Plasmid construction
pET28a plasmid, DNA fragment, primer, Phanta Max Super-Fidelity DNA Polymerase Kit, DNA Loading Buffer, FastPure Gel DNA Extraction Mini Kit, 1×TAE Buffer
- Primer design: According to the sequence information of the target gene, the upstream and downstream primers should be designed respectively. The primer should have 15-20 bp on the primer to pair with the target gene template, and the Tm value of the primer should be close to 58℃. When designing the primers for homologous recombination, the homology arm sequence of 15-20 bp should be added to the 5 'end of the primer.
- Configuration and procedures of the PCR reaction system: Phanta Max Super-Fidelity DNA Polymerase kit from Vazyme was used for PCR in this study. The PCR reaction system and reaction procedures were as follows
- Prepare 1% agarose gel: Weigh 0.5 g agarose powder, add 50 mL 1×TAE Buffer, dissolve by heating, add nucleic acid dye and pour into the mold to let cool.
- 24 μL of PCR product was added to 3 μL of 10×DNA Loading Buffer and subjected to electrophoresis at 150 V for 20 min. DNA markers were used as molecular weight controls during electrophoresis.
- The luminous DNA bands were observed under ultraviolet light and their molecular weights were compared.
- After DNA electrophoresis, the gel containing the target DNA fragment was quickly cut out under UV lamp, and the weight of the gel was weighed. 100 mg of gel was equivalent to 100 μL volume, which was regarded as one gel volume.
- Equal volume of Buffer GDP was added. A water bath at 55 ° C for 10 min was used to dissolve the gel blocks.
- The sol solution was transferred to the adsorption column and centrifuged at 13400×g for 1 min.
- Discard the filtrate, add 300 μL Buffer GDP, and let stand for 1 min. The samples were centrifuged at 13400×g for 1 min.
- Discard the filtrate and add 700 μL Buffer GW. The samples were centrifuged at 13400×g for 1 min.
- Repeat step (e), discard the filtrate and centrifuged at 13400×g for 2 min.
- 30 μL Elution Buffer was added to the center of the adsorption column and left for 2 min. DNA fragments were recovered by centrifugation at 13400×g for 1 min and used for subsequent experiments.
- The amount of DNA required for recombination reaction was calculated as follows: the optimal amount of linearized vector X = [0.02× linearized vector base pairs] ng; The optimal amount of target gene fragment Y = [0.04× number of base pairs of target gene fragmenting
- The homologous recombination ligation reaction system was prepared as follows
PCR amplification of gene fragments/preparation of linearized vector

Agarose gel electrophoresis
The PCR products were confirmed by agarose gel electrophoresis to confirm whether the molecular weight was consistent with the target amplification fragment, and the enzymes and other reagents in the PCR system were separated to avoid affecting the subsequent experiments. Here's how:
Gel recycling
After confirmation by electrophoresis, the DNA bands could be recovered by gel recovery. FastPure Gel DNA Extraction Mini Kit from Vazyme was used for glue recovery in this study. The steps are as follows:
homologous recombination connection

The reaction was performed at 37 ° C for 30 min to obtain homologous recombination products.