
Our team member.

Our Team

Liang Yang, professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Medicine, Southern University of Science and Technology, is also the PI of our team. Thanks to Professor Yang for giving the team the greatest support and help in this project.

Liang Yang


My name is Li Zhenglin, majoring in biological science, Grade 2021. I like doing experiments, thinking about biochemistry and making friends. I am glad to have a group of like-minded friends to participate in IGEM this year. I hope I can do my best in this competition, so that I can have no regrets in this year.

Li Zhenglin

Xia Junfei, majoring in Biological Information of Grade 20, is a member of iGEM team Experimental group of 2023 Southern University of Science and Technology. I love synthetic biology and hope to take this opportunity to learn more experimental techniques and make friends.

Xia Junfei

Hi everyone, I am Zhixin Wang, from the class of 2020, majoring in Clinical Medicine. Currently mainly responsible for the team public number operation and other HP-related work. I have a wide range of hobbies, like to read novels, play piano, listen to music. I always believe that hard work will bring results. I am very happy to be able to join iGEM again, I hope that this year we can work together with everyone, and strive to get the gold ~

Wang Zhixin

You can call me Bear Shaw, and I am currently 20 years old. Nothing you would care but I reside in Shijiazhuang, southwest Hebei province, also I have yet to marry. I study at Southern University of Science and Technology. After a long day’s work, I return dormitory no later than 10 pm. I do not like smoking, but do enjoy the occasional drink. I am always in bed by 11 pm and make it a point to get no less than 7 hours of sleep each night. Before bed, I drink a warm glass of milk, which is always coupled with 20 minutes of surfing Bilibili to decompress from the long workday. Sweet dreams are the usual result of this. I then awake as refreshed and recharged as a newborn child, ready to take on the day’s challenges. After my last check-up, I was given a clean bill of health.

Xiao Xiong

Hello guys, my name is Guo Guangshuo, a scientific research freshman in Class 2021. I am suffering from experiments now (not so suffering actually) and gradually looking for fun in scientific research. I am also a staunch deadline (ddl) boycotter who hates the feeling of putting all stuff off until the last minute (although sometimes it's hard to avoid fighting with ddls). Recently my plan is to cultivate the habit of reading because I believe reading is necessary and beneficial. Running is my way to relax, which means I am an evening playground regular. Welcome to go running with me, we can talk about life and the ideal together!

Guo Guangshuo

Hello, I'm Wang JunMing, a college sophomore major on life science, one of innumerable life that are born on this planet from before the Cambrian period. With billions of years pass by, creatures on the planet evolve and extinct as the law of nature with no exception. I scan the universe, stars as river sand, and small human as dust, but can remove mountains and fill seas so conquer the nature. Today, we turn the arrow of science to life itself, to remould, to create. and so reach the authority of the Creator.

Wang Junming

Ahoy, mateys! I am Li Liuyu, a nobody in a team of SUSTech of 2022 iGem. I'm from the Department of Biology. Biology can be said one of the most enchanting and fascinating of my mild interests. Willing to see a more forward-looking Biology and get to know more like-minded companions, I participated in iGem under the recommendation of my handsome roommate (also the leader), hoping to make some small contribution to the team my own small force. < (ᐛ “) _

Li Liuyu

I am Zheng Haotian, a student from the Department of Biology, Grade 2021, Southern University of Science and Technology. I am honored to be a member of the iGEM team for this year. This is my second year in this competition: last year we had a lot of setbacks and the final result was unsatisfactory. I hope that I can work together with my teammates, forge ahead and try my best to achieve an ideal result in the coming year.

Zheng Haotian

My name is Guo Ziyu, majoring in biomedical engineering. I like to keep fit, read books, do experiments and think about problems. It is a pleasure to participate in iGEM this year with a group of like-minded friends. I hope I can do my best in this competition and harvest something different.

Guo Ziyu

Liu Hongyu, female, 19, is a member of the experimental group and also responsible for part of the art. Sometimes I'd love to read some books. Most of the time, I just let nature take its course. Also I am a member of a folk orchestra in school.

Liu Hongyu

Zhao Junyi (you guys can call me Challen), a 19 female, mainly involved in lab matters and the hp part of the work. Meanwhile I am a mild and gentle sophomore.

Zhao Junyi

Shui Yuxuan, undergraduate of 2021, majoring in Biological Science, Southern University of Science and Technology, member of Professor Ji Shengjian's research group, student of Biology Department Innovation Challenge Class. I am responsible for the work of the art group and the experimental group in the team. I love painting and design, and I am a humble and dedicated 'Party B' orz. This year is my first time to participate in iGEM competition, I hope dalao can take me along, and I also hope to meet more like-minded partners in this process and make progress together!

Shui Yuxuan

Liu Yaxuan, a junior student majoring in clinical medicine, is living a rich and fulfilling college life: making posters, making push, taking photos, cutting videos, simple enrichment; spending my youth in a number of student organizations and student societies with friends of different ages; wanting to stand on a higher platform so as to encounter more people; wanting to climb a higher mountain so as to meet more beautiful sunrise.

Liu Yaxuan

Hello, everyone. I'm Zhao Minjiong, from the Clinical Medicine class of 2020 in SUSTech. I love eating, sleeping and dazing. I am from HP Group in both 2022 and 2023 SUSTech iGEM team. As a medical student who doesn't like endorses, I always dream of memorization of hundreds of pages of textbooks in a matter of weeks, such as upcoming Pathology, Pathophisiology, Pharmacology, and AI. I hope I can make progress with my friends in this year's iGEM competition and achieve good results.

Zhao Minjiong

Hello, I'm Zhan Yuxin, from the class of 2020, majoring in clinical medicine. I have a wide range of hobbies and interests, and the one that I spend the most time on is sleeping. I really like studying, especially memorizing, and I hope I can be proficient in pharmacology, pathology, and pathophysiology in the next week! I'm honored to participate in this iGEM session and hope to do well with you all!

Zhan Yuxin

Hello everyone, I'm Kuang Cong, a grade 20 undergraduate majoring in clinical medicine at SUSTech. An patient with advanced decidophobia, quitting drum level 10 performer, daze enthusiast, godfather of a geisha coffee tree, retired stay up late athlete, vip in the bar in the community, national first-class drowsiness actor, whose dream occupation is Michelin tasting. I hope to give full play to my interests and hobbies, actively participate in our igem project , and explore and achieve ideal results!

Kuang Cong

Hello everyone, I am He Jun, from the clinical medicine class of 2020 in the medical school of Southern University of Science and Technology, and I am currently responsible for coordinating the HP group, thank you.

He Jun

Hello every iGEM player, I am the individual trainee Caiyue Xu, who has been practicing for one and a half years. I love listening to others' songs, watching other people dancing, listening to my roommate's rap, and watching NBA games. Now I am a learner in the area of bioinformatics, and even though there are quite a few frustrations, I am always trying my best and working hard. If you are looking forward to my achievements, please give me support.

Xu Caiyue

I'm Qin Peijia, coming from zhicheng college, SUSTech. I'm majoring in CSE now. I enjoy programming as well as setting up web pages and I always treat study and job in earnest. Participating in IGEM, I'd like to use my interest and strength to finish my part of work in constructing the wiki. I hope to work with my teammates and show the real strength of SUSTech together!

Qin Peijia