On this page, we present the design of our project and how it was created by combining cutting-edge elements, from cancer cell hallmarks to signal transduction and synthetic biology tools. We explain how we implement them into an integrated liposome platform to create an acellular system able to sense and respond to signals like a cell would do. And most importantly, we show how this combination offers exciting new perspectives to improve cancer chemotherapy.
First described in the 1960s, liposomes are commonly used in cancer therapy as a drug delivery system. In 1995, DoxilⓇ was the first liposome-based formulation approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to cure sarcoma, metastatic breast and ovarian cancer. Since then, a dozen other liposome-based drugs have been approved by the FDA and the EMA (European Medical Agency), and many others are currently undergoing clinical trials [1, 2].
However, current liposome formulations enable very limited functionalities. This contrasts with recent advances in molecular and synthetic biology that have led to the emergence of liposomes equipped with advanced properties, such as the active targeting of proteins overexpressed by cancer cells or the detection of disease biomarkers.
Our team has decided to step beyond the conventional design of therapeutic liposomes by integrating advanced modules inspired by synthetic biology. Our liposome platform is modular and encompasses responsive elements to target, produce, and deliver anticancer drugs to cancer cells.
As introduced in the description page, liposomes offer various advantages in medical treatment including in cancer therapy [2].
Firstly, liposomes enjoy a lower toxicity as compared to other drug delivery vectors. Liposomes are primarily composed of phospholipids, natural or synthetic, that are Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS), biocompatible, biodegradable, and non-immunogenic [2]. The adverse effects of liposome-based treatments are therefore expected to be minimal. In contrast, non-biocompatible or non-human-inspired drug vectors such as Virus-Like Particules are often highly immunogenic [3]. The safety of using liposomes in medical treatment is further ensured by the fact that liposomes are not GMOs. The encapsulated DNA template can solely be expressed in a cell-free system that contains regulatory elements orthogonal to human cells.
Liposomes are also versatile. They can encapsulate hydrophilic drugs or biomaterials in their aqueous lumen and incorporate membrane proteins or hydrophobic molecules within the bilayer. The liposome's content is protected by the bilayer membrane. This way, the half-life of the encapsulated molecules is increased. Interactions between the encapsulated molecules and the microenvironment of the liposome can still occur depending on various parameters.
In our case, the liposome encapsulates a prodrug, Tegafur, the gene of the Thymidine phosphorylase enzyme to cleave the prodrug into the anticancer drug, 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU), and the transcription-translation machinery PURE system. See the part corresponding to the Thymidine phosphorylase here.
Because most anticancer drugs also affect healthy cells, targeted delivery is often required. The liposomal membrane can easily be modified to display targeting agents. This prevents off-targets and helps spare as many healthy cells as possible.
As a proof of concept of our system, we focused on HER2-positive (HER2+) cancers. We have designed a liposome conjugated with folate molecules and proteins capable of binding to HER2 on its surface to specifically target HER2+ cancer cells.
The advanced liposomes encapsulate Tegafur and a synthetic DNA sequence coding for an enzyme: the Thymidine phosphorylase. The Thymidine phosphorylase catalyzes the conversion of Tegafur into an active drug, 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU).
Our main goal was to produce 5-FU only when the liposome is anchored to tumor cells. We designed two input signaling pathways that can work together or separately. The first one relies on the reconstitution of a split T7 RNA polymerase inside the liposome coupled to Anti-HER2 antibodies with a transmembrane domain inserted in the lipid bilayer of the liposome. The recognition of the HER2 receptor leads to the complementation of the T7 RNA polymerase within the liposome. The re-functionalized T7 RNA polymerase can then initiate transcription of the encoded enzyme, allowing for its production inside the liposome.
The second biosensing element is based on transcriptional activation as a response to 2-HG detection. Tumor cells carrying the IDH-1 mutation produce a diffusible metabolite, 2-hydroxyglutarate (2-HG). This oncometabolite has an affinity for DhdR, a transcriptional repressor encapsulated in our smart liposomes. To repress the conversion of Tegafur to 5-FU in basal conditions, DhdR operator sequences are inserted upstream of the promoter region of the Thymidine phosphorylase gene. The diffusion of 2-HG from the tumor microenvironment inside the liposome relieves the transcriptional repression by DhdR. The gene encoding for Thymidine phosphorylase can then be transcripted and translated.
Therefore, we offer three configurations of functionalized liposomes to kill cancer cells in a targeted and regulated way:

PURE system was used as the protein factory to synthesize proteins directly inside liposomes starting from encapsulated genes. This is an essential ingredient of CALIPSO, in particular for the in situ production of Thymidine phosphorylase as a response to the oncometabolite 2-HG.
The PURE (Protein synthesis Using Recombinant Elements) system technology is a reconstituted cell-free protein synthesis system developed by Professor Takuya Ueda at the University of Tokyo [4].
Unlike cell lysates (e.g., E. coli extract S30 system), PUREfrex contains highly purified compounds for transcription, translation, aminoacylation, and energy recycling (Fig. 2). Therefore, adverse effects during liposome injection are expected to be minimal due to the strictly defined composition of the kit.
We used the commercial PUREfrex kits available at GeneFrontier. The kit mainly consists of three vials:
• Solution I contains amino acids, NTPs, other small-molecule compounds and tRNAs.
• Solution II contains T7 RNA polymerase, translation factors and other proteins.
• Solution III contains purified ribosomes.
The three solutions are mixed with DNA or RNA templates for in vitro synthesis of the protein(s) of interest. Find more information on GeneFrontier's website.

We used three different types of PUREfrex kits:
1. PUREfrex2.0
2. PUREfrex2.1
3. A custom kit PUREfrex
Genefrontier recommends using different PUREfrex kits based on the structural features of the protein of interest, particularly the presence of disulfide bridges.
PUREfrex2.0 contains dithiothreitol (DTT) as a reducing agent, which inhibits the formation of disulfide bonds. In contrast, PUREfrex2.1 does not contain DTT and an appropriate reducing agent can be selected.
If the protein of interest requires disulfide bond formation, the suitable kit is PUREfrex2.1 supplemented with DsbC Set (includes oxidized glutathione (GSSG) and E. coli disulfide isomerase DsbC) or PDI Set (includes GSSG, human protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) and human ER oxidoreductin-1 (Ero1alpha)).
Finally, we ordered a PUREfrex custom kit consisting of PUREfrex2.1 without T7 RNA polymerase in the solution II. It is the final PURE system concoction that will be encapsulated inside the liposome if the two biosensing systems are combined, along with the prodrug, SP6 RNA polymerase, and the DNA templates encoding for the split T7 RNA polymerase proteins and Thymidine phosphorylase.
To visualize the production of our different proteins in PURE, we used the co-translational fluorescent marker GreenLys. This system enables fluorescent labeling and detection of newly synthesized proteins, based on a lysine-charged tRNA labeled with the fluorophore BODIPY®-FL at the ε position. Fluorescent lysine residues are thus incorporated exclusively in synthesized proteins during the translation process. After SDS-PAGE, proteins are visualized on a fluorescence gel imager.
Our liposomes are equipped with two different biosensing pathways, each sensing a different cancer biomarker, that can either work separately or in combination to induce the conversion of Tegafur and release 5-FU in the tumor microenvironment. Our liposomal system was designed to satisfy three modules: the anchoring of the liposome to the surface of cancer cells, the biosensing pathway, and the in situ conversion of Tegafur into 5-FU.
In our first biosensor design involving the oncometabolite 2-HG, we adopted a dual-targeting strategy by decorating the liposome surface with folate, as well as with Anti-HER2 nanobodies.
Folate receptors are known targets for directed cancer therapies. Folate is essential for the synthesis of deoxynucleotides and cell division. Cancer cells exhibit a remarkable increase in folate receptor expression, up to 500 times higher than healthy cells [5]. Therefore, we used folate-conjugated lipids in the lipid composition mixture to display folate at the liposome’s surface, see how a liposome is made on the protocols page.

Figure 3: Liposome with folate-conjugated lipid DSPE-PEG(5000) Folate (Avanti Polar Lipids Avanti Polar Lipids 880128P)
HER2 receptors are other attractive targets for directed cancer treatment. Overexpression of HER2 occurs in approximately 15–30% of breast cancers and 10–30% of gastric/gastroesophageal cancers and has also been reported in ovary, endometrium, bladder, lung, colon, and neck cancers [6]. HER2 receptors are for instance targeted in treatments with antibodies, such as Pertuzumab and Trastuzumab. We considered two options to target HER2 receptors, one using an Anti-HER2 nanobody [7] (Fig. 4).
The first approach to target HER2 receptors on cancer cells involved an Anti-HER2 nanobody. We produced the Anti-HER2 nanobody ourselves with Escherichia coli BL21 strains, see the corresponding part here, and the experimental results on Module 1: Anchoring to cancer cells. Lipids conjugated to NTA moieties were included in the liposome composition for binding of the nanobody via its histidine-tag.

The interactions of folate and Anti-HER2 nanobody with their respective targets permit the anchoring of the liposome at the surface of cancer cells: this corresponds to the first step of CALIPSO
.To trigger the production of the Thymidine phosphorylase as a response to a tumor microenvironment, we made use of a transcriptional factor that is inducible by an oncometabolite present at a relatively high concentration in the vicinity of cancer cells. To this end, we chose the transcriptional regulator DhdR [8].
In Achromobacter denitrificans NBRC 15125, this transcriptional factor negatively regulates D-2-HG dehydrogenase expression and responds to the presence of D-2-hydroxyglutarate (2-HG). Recent studies have reported the accumulation of 2-HG in many tumor cells due to mutations in isocitrate dehydrogenase 1/2 (IDH1/2). IDH1 mutations was present in 3% of the 14,726 cases of cancer studied overall. The highest frequencies are in oligodendrogliomas (89%), anaplastic oligodendrogliomas (87%), and diffuse astrocytomas (77%) [9].
The cancer-associated IDH1 mutations have also been demonstrated to produce 2-hydroxyglutarate. The 2-HG is therefore an interesting oncometabolite that can be targeted for cancer treatment.
We produced and purified functional DhdR proteins in the lab, see the corresponding part here and the experimental results on Module 2: Biosensing systems.
We accordingly designed the synthetic DNA to harbor a T7 promoter and the DhdR binding site (dhdO) upstream of the gene coding for Thymidine phosphorylase. See the part here.

Figure 6: Binding of 2-HG to DhdR.

In summary, the therapeutic enzyme is only produced in the presence of D-2-hydroxyglutarate, thus when the liposome is located in the tumor microenvironment.
In our second design, the anchoring of the liposome to the surface of cancer cells is mediated by folate exposed on the liposome's surface, and also by the antibodies Pertuzumab and Trastuzumab, which are themselves involved in this second biosensing system.
To trigger enzyme expression in the vicinity of the tumor, we sought to engineer a protein that would enable intraliposomal gene expression activation upon recognition of the HER2 receptors. The design complexity lies in the fact that the cancer cell-binding domain must be exposed outside the liposome, while the transcriptional regulator domain must be localized in the lumen. We drew inspiration from the protein family of enzyme-linked receptors that transduce extracellular signals to the cytoplasm across the plasma membrane of eukaryotes. These receptors contain a single transmembrane domain with an extracellular N-terminal ligand binding domain and a cytoplasmic C-terminus with enzymatic (e.g. tyrosine kinase) activity. We decided to engineer a heterodimer consisting of the split-T7 RNA polymerase coupled to anti-HER2 antibodies via a single transmembrane domain. The binding of the two antibodies to distinct epitopes of HER2 not only provides a means to anchor the liposome to the surface of cancer cells, it also enables complementation of the two split T7 RNA polymerase units that are facing the opposite side of the membrane. The functionally assembled T7 RNA polymerase can then trigger the expression of the Thymidine phosphorylase gene.
T7 RNA polymerase is an RNA polymerase derived from the T7 bacteriophage first described in the literature in the 1970s. During purification, a cleaved form of the protein was obtained between amino acids 179 and 180. This cleavage generated a small N-term fragment of 20 kDa and a large C-term fragment of 80 kDA. These two fragments alone lacked catalytic activity, but the polymerase activity of the enzyme was recovered when they were both mixed in vitro [10].
More recent studies demonstrated that the co-transformation of E. coli bacteria with two plasmids carrying the N-term and C-term fragments resulted in the recovery of an active polymerase in bacteria. This property makes it a model of choice as a biosensing platform for studying interactions between proteins of interest.
It is possible to visualize protein interactions by merging candidate proteins onto the ends of the N-term and C-term fragments of the split-T7 RNAP. Transformation of bacteria with expression vectors encoding these constructs and the use of a reporter gene under the control of a T7 promoter showed that in vivo interaction of the candidate proteins enabled functional reassembly of the polymerase [11].
A luciferase-based reporter of HER2 receptor has been described in the literature [11].
Two fragments of a split-Luciferase were fused to antibodies recognizing different epitopes of HER2. Recognition of the target protein by the antibodies reassembles the two fragments of the split-Luciferase into a functional luminescent protein.
Inspired by these articles, our team decided to fuse the N-term and C-term fragments of split-T7 RNA polymerase to the antibodies Omnitarg and Herceptin, also known as Pertuzumab and Trastuzumab. Our aim was to induce the reconstitution of T7 RNA polymerase in the liposome when it is anchored to the surface of HER2+ cancer cells.
Figure 8: Re-functionalization of the two-partite RNA polymerase-linked antibody against HER2.
We engineered two pairs of biosensor proteins that differ in size and in the nature of the linker that fuses a fragment of the split-T7 RNA polymerase with Pertuzumab or Trastuzumab.
Proteins Pertuzumab-SL-T7Nterm and Trastuzumab-SL-T7Cterm were adapted from the article of Bryan C. Dickinson et al. [11], in which the two subunits of the split T7 RNA polymerase were fused to anti-rapamycin antibodies. Here, we substituted the antibodies against rapamycin with Pertuzumab and Trastuzumab for creating an HER2-inducible system. Here, the linker is hydrophilic and short in length. We wanted a proof-of-concept for the production in PURE system and the functional reassembly of the split-T7 RNA polymerase upon HER2 binding. See the part corresponding to Pertuzumab-SL-T7Nterm and Trastuzumab-SL-T7Cterm.
In the second pair of engineered proteins, the N-term and C-term fragments of the split-T7 RNA polymerase were fused to Pertuzumab and Trastuzumab through a transmembrane linker. The goal was to incorporate this hetero dimer into the membrane of our liposomes. The nature and size of the linker were selected by careful molecular mechanic considerations, find more information on our In silico protein design.
We generated these different constructs through cloning, and the experimental results are available on our Cloning results page.
PUREfrex2.1 was used for the production of Pertuzumab and Trastuzumab linked to the subunits of the T7 RNA polymerase in bulk as the two antibodies display disulfide bonds. The two genes are under control of an SP6 promoter to enable constitutive transcription. The PURE system solution was therefore supplied with SP6 RNA polymerase. We chose the SP6 transcriptional element because it is orthogonal to the T7 system.

The final step of CALIPSO is the production of the anticancer drug by turning Tegafur into 5-FU within the liposome and its diffusion to kill cancer cells in the liposome’s vicinity.
Production of Thymidine phosphorylase in PURE system
We used the PUREfrex2.0 kit to produce the human Thymidine phosphorylase as it doesn’t contain disulfide bonds.
We also tried to produce the Pyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylase enzyme from E. coli as it catalyzes the same reaction. This enzyme has the advantage of being smaller than its human analogue, which is preferable for cell-free expression.

Once Thymidine phosphorylase is expressed in the liposome, it will catalyze the production of the anticancer drug. See the experiments related to Thymidine phosphorylase on Module 3: Anticancer drug in situ production.
Enzymatic synthesis of 5-Fluorouracil
As mentioned earlier, we encapsulated the prodrug Tegafur inside the liposome. Tegafur is a prodrug of 5-fluorouracil, an antimetabolite used as an antineoplastic agent. Encapsulation of Tegafur allows for a higher bioavailability as the prodrug is protected by the liposome membrane. As liposome content may leak out before reaching the targeted area in the body, encapsulating a prodrug instead of an active drug prevents killing healthy cells in the event of unintended release, thus reducing side effects.
Tegafur is converted into 5-Fluororacil by the Thymidine phosphorylase according to the following reaction:

The produced 5-FU has a low molecular weight and ultimately diffuses through the membrane to reach and kill surrounding cancer cells.
Figure 14: 5-FU production when the two biosensing systems are combined and diffusion to the cancer cells in the liposome's vicinity.
To advance our project realization as far as possible, we integrated the three modules—anchoring, biosensing, and expression of a reporter gene—into a single liposomal platform targeting tumor cells. Our results led us to design a novel measurement method for assessing the interaction between liposomes containing PURE system and living cancer cells. To discover the measurement system, please consult our Best measurement page.
In the CALIPSO project, engineering principles and systems biology will be applied not to a cellular but a liposomal chassis designed to fight cancer. The chosen modularity allows both to minimize the experimental risks and to maximize the potential of the project by extending the range of future applications.
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