
 01  Idea information

The idea for our device design originated from our investigation into the current state of S. invicta prevention and control. We aimed to reduce costs and enhance safety for township governments that lack sufficient funding to organize S. invicta prevention and control teams, enabling them to carry out more effective control efforts.

During our research, we learned that Shenzhen city, Guangdong provice, China, had employed professional S. invicta control teams for routine prevention and control measures. This approach addressed several issues, including the lack of professionalism, low efficiency, and low willingness among farmers to engage in control activities. It also regulated the supervision and statistical aspects of S. invicta prevention and control, improving overall efficiency. This method was a practical and verified measure that played a crucial role in local S. invicta control. However, the prerequisite for implementing such control measures is substantial financial support. While this may not be a challenge for financially robust cities like Shenzhen, it is a significant concern for cash-strapped township governments. Therefore, we aimed to design an appropriate device to reduce the costs and enhance the safety of organizing specialized S. invicta prevention and control teams for township governments with limited funding, ultimately improving their control efficiency.

To reduce costs, we initially considered the various aspects of expenditure that might be associated with establishing S. invicta prevention and control teams. Through discussions and consolidation during meetings, we identified the following areas:

Cost source Cost category
Personnel costs Costs of hiring specialized personnel, training costs, and daily labor expenses (such as food and accommodation)
Material cost Medication costs, spreading device costs (purchase, daily maintenance, charging, etc.)

Among these cost categories, we believe that cost reduction efforts can be made in the following aspects, including:

Cost category Correspondence strategy
Cost of hiring specialized personnel and daily manpower costs Reduce the number of people, improve the efficiency of drug administration, and reduce the difficulty of drug administration
Training fees Reduce the difficulty of using the device
Medication costs Improve killing efficiency, control appropriate spreading amount and reduce waste
Spreading device cost Reduce device production costs, energy consumption or manual and maintenance costs

From this table, we conclude that our device design should achieve the following goals:

1. Simple operation;
2. High pesticide dosing efficiency;
3. Controllable of pesticide spread;
4. Low production cost;
5. Low energy consumption or manual operation;
6. Durable and easy to maintain (it is best to replace some parts separately)

 02  Idea development

After establishing the initial design criteria, we conducted research on existing pesticide dispensing devices and formulated three preliminary design directions:

1, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) pesticide dispensing: Mounting cameras and pesticide dispensing equipment on drones to autonomously identify ant nests and dispense pesticides.

2, Enclosed bait box: A container designed to isolate bait from external conditions such as high temperatures, direct sunlight, and high humidity that could render the bait ineffective. It would also prevent unintended consumption by other animals.

3, Portable manual pesticide dispensing device: A device capable of carrying and efficiently spraying a large quantity of solid or liquid pesticides, either electrically or manually operated.

To further narrow down our research direction, we visited Red Imported Fire Ant Technology Development Co., Ltd in Guangzhou, seeking their advice. During the investigation, the CEO, Mr. Wei-Zhuang Wang, provided suggestions for our proposals, including:

1 The idea of using drones may not be practical as they had conducted related research previously. They found that the complex terrain and geology of actual pesticide application areas made it difficult to achieve effective results using drones. Drone research also posed significant challenges.

2, The concept of a bait box for pesticide application is challenging to implement. Their research indicated that S. invicta is highly sensitive to environmental changes, and differences between the internal and external environments of the bait box would deter ants from entering and foraging within the box, rendering the device ineffective. Additionally, maintaining conditions inside the box to preserve the efficacy of the pesticide would entail high development and manufacturing costs. They had previously attempted two initial bait box device models but abandoned them due to poor performance.

3, The portable manual pesticide dispensing device received their approval. In practice, they found that manual pesticide application, when combined with specific devices, was highly efficient. Additionally, the development and manufacturing costs were relatively low, making it easy to promote. Many mature pesticide dispensing devices are already available in the market for reference.

Considering their advice, we ultimately decided to focus on researching the portable manual pesticide dispensing device . We plan to improve existing devices based on our project's objectives to reduce the costs for town governments in organizing specialized teams for S. invicta prevention and control. Additionally, we will continue some efforts in the direction of the bait box.

 03  Plan description

Direction one

Initially, we envisioned using drones to replace manual pesticide application, aiming to improve efficiency and reduce costs. The specific idea was to mount cameras on drones and employ image processing to accurately identify red fire ant nests for precise pesticide application.

However, during the actual design process, we discovered that the algorithms required to achieve this goal were exceedingly complex. The accurate identification of ant nests by drones proved challenging, and drone-based pesticide application risked wasting bait, making it cost-prohibitive and impractical . Our research at Red Imported Fire Ant Technology Development Co., Ltd also revealed that they had previously made efforts in this direction but ultimately abandoned it. Therefore, after thorough discussions, we decided to prioritize alternative directions.

Fig 1. Hypothetical diagram of drone

Direction two

Through research, we learned that traditional baits can easily become ineffective when exposed to unsuitable environmental conditions such as moisture, high temperatures, and direct sunlight. Consequently, we shifted our focus to the development of pesticide dispensing devices that can maintain a consistent internal environment. However, during the actual design process, we found that achieving a constant and suitable internal environment under various weather conditions posed high technical demands on the device and was challenging to control in terms of cost.

Furthermore, based on our research at Red Imported Fire Ant Technology Development Co., Ltd, we discovered that S. invicta is highly sensitive to changes in the internal environment of a device. It is highly likely that they would avoid our designed device if the conditions inside it differed from the external environment. Therefore, after discussion, we concluded that the feasibility of this type of device was relatively low Below are some initial drafts of our designs.

Fig 2&3.Device 1

The left figure is the front view, and the right figure is the side view. The top cover can shield against direct sunlight and rainwater.

Fig 4.Device 2

Fig 5.The 3-D print of device 1 and 2

Direction three

We designed a cane-like device that can dispense bait with a light press.


During our research in Jie Xi County, Guangdong Province, we observed that farmers, who are the primary participants in the pest control efforts, were middle-aged to senior citizens. They faced challenges in pesticide application due to limited mobility, resulting in lower efficiency, and imprecise dosing, leading to the wastage of pesticides. Therefore, we intended to design a point-press bait dispensing device that allows users to release a specific amount of bait by pressing it. Additionally, this device could serve as a walking cane to assist senior citizens.

Device Components

The device consists of a bottom cylinder, a top rod, a pin with a hanging ear, and a spring.

Operation Principle

Both the bottom cylinder and the top rod have matching slots, and the bottom of the top rod is solid. In the default state, the two slots overlap, and the device is in a closed position. When pressure is applied to the device, the slot on the top rod moves downward, aligning with the slot on the bottom cylinder, allowing bait to be dispensed. Once the pressure is released, the spring's elasticity returns the top rod's slot to its original position, resetting the device to its default state.

Fig 6.Operation Principe

Fig 7&8.Cross-section view of bottom tube and upper pole

Fig 9.Assembly diagram

Fig 10.The physical product of our cane-like device

Video: Demo of Press Bait Dispensing Device