On this page, we have gathered information and links to pages of importance for our evaluation. We have made a self-assessment for medals and awards. This judgment has no proper value since only the decision of the iGEM judges is sovereign in this matter.

As we met all the deadlines and made the efforts described on the pages corresponding to Attributions, Project Description and Contribution, we think we have validated the criteria for the Bronze medal.
✔ Bronze #1 (Competition Deliverables):
Wiki, Project promotion video, Presentation Video, and Judging form were all provided before the defined deadlines.
✔ Bronze #2 (Project Attributions):
✔ Bronze #3 (Project Description):
✔ Bronze #4 (Contribution):

We think we have also met all the criteria for the Silver medal given that we have been able to validate parts, followed the engineering design cycle, and performed Human Practices efforts.
✔ Silver #1 (Engineering Success):
✔ Silver #2 (Human Practices):

We have selected the following three special prizes for which we believe we have achieved excellence:
✔ Best Measurement:
We have developed a novel method to assess second-generation liposomes, paving the way to use them as an acellular chassis for synthetic biology. We provide comprehensive information, ensuring the accessibility and reproducibility of this method for future iGEM teams.
✔ Best Model:
We have applied an integrated modeling strategy combining i) in silico protein design to optimize the sensing of cancer cells by our synthetic liposomes, and ii) kinetic modeling to predict and boost the targeted production of anticancer drug.
✔ Best Entrepreneurship:
We have detailed our business strategy to transition our CALIPSO project into a robust startup. We demonstrated the innovation, feasibility, and scalability of our project by identifying target customers and users, and closely monitoring resources, costs, and risks to ensure a practical solution.
✔ Best Therapeutics:
With CALIPSO, we offer a new type of cancer treatment with a smart abiotic transporter able to produce toxic molecules only at the tumor place, hence minimizing drug-related damage to healthy cells and chemotherapy side effects.