Human Practices

 01  Understand the problem and empathize with it


Invasion status of S. invicta

Global issue

Solenopsis invicta invasion from South America has occupied over 100 million acres in 17 American states since 1930s. These ants also invaded other countries like New Zealand and Australia in 2001 (Chen, 2010). With global warming, S. invicta has continued to spread to higher latitudes in recent years(Wang et al., 2022)

The following diagram provides an assessment of the potential global invasion risk posed by S. invicta. (Fig. 1)(Chen et al., 2020)


Fig 1.Global infestation risk level of S. invicta

Local issue

In China,S. invicta was first reported in 2003 in Taiwan. As of October 2021, the epidemic encompassed 129 cities across all 21 counties in Guangdong Province, covering a total area of 555,171.192 acres, which constitutes half of the impacted area of China.

The statistical data from June 2022 showed that another 131 cities were reported the distribution of S. invicta, thereby signifying that the prevention and control situation remains critical.

S. invicta cause damage to invaded areas.

Recognized as the top 100 invasive species worldwide, S. invicta cause serious harm to agriculture, animal husbandry, public infrastructure, ecological communities, and human health in invasive areas, as follows(Fig. 4):


Contact with affected people

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 02  Define a good solution

The rapid spread and severe impact of S. invicta have garnered significant attention from relevant authorities since their discovery in China. Domestic efforts to control S. invicta are challenging. However, conventional control measures can only temporarily contain the harm and spread of S. invicta. To achieve long-term and fundamental control of these ants in China, it is imperative to conduct in-depth research on their native occurrence patterns and basic biological characteristics. This is because, as a highly adaptable invasive species, they have the potential to undergo significant biological changes when introduced to new regions.

Therefore, through this project, we aim to provide a green, cost-effective, and highly queen-targeted biological control method for S. invicta, contributing to global efforts in combating this invasive species.

Project Objectives

 03  Conceive and design our solutions

In the conception and design of our project proposal, we have consistently sought input from experts in both wet laboratory experiments and dry laboratory experiments. This approach ensures that our final solution is not only technically feasible but also aligns with the values and perspectives of relevant stakeholders.

Concept and design

In this year's IGEM project, we aim to leverage synthetic biology to address the prominent issues in the current S. invicta control methods, and provide a green, cost-effective, and more efficient biological control solution for S. invicta worldwide. To facilitate the development of our project, we have consulted a series of experts in wet laboratory experiments, incorporating their advice into our project.

Our choice of the S. invicta as the target species stems from a team member's personal experience during a hiking trip where he suffered painful bites from these ants in his hometown. After initial research into the related information about S. invicta, our team recognized them as highly invasive species, and their rapid spread in our country is a cause for concern. Therefore, we decided to propose a synthetic biology solution to address the problem of S. invicta.

Initially, we brainstormed three project directions: eradication, detection, and post-bite treatment, all of which we considered important aspects of S. invicta control. However, we were unsure which direction to pursue. Dr. Wang, who specializes in insect population ecology, control theory, and technology, suggested that we abandon the detection and treatment directions. This decision was based on various factors, as detailed in the section on interactions with affected individuals in the earlier discussion.

Therefore, we focused our goal on eradicating S. invicta. In terms of eradication methods, Dr. Wang pointed out that there have been studies using entomopathogenic fungi as a basis for biological control, but the presence of ant social immunity, particularly the corpse removal behavior, significantly hampers the spread of entomopathogenic fungi within ant colonies, resulting in low efficacy. Hence, we have chosen to explore disrupting the corpse removal behavior of S. invicta to enhance the effectiveness of entomopathogenic fungi as our research direction.

Therefore, we decided to focus on disrupting the corpse removal behavior and found that some research suggests it is regulated by specific genes in S. invicta. We contemplated whether we could use RNAi technology to interfere with the specific genes associated with corpse removal behavior. However, Dr. Cheng, who specializes in studying symbiotic bacteria that regulate the fire ant's corpse removal behavior, pointed out that this behavior is regulated by multiple genes, and the specific mechanism is not well understood. RNAi interference with multiple genes simultaneously is challenging, and the presence of nucleases in the ant's gut can affect RNAi efficiency. Thus, the overall approach is difficult and not recommended.

However, he also suggested that we could use gut microbes residing in the fourth-instar larval gut as a chassis and engineer them to produce toxic substances harmful to S. invicta, achieving an eradication effect. Furthermore, Dr. Cheng emphasized that targeting the eradication of the queen ant (the reproductive ant) is crucial for achieving a significant impact on the colony. If a treatment only kills worker ants and not the queen, the colony's robust reproductive capacity could lead to a rapid resurgence. Traditional baiting techniques achieve this by targeting the queen through a process of accumulation.

Based on all the advice we have received so far and the literature we have consulted, we have proposed a specific project idea: to modify the dominant gut microbes present in the fourth-instar larva of S. invicta. We aim to make them express toxic proteins or chemical substances and find a way to engineer these microbes to accumulate in the queen ant's body, thereby achieving targeted eradication by expressing the toxin or chemical inside the queen ant.


Regarding the choice of the eradication agent, Dr. Cheng recommended that we prioritize exploring the direction of toxic proteins. We should select several toxic proteins that have been studied and shown to be effective against S. invicta. He emphasized that validating their eradication efficacy after expression is crucial for the project's success. Dr. Cheng believes that researching toxic proteins can temporarily bypass the issue of resistance that can develop against traditional chemical agents. However, he also advised that if the research on toxic proteins encounters difficulties, we could consider expressing existing chemical agents, although constructing the expression pathways for chemical agents is quite complex and should only serve as an alternative.

Furthermore, Dr. Cheng provided suggestions for selecting our chassis organism. He mentioned that Enterococcus faecalis is a prominent symbiotic bacterium found in the gut of S. invicta and could be considered as one of our chassis options. Professor Xu also advised us to focus on the adaptability of the chosen chassis organism to the S. invicta gut environment and whether it would be susceptible to the toxic components of the S. invicta venom. These factors directly influence the ability of our engineered bacteria to reproduce and express the drug effectively within the S. invicta gut. After considering these suggestions and reviewing various literature, we ultimately chose Escherichia coli (E. coli) as our chassis organism.

Gut microbes take some time to colonize the gut after entering, increasing the concentration of the bacterial population to secure more resources for survival before massive expression occurs. Therefore, we considered finding a signal that controls the behavior of engineered bacteria to release drugs only after reaching a certain concentration. At this point, Dr. Zhe Hu (Primer PI) introduced us to the Quorum Quenching strategy used in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo), an organism causing diseases in Oryza sativa L. He explained the concept of quorum sensing and suggested that we could incorporate it into our gene circuit to achieve the goal of controlling the behavior of the bacteria based on their population density. Quorum sensing also helps coordinate the collective behavior of the bacterial population, ensuring uniform drug release and reducing the amount of drug susceptible to degradation by endogenous proteases, thereby increasing effective expression.

However, Dr. Cheng pointed out a problem in our design. Gut symbiotic bacteria can only colonize specific structures inside the larval gut, and they cannot stay in the queen ant's gut for an extended period; they are excreted within a day or two after ingestion. This realization led us to understand that if we use quorum sensing to coordinate drug release and rely on gut symbiotic bacteria's colonization in larvae, quorum sensing would activate prematurely in the larval gut due to their distinct colonization characteristics. This would not achieve the intended goal of engineering bacteria to accumulate in the queen ant before expressing the drug. Therefore, we shifted our project direction to explore the possibility of first expressing the drug within the larvae and then enriching the drug in the queen ant for targeted eradication.

In this new direction, the key challenge was to ensure that the drug expressed within the larvae would not be excessive and kill the larvae. We needed to find a method to control the drug's expression level within the larvae, keeping it below the lethal dose. This way, the drug could still be transmitted back to the queen ant after expression. Therefore, we introduced a binary oscillation system. By designing a well-structured oscillation circuit, we ensured that the amount of expressed drug would oscillate below a specific predetermined value.


Fig 14.The Schematic of binary oscillation circuits


Fig 15.The previous project schematic

The construction of binary oscillation circuits is not a straightforward task. We posed questions to experts regarding the selection and construction of binary oscillations. Mr. Boxiang Wang from Lingzhu Co.,LTD. commended our innovative use of binary oscillations as a promising concept but acknowledged the significant challenges it presents. The construction of binary oscillations is indeed complex. He pointed out some principles that we may inadvertently violate when designing artificial dynamic circuits and recommended reading materials by Christopher A. Voigt, as well as the gene circuit design software Cello Cad, to facilitate a deeper understanding of our project's binary oscillation circuit. This helped us identify potential issues in the design of dynamic gene circuits. These challenges prompted us to reevaluate the difficulties in achieving binary oscillation and its practical implications.

During the CCIC conference, we also consulted Dr. Dong from ATANTARE, who has expertise in oscillator-related research. Our discussions revolved around the specific design details of the experiment program intended to validate the binary oscillator. Through these exchanges, we came to realize the instability associated with the project's binary oscillator system. Consequently, we made the decision to abandon the oscillator circuit and opt for the construction of a digital circuit instead.

We have proposed a new plan that omits the oscillation route (with a page link to the experimental plan) to regulate the quorum sensing threshold and control the rate of toxic protein production. This approach allows us to maintain a balance between production and output, effectively controlling the dosage of drugs for the larvae in the intestine. Some of the details of this plan were inspired by our team's communication with the Tsinghua University team during the CCIC conference, focusing on the following two aspects: 1. The Tsinghua University team's use of the OmpA signaling peptide was found to meet our project's requirements for secreting two proteins, which we later confirmed through our experiments. 2. The Tsinghua University team's biosafety design inspired us to develop a nutrient-deficient safety switch based on the loss of single gene expression, allowing engineered bacteria to survive only in bait with added diaminobenzoic acid (DAP) or in the anaerobic environment of the S. invicta gut. This prevents the engineered bacteria from surviving in the environment and causing harm.

During the CCIC conference, we also consulted Dr. Dong from ATANTARE, who has expertise in oscillator-related research. Our discussions revolved around the specific design details of the experiment program intended to validate the binary oscillator. Through these exchanges, we came to realize the instability associated with the project's binary oscillator system. Consequently, we made the decision to abandon the oscillator circuit and opt for the construction of a digital circuit instead.

Dr. Hu has expressed support for this new plan, as it is expected to be more stable than the application of a binary oscillation system."


Fig 16.The project schematic

 04  Implementation and evaluation

Drug carriers and hardware devices

During the project design phase, we are exploring strategies to transform our genetically modified bacteria into practical biological pesticides. Concurrently, we are focused on enhancing overall effectiveness and implementing safety precautions through the prototyping of hardware devices.


Fig 17. Improving the moisture resistance of baits

Selection of drug carriers

On the basis of ensuring the attraction rate of S. invicta and the activity of protecting engineering bacteria, we focus on improving the moisture resistance of bait. Through literature research, we have learned about the S. invicta bait capsule developed by Xie Feng, which aligns with our project's requirements. Therefore, we have decided to build upon his research findings to further design our drug carrier (Dong et al., 2021).

According to the author's research, the optimal formula of the rubber shell is as followed: Gelatin 20%, Glycerin 3%, Triethyl citrate 1%, Corn meal 2%, Fish meal 7%, The bait capsule shells formulated as described above showed the highest attraction to S. invictas, along with high water resistance, good mold resistance, and overall effectiveness in pest control.

In the future, our plan is to build upon the author's formulation by using gelatin microspheres (GMS) as the carrier for the live bacterial drug. We will introduce varying concentrations of diaminopimelic acid (DAP) (for more details, see the Safety page link). Additionally, we will conduct single-factor attraction tests with bait formulations containing different concentrations of DAP in gelatin microspheres to determine the optimal DAP concentration for the bait formulation.

Our experimental method of orthogonal test method will refer to the scheme provided by Xie Feng (2019), and the single factor attractant test is detailed in (set as hidden column).

Note: Due to biosafety issues, this experimental method is only theoretical, and no related zoological experiments have been carried out. In the future, we will conduct further experimental verification if experimental conditions permit.

The choice of hardware devices

We focus on reducing costs and improving prevention and control measures when designing our hardware. During our research, we learned that Shenzhen City, China, had employed the strategy of hiring professional teams to conduct regular control measures against S. invicta. This approach addressed several challenges associated with relying primarily on farmers for control efforts, including issues related to professionalism, efficiency, and low willingness among farmers to participate in control activities. Additionally, it facilitated supervision, data collection, and improved the overall efficiency of S. invicta.

However, the success of such control measures depends on adequate financial support. While well-funded municipalities like Shenzhen City may not face significant challenges in this regard, smaller township governments with limited financial resources often prioritize cost-effectiveness when considering S. invicta control measures. Therefore, we aim to design appropriate devices to reduce the costs associated with organizing specialized control teams at the township level while enhancing the safety of control operations. This approach can assist financially constrained township governments in establishing control teams and ultimately improve the efficiency of S. invicta control efforts.

Check out our hardware related content here

The object of consideration for the project

During our discussions with stakeholders, we recognized the importance of identifying the target audience for our project as a significant issue. As a result, we placed a strong emphasis on determining which individuals or groups would benefit the most from our project, how to enhance their user experience, and how to attract and address the concerns of potential buyers. This approach aimed to improve the overall effectiveness of our project.

As a result of these considerations, our team members engaged in focused discussions, taking into account the needs and concerns of various target user groups. We brainstormed and proposed effective suggestions for advancing the project and developed preliminary plans based on this collaborative effort.

Key implementation elements of S. invicta prevention and control concept