
The success of the iGEM Qdai project depended on the work of a team and the cooperation of a diverse group of people, and we would like to thank all those who supported the iGEM Qdai activities.

Role of members

1. Name 2. Role 3. General Tasks 4. Specific Tasks
Airi Jitsushita Team Leader Conceptualization,
Project management,
Conceptualization: Helped in project planning,
Research: Helped to consider whether the project was feasible,
Project management: Helped move the project forward,
Entrepreneurship: thinking about how the device could be useful
Nariaki Nishimura Team Member Research,
Project management,
Research: Helped to consider whether the project was feasible,
Notebook: recorded the activities of the laboratory,
Project management: Helped move the project forward,
Entrepreneurship: thinking about how the device could be useful
Haruna Mizokuchi Team Member Research,
Project management,
Research: Helped to consider whether the project was feasible,
Notebook: recorded the activities of the laboratory,
Project management: Helped move the project forward,
Entrepreneurship: thinking about how the device could be useful,
Video: Helped with publicity
Yuna Hayashi Team Member Analysis,
Analysis: Data generated from the literature was analyzed,
Conceptualization: Helped in project planning,
Research: Helped to consider whether the project was feasible.
Ryu Matsuzaka Team Member movie,
movie: I made a promotional video,
Entrepreneurship: thinking about how the device could be useful
Toshihiro Noguchi Team Member wiki coding wiki coding: team wiki built
Takumi Murayama Team Member wiki,
wiki: I designed the wiki,
Contact: I contacted the company
Hiroshi Ito Pi
Koki Nakamura Team Member

External Contributions

1. Name 2. Institution Type 3. Relationship to team 4. General Tasks 5. Specific Tasks
AgroDesign Studios Industry Sponsor Fundraising Awarded a grant to support our team.
Cosmo Bio Co., Ltd. Industry Sponsor Fundraising Awarded a grant to support our team.
Microbiofactory Co., Ltd. Industry Sponsor Fundraising Awarded a grant to support our team.
Nippon Genetics Co., Ltd. Industry Sponsor Fundraising Awarded a grant to support our team.
INA・OPTIKA Co., Ltd. Industry Sponsor Fundraising Awarded a grant to support our team.
QREC Academic Collaborator Fundraising Awarded a grant to support our team.

Project Timeline

1. Project Activity 2. Start Date 3. End Date 4. Total Time (weeks)
1.recruit team members December 1 July 30 30 weeks
2.develop a project plan February 1 May 10 12 weeks
3.wet lab activities September 20 October 12 3 weeks
4.dry lab activities July 10 October 12 12 weeks a team wiki October 1 October 12 2 weeks

What our team did ourselves


Pi attributions

Prof Hiroshi Ito, Faculty of Design Kyushu University