1. 20µl of HIV-1 RRE RNA and HIV-1 Rev protein were configured with n(RNA/Rev) of 1:12.5; 1:25; 1:50; 1:75, respectively, and after mixing them well, they were placed on ice for 40min for reaction, and gel migration experiments were carried out using 8% TBM gels.
2. The results of the gel migration experiment were analyzed (Figure 1).
3. HIV -1 RRE-Rev complex competition process occurs from low level complex to intermediate level complex and then to high level complex competition (Figure 2).

Figure 1. EMSA electrophoresis results of HIV-1 RRE RNA and HIV-1 Rev binding to each other.

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the HIV-1 Rev-RRE complex binding model.