained after we performed these experiments showed a 675-nucleotide deletion within the region of the heavy chain of Pertuzumab. However, the production of Pertuzumab-SL-T7Nterm we performed in parallel indicated the production of a protein with the expected size of 69 KDa. It remains to be investigated whether this deletion originated during the PCR that preceded the cloning or at the sequencing stage.

We attempted to prepare the following construct with the same goal of converting the detection of HER2 into transcriptional activation of the sfgfp or tymp genes in PURE system. Cloning failed due to an inefficient In-Fusion step, which led us to try an overlap PCR and ultimately switch the cloning vector. See the corresponding part BBa_K4768006

Expected sizes of the amplicons:
Name of the amplicon | Expected size (bp) |
SP6Promoter-Trastuzumab-SL | 1904 |
CtermspT7-Terminator T7 | 2157 |
p0539 | 2859 |
- • The P6Promoter-Trastuzumab-SL and the T7Cterm-TerminatorT7 fragments were PCR amplified from IDT gBlocks with primers Trastuzumab-F and Trastuzumab-R1’ for SP6Promoter-Trastuzumab-SL, and Trastuzumab-F1’ and Trastuzumab-R for T7Cterm-Terminator T7. The p0539 plasmid was linearized by PCR from a template miniprep using primers p0539-Trastu-F and p0539-Trastu-R. After PCR, the plasmid DNA PCR product was further digested by DpnI treatment.
- • The amplification products sizes were checked by electrophoresis on an EtBr stained agarose gel. Figure 6A and 6B shows the amplification products matching with expected sizes.
- • After gel extraction of the insert and PCR clean-up of the
linearized plasmid, the SP6Promoter-Trastuzumab-SL and
T7Cterm-TerminatorT7 fragments were inserted into p0539 by
In-Fusion. Transformants were selected on chloramphenicol plates.
- • 24 transformants were screened by colony PCR with primers flanking the insertion site within p0539 (Trastuzumab-F and Trastuzumab-R). No positive transformant was detected (figure 6C).
- • The lack of positive strain very probably results from a failed In-Fusion of the 2 inserts containing Trastuzumab and splitT7 and the linearized p0539.
- • However, for protein expression with the PURE system, the
PCR products of SP6-Trastuzumab-SL and
T7Cterm-TerminatorT7 are sufficient. Therefore, after the
failure of the in-fusion, we tried to merge the two fragments
together by PCR using the primer Trastuzumab-F and Trastuzumab-R. We
used our first PCR products of the 2 fragments as a matrix.
After 2 attemps we didn’t succeed in merging these 2 fragments together. - • In view of these results, we supposed that there is a
problem of hybridization with the primers Trastuzumab-F and
Trastuzumab-R. We decided to try another In-Fusion and to use the
primers p0539-F and p0539-R which are on the plasmid for the PCR
screening instead.
All the clones screened with these primers were transformed with the native plasmid p0539 (figure 8). - • As done with SP6Promoter-T7Nterm-SolubleLinker-Pertuzumab-TerminatorT7, we decided to switch to pET21 as a cloning vector in order to obtain a better assembly.

We attempted to prepare the following construct for converting the detection of HER2 into transcriptional activation of the sfgfp or tymp genes in PURE system. Switching the vector didn’t allow to succeed with the In-Fusion step. Overlap PCR was attempted once again.

Expected sizes of the amplicons:
Name of the amplicon | Expected size (bp) |
SP6Promoter-Trastuzumab-SL | 1904 |
T7Cterm-TerminatorT7 | 2157 |
pET21 | 5135 |
- • The P6Promoter-Trastuzumab-SL and the T7Cterm-TerminatorT7 fragments were PCR amplified from the corresponding IDT gBlocks (with primers T7-F and Trastuzumab-R1’ for SP6Promoter-Trastuzumab-SL, and Trastuzumab-F1’ and T7-R for T7Cterm-Terminator T7). The pET21 plasmid was linearized by PCR from a template miniprep. After PCR, the plasmid DNA amplification product was further digested by DpnI treatment.
- • The amplification products sizes were checked by electrophoresis on an EtBr stained agarose gel. Figure 9A and 9B shows amplification products matching with expected sizes.
- • After gel extraction of the insert and PCR clean-up of the linearized plasmid, the SP6Promoter-Trastuzumab-SL and T7Cterm-TerminatorT7 fragments were inserted into pET21 by In-Fusion. Transformants were selected on ampicillin plates.
- • 24 transformants were screened by colony PCR with primers flanking the insertion site within pET21 (T7-F and T7-R). No positive transformant was detected (figure 9C).
- • The lack of positive strain very probably results from a failed In-Fusion of the 2 inserts containing Trastuzumab and splitT7 and the linearized pET21.
- • After the failure of the In-Fusion we tried to merge the 2
fragments together by PCR using the primer T7-F and T7-R. We used
our first PCR products of the 2 fragments as a matrix.
We obtained 4 amplification products and none corresponds to the weight expected (4031 bp) (figure 10). - • With these results we supposed that there is a problem of
hybridization with the primers T7-F and T7-R. We decided to try
another In-Fusion and to use the primers pET21seq-F and pET21seq-R
which are on the plasmid for the PCR screening.
We obtained an amplification product of approximately 600 bp corresponding to pET21 (figure 11). - • As done with SP6Promoter-T7Nterm-SolubleLinker-Pertuzumab-TerminatorT7, we decided to switch to pET21 as a cloning vector in order to obtain a better assembly.
- • All the clones screened with these primers were transformed with the native plasmid.