
 01  Overview

During this year, we made every effort to strive for opportunities to collaborate and exchange ideas with other teams, and participated in many activities.

 02  iGEMers


In September of this year, we collaborated with the SCUT-China team to host the SynBio&SDG Science Exhibition, a large-scale science exhibition aimed at the public, with the theme of synthetic biology and sustainable development. By showcasing the application of synthetic biology in multiple sustainable development goals, we aim to promote synthetic biology to the public, especially teenagers, and enable more people to recognize and understand synthetic biology. This large-scale exhibition, including two organizers, was attended by iGEM teams from 12 universities. The exhibition venue was very lively and received widespread attention from the public and many children.


The BNUZH-China team has had contact and communication with us on the sequence of anaerobic promoters. They encountered problems in the experiment, and they shared difficulties and opinions with each other through online meetings to share their sequence information.

iGEM SDU-China

In the experiment, Professor Liang Quanfeng from Shandong University provided us with two sets of orthogonal quorum sensing system gene sequences. And the SDU-China team provided us with three different fluorescent proteins. We also communicated with the SDU-China team about possible issues in the GFP expression experiment.

iGEM Tsinghua

In the modification of the project experimental route, we want to introduce flipping enzymes to achieve the expected purpose, but our team lacks understanding of flipping enzymes. After learning about Tsinghua's previous projects, we had an exchange on this issue.

 03  Meetup

South China Communication Conference

We were invited to participate in the 7th South China Communication Conference "Villagarnival" organized by the SZU-China team in May. The conference aims to promote mutual communication among university teams, understand each other's projects, and actively ask questions. We absorbed a lot of opinions at this conference and discovered the difficulties of the previous binary oscillation system, which played a significant role in improving the experimental circuit in the future.

The 10th CCiC

We went to Hainan University in July to participate in the 10th CCiC Exchange Conference and exchange projects with other iGEM teams in China. In human practice, we learned to use the 2023 iGEM Judge Handbook to evaluate work quality. In the experiment, we once again confirmed the instability of the binary oscillator, prompting us to abandon the oscillation circuit and build a digital circuit instead.

2023 iGEM Intercollegiate Synthetic Biology Science Conference

In September, we were invited to participate in the intercollegiate Synthetic Biology Science Popularization Conference hosted by the BNUZH-China team, showcasing synthetic biology to the audience and understanding its charm. At the conference, we introduced the team's plan and popularized the relevant knowledge of synthetic biology to the on-site and online students through online means.

 04  Others

Guangdong Red Imported Fire Ant Technology Development Co.Ltd

We have long-term cooperation and communication with Guangdong Red Imported Fire Ant Technology Development Co.Ltd in the design of live bacterial drugs and devices for the project. They have provided us with a lot of guidance and helped us provide evaluations. Through cooperation and exchange, significant progress has been made in the device design, drug properties, and drug composition of the project.