
In the 500-plus days since the inception of our team, SCAU-China, we have embarked on a transformative journey. Our team has evolved from a mere concept to the successful development of a project with a significant impact on our community. Throughout this process, we have continuously iterated our project design based on feedback from a wide range of human practices and the valuable input of stakeholders. This iterative approach has been instrumental in ensuring that we effectively address the pressing needs of our community.

Our progress would not have been possible without the generous assistance and support of numerous individuals and organizations. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the following:

[Principal Investigators]: Our Principal Investigators have played a pivotal role by providing invaluable guidance and advice throughout the entire project, offering unwavering support to our team.

[Advisors, Experts, and Scholars]: We are thankful for the guidance and expertise shared by advisors, experts, and scholars. Their contributions have greatly contributed to refining our project.

[Collaborating Institutions and Entrepreneurs]: Our gratitude goes to the institutions and entrepreneurs who collaborated with us, offering resources and opportunities that enabled us to achieve our goals more effectively.

[Community Members]: We express our sincere thanks to community members, including farmers, doctors, government officials, and others, whose active involvement and feedback have been instrumental in shaping the project.

[Sponsors and Teachers]: The support and encouragement from our sponsors and teachers have been a constant source of motivation in our journey.

[College of Life Sciences, South China Agricultural University]: A special thank you goes to the School of Life Sciences at South China Agricultural University for their generous financial support, which has laid a solid foundation for the success of our project.

In summary, we acknowledge that our progress owes much to the support and assistance of these individuals and organizations. We are deeply grateful for their contributions. Moving forward, we remain committed to addressing community needs and contributing to the advancement of society.