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Project Hyperion is a pioneering venture focused on developing a cutting-edge biosensor with a primary objective: early cancer detection and the identification of various anomalies through the analysis of kinome hyperphosphorylation patterns. Our journey commences with the precise construction of the biosensor and its components, primarily executed through advanced 3D printing techniques. Concurrently, we initiate the cultivation of human cell lines, specifically employing the A453 cell lines sourced from the European Collections of Authenticated Cell Cultures, forming the foundation for rigorous testing and critical assessment of the biosensor's functionality. In the subsequent phase, we meticulously extract proteins from these cell lines to evaluate hyperphosphorylation patterns through established techniques such as Western blotting. We ascertain the biosensor's capacity to accurately detect these patterns, marking a pivotal step toward transforming cancer diagnosis and anomaly detection. Project Hyperion is poised to revolutionize healthcare, standing at the forefront of innovative biotechnology.


  • Prolonged Diagnostic Times:Current cancer diagnostic methods can be time-consuming, leading to delays in treatment.
  • Invasive Procedures:Many cancer screening techniques involve invasive and uncomfortable procedures, causing distress to patients.
  • Limited Accessibility:High-tech diagnostic tools are often concentrated in urban areas, leaving rural populations with limited access to early detection.
  • High Costs:The expense associated with advanced diagnostics can be a barrier for many individuals and healthcare systems.
  • Late-Stage Detection:Late-stage cancer diagnoses reduce treatment options and worsen patient outcomes.
  • Disease Overload:Healthcare systems face an increasing burden due to the rising prevalence of cancer and other diseases.
  • Inefficient Drug Discovery:Without effective diagnostic tools, drug discovery for various diseases becomes less precise and more time-consuming.
  • Clinical Trial Efficiency:Inaccurate patient stratification for clinical trials can hinder the development of effective therapies.
  • Precision Medicine Hurdles:Tailoring treatments to an individual's genetic makeup and specific disease characteristics is promising but challenging. Current diagnostic methods often lack the precision required for accurate personalized treatment plans. This can lead to ineffective treatments, adverse side effects, and delayed recovery.


Bringing Hyperion to life in the real world has been a remarkable journey, filled with challenges and boundless potential. From the development of our cutting-edge biosensor technology to the exploration of sustainable practices, our dedicated team has pushed the boundaries to create a transformative diagnostic tool with vast applications. While our focus today is on revolutionizing cancer detection, we recognize that Hyperion's impact extends far beyond. Just as we've harnessed its power to combat cancer, tomorrow, it may empower us to address a spectrum of health challenges, heralding a new era in diagnostics and healthcare.


The title of the project, "Hyperion," short for the word 'hyper-phosphorylation', draws its inspiration from Greek mythology, where Hyperion was one of the Titans. In Greek, Hyperion signifies "one who rides above the earth," symbolizing a divine force responsible for setting celestial bodies, including planets, the sun, the moon, and the stars, into motion. This orchestration of space also influences the changing seasons. In alignment with this celestial metaphor, the iGEM Patras 2023 project aspires to transform cancer from a formidable disease into a mere constellation. Our goal this year is to achieve precise and timely cancer diagnosis, ultimately enabling the most effective treatments for patients. Just as Hyperion guided the cosmos, we endeavor to guide the path to better healthcare through innovation and dedication.
