
In this activity, we were fortunate to communicate with the iGEM team of the University of Science and Technology of China, USTC. We had several online meetings, and each communication gave us a deeper understanding of our project and made many improvements to the project under their suggestions.

SUSTech-CHINA is sharing their presentation

First Meeting

In the first meeting, we had an in-depth exchange of ideas and questions about our issues, and we dealt with many thoughts and questions in the second meeting. We exchanged experiences about wiki interface building and experiments in the third meeting.

In the first meeting, we introduced our project step by step from the aspects of project background and basic knowledge. By modifying the intestinal probiotic bacterium Nissle 1917, it can recognize Pseudomonas aeruginosa, induce the expression of recombinant HMGB1 protein and PslG polysaccharide enzyme, destroy the dense structure formed by eDNA, and eliminate the resistance of biofilm. The engineered bacteria we have designed and constructed may help prevent and treat diseases associated with intestinal bacterial biofilm infections. Then, starting from the research background, the team of the University of Science and Technology introduced the status quo of the increasing prevalence of diabetes, the growing demand for sugar substitutes, and the low yield of tag-sugar production by existing methods, and explained the importance and necessity of researching a new path to achieve the transformation of whey to tag-sugar. Then, they introduced the design idea and the process of determining the production chassis and metabolic pathway. The third part presents the basic information of the fermentation model, such as whey addition amount and temperature, and the advantages of high yield, low cost, and industrialization. In the end, they presented the commercial prospect of tagg sugar, and the great uses of Tagg sugar in home cooking and additives are listed.

The second meeting
The two teams took a group photo after the second meeting.

Second Meeting

In the second meeting, we focused on the issues that had come up in the previous session. First, how do you optimize the gut flora? How do you deal with colonization? Instead of the yeast cells selected in this project, why not choose just the immobilized cells? What is the anabolic pathway of tagatose in natural organisms? Wait, the University of Science and Technology students all made a presentation. At the same time, we proposed that according to the dormancy characteristics of yeast can be made similar to baking powder, long-term storage, ready to use products, this problem gave the other party some thinking.

Q&A session

Third Meeting

In the third meeting, HKUST students mainly shared their experiences in wiki writing and experimental operation. Students from the HKUST Web team shared their expertise on the technology stack (debugging/previewing) and the three-stage workflow (design-rebuttal-implementation). The students in the experimental group shared skills and avoided common problems on molecular cloning, microbial culture, and kit use.

Thank you very much for a series of help from the University of Science and Technology team!