Human Practices

How is Project Hyperion responsible and good for the world?

Project Hyperion's biosensor technology is designed to enable early cancer detection by identifying specific cancer biomarkers with remarkable precision. Early detection is crucial in improving cancer outcomes, as it allows for timely treatment and potentially higher survival rates.

According to the WHO, cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, with millions of lives lost each year. Early detection and treatment have been shown to significantly reduce cancer mortality rates. By facilitating early diagnosis, Project Hyperion has the potential to contribute to a global reduction in cancer-related deaths.

Project Hyperion's biosensors provide real-time data on cancer biomarkers. This data can be used to tailor treatment plans for individual patients, a concept known as precision medicine. Precision medicine aims to optimize treatment efficacy while minimizing side effects, offering a more responsible and patient-centric approach to cancer care.

The economic burden of cancer on healthcare systems is substantial. Early cancer diagnosis can lead to more cost-effective treatments and better allocation of healthcare resources. By improving early diagnosis rates, Project Hyperion can have a positive economic impact by reducing the long-term costs associated with advanced cancer stages.

Project Hyperion's vision of global cancer diagnostics aligns with the WHO's mission to improve cancer control worldwide. By offering a cost-effective and accessible diagnostic solution, Hyperion Diagnostics can contribute to reducing cancer health disparities between high-income and low-income countries.


But why does cancer occur so often?

Cancer, a complex and multifaceted group of diseases, has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. The rise in cancer incidence can be attributed to various factors, including significant changes in human lifestyles and habits. These changes, when examined in the context of scientific data from the WHO Cancer Observatory, shed light on why cancer occurs so frequently.

Lifestyle Factors and Cancer Incidence

Smoking remains one of the most significant risk factors for cancer. Scientific studies show that tobacco use is responsible for approximately 22% of cancer-related deaths globally. Lung cancer is the most well-known consequence of smoking, but it is also linked to cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, pancreas, bladder, and more.

Excessive alcohol consumption is another lifestyle factor associated with an increased risk of cancer. The WHO reports that alcohol consumption contributes to various cancer types, including oral, esophageal, liver, breast, and colorectal cancers.

Unbalanced diets leading to obesity are prevalent in many societies. The WHO has highlighted the relationship between obesity and cancer, emphasizing that a high body mass index (BMI) is linked to an elevated risk of several cancers, such as breast, colorectal, and kidney cancers.

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun and exposure to ionizing radiation are known carcinogens. Skin cancer, particularly melanoma, is strongly associated with excessive sun exposure. Ionizing radiation, such as that from medical imaging, is associated with an increased risk of certain cancers.

Prevention is undoubtedly a critical aspect of cancer control, with lifestyle modifications playing a pivotal role. However, early diagnosis is equally essential. The WHO emphasizes that early detection is a key strategy for improving cancer outcomes, as it allows for prompt treatment and better chances of cure.

Project Hyperion, as an innovative biosensor initiative, aligns with the principles of early cancer detection. By leveraging biosensor technology akin to coronavirus detection tests, Hyperion identifies specific cancer markers. The WHO recognizes that early diagnosis can significantly impact cancer survival rates, making Hyperion's mission to provide real-time, non-invasive, and cost-effective diagnostic capabilities especially promising.

Hyperion's Potential Impact

Hyperion's adaptability to detect multiple types of cancer with minor modifications is a significant advantage. This aligns with the WHO's approach to addressing the diverse range of cancer types prevalent globally.

The low cost of Hyperion's biosensor technology makes it accessible to a wide range of healthcare providers and populations. This affordability aligns with the WHO's goal of reducing health disparities and ensuring equitable access to cancer diagnostics.

Hyperion's commitment to ethical research and responsible technology development addresses concerns related to potential misuse or unintended consequences. This aligns with the WHO's principles of ethical cancer research and innovation.

In conclusion, Project Hyperion stands at the forefront of cancer diagnosis innovation, addressing the global challenge of cancer with scientific rigor and a commitment to improving early detection. It embodies the principles of responsible healthcare technology development while holding the promise of transforming cancer diagnostics for the benefit of all.

Our Values

At Team Patras, innovation is not just a buzzword; it's the driving force behind everything we do. Our commitment to innovation means that we continually explore new scientific frontiers and cutting-edge technologies. We invest in research and development to stay at the forefront of biosensor technology. We encourage our team to think creatively, experiment, and challenge the status quo, fostering an environment where groundbreaking ideas can flourish. By pushing the boundaries of what's possible, we aim to provide healthcare providers and patients with diagnostic tools that are more accurate, efficient, and effective.

Precision is paramount in cancer diagnosis. We understand the life-changing impact that early and accurate diagnosis can have on patients' lives. That's why we meticulously design our biosensors to deliver precise and reliable results. Our dedication to precision extends to every aspect of our operations, from manufacturing to quality control. We continuously refine our technology to ensure that healthcare professionals can trust our diagnostics with confidence. Precision is not just a goal; it's a commitment that drives us to achieve excellence.

We firmly believe that advanced cancer diagnostics should be accessible to all, regardless of geography or economic status. Our commitment to accessibility means that we not only focus on developing state-of-the-art biosensors but also strive to make them affordable. By keeping costs reasonable, we aim to empower a wide range of healthcare providers and reach underserved communities. Our vision is to bridge the gap in cancer diagnosis disparities, ensuring that more patients have access to early detection and timely treatment.

Ethical responsibility is at the core of our operations. We are committed to conducting research and development that adheres to the highest ethical standards. Patient safety, data privacy, and ethical considerations are non-negotiable aspects of our work. We engage in transparent and responsible practices, ensuring that our biosensors benefit patients without compromising their well-being or privacy. Our ethical responsibility extends to our interactions with partners, and regulatory authorities, fostering trust and credibility in everything we do.

At the heart of our values is a commitment to putting patients first. We understand the anxiety and uncertainty that a cancer diagnosis can bring, and we aim to alleviate that burden. Our patient-centric approach means that we design our biosensors and services with patients in mind. We strive to provide not just accurate diagnosis but also support and resources that empower patients to take an active role in their healthcare journey. By prioritizing the well-being of patients, we aim to improve the overall experience of cancer diagnosis and treatment.

These core values guide our actions, decisions, and aspirations. They define who we are as a team and underpin our mission to revolutionize cancer diagnostics for the betterment of healthcare and the lives of those affected by cancer.

What led us to Choose this Diagnostics Track and how is it good for the world?

It is well known that cancer continues to be one of the modern scourges of human health. The stories of people facing cancer are always heartbreaking. One day they come to light after their life has ended and we all read a post that fills us with emotion and perhaps inspiration and strength on how to live. Other times, we learn about the life-changing experience that transformed them into almost another person. Again, this acts as a strong jolt, especially when it comes to childhood cancer.

We often refer to cancer as a disproportionate enemy, against which some are losers and others are winners. Have we stopped to ask ourselves how true or real is this? Is a person who eventually dies of cancer weaker than another who survives? No, clearly not.

Our team, wanting to help these people and at the same time contribute to the solution of this chronic problem that has plagued scientists for years, wanted to join the fight against cancer. Building on the hope of the young scientists who contribute to it, our team seeks to contribute to a new era where curing cancer will be a simple everyday process. We know that innovative diagnostic tools are bringing a cure to more and more cancer patients, especially if the disease is detected early. We believe that the solution lies in the field of synthetic biology. An area that needs to be demystified and not taken over by fear, as is the case today. So we are working on building a special sensor that can detect the presence of cancer in the body. More specifically, certain biological markers are detected that predict the existence of the disease, even in early stages. Based on our knowledge and with the help of the special sensor we have in our hands, we propose an innovative technique with a revolutionary role in cancer diagnosis.

We observed that current diagnostic practices are a burden on patient health, are expensive, poorly qualified and have questionable results. Thus the method we have developed will provide valid and timely diagnosis even before the problem occurs, will be cheaper, more accurate and applicable even in the most remote and degraded facilities. It will also be carried out in a few seconds with detailed results, provide validated results in databases and make the procedures in the survey even easier. The diagnostic method we propose is applied to cancer but in the future it is intended to be developed for other diseases in order to make the process as painless as possible for the patient and through its non-time-consuming diagnostic tests to make the hope of curing serious diseases more feasible.

So our work has applications in medicine, which are not limited to diagnosis, but can also include drug discovery, determining how the body responds to a drug, categorizing patients for personalized treatment and predicting many other diseases.

The project we present, as team Patras, is a vision that changes the way we see health and diagnosis. We are convinced that this technology will save lives and give new hope to people struggling with very serious diseases.


The genesis of our current project, Hyperion Diagnostics, is deeply rooted in a comprehensive approach to addressing the critical challenges in cancer diagnosis. Our journey to conceptualize and develop this innovative biosensor technology can be broken down into several key steps:

  1. Our initial step was to conduct an extensive literature review on cancer diagnosis, particularly focusing on the existing methodologies, technologies, and challenges. This literature review helped us gain a thorough understanding of the current landscape of cancer diagnostics and identify areas where innovation was sorely needed.
  2. We closely observed the challenges within the healthcare system, particularly concerning cancer diagnosis. One prominent issue we identified was the need for earlier and more accurate cancer detection. Delayed diagnosis can significantly impact treatment outcomes, and we recognized that there was a pressing need for a more precise and accessible diagnostic solution.
  3. We evaluated the existing technologies used for cancer diagnosis, including their limitations and drawbacks. This evaluation highlighted the need for a disruptive technology that could overcome the shortcomings of traditional diagnostic methods.
  4. While conducting our research, we also drew inspiration from advancements in other scientific fields. Notably, the emergence of biosensors in various applications, including infectious disease detection, piqued our interest. We saw an opportunity to apply similar principles to cancer diagnostics.
  5. The global COVID-19 pandemic had a profound impact on the world, including the field of diagnostics. We noticed the rapid development of biosensors for detecting the virus, particularly those designed to identify the spike protein. This sparked an idea: what if we could adapt similar biosensor technology for the early detection of cancer markers?
  6. Recognizing the complexity of biosensor technology and the intricacies of cancer biology, we initiated collaborations with experts in various fields. We brought together scientists, engineers, healthcare professionals, and regulatory experts to form an interdisciplinary team capable of tackling this multifaceted challenge.
  7. Through brainstorming sessions and collaborative discussions, we began to shape our innovative biosensor concept. We focused on designing a biosensor that could detect specific cancer biomarkers with remarkable precision and speed, all while being non-invasive and cost-effective.
  8. The development process involved iterative phases of research, experimentation, and refinement. We continuously tested and improved our biosensor technology, ensuring that it met the highest standards of accuracy and reliability.
  9. Throughout the project, we kept the needs of healthcare providers, patients, and the broader healthcare system in mind. We aimed to create a solution that not only addressed the scientific challenge of cancer diagnosis but also aligned with the practical requirements of the healthcare industry.
  10. Ethical responsibility was a guiding principle in our project. We adhered to ethical standards in research, data privacy, and patient safety, ensuring that our biosensor technology could be used responsibly and ethically in healthcare settings.
  11. As our biosensor technology evolved, we sought validation through scientific data, clinical trials, and rigorous testing. This validation process provided the evidence needed to demonstrate the effectiveness and reliability of our biosensors.

In summary, the journey to develop Hyperion Diagnostics was driven by a comprehensive approach that combined extensive research, observation of healthcare challenges, adaptation of innovative ideas, collaboration with experts, and a commitment to ethical responsibility. Our project emerged as a response to the pressing need for early and accurate cancer diagnosis, and it continues to evolve with the goal of revolutionizing cancer diagnostics for the betterment of healthcare and patients' lives.

Document Progress

Given the sensitive nature of our work involving individuals undergoing cancer testing, the human aspect of our endeavor held paramount importance. Our foremost pursuit was to guarantee the absence of bias in our results and, most importantly, to ensure the ethical treatment and well-being of the individuals taking part in our study.

From the outset of the competition, we recognized the immense value in meticulously documenting our every step. Through a process of trial and error, we strived to learn from our mistakes and optimize our approach to minimize any potential biases. This method wasn't solely focused on strict scientific methods; it was about respecting the lives and dignity of those we were working with.

Our commitment to transparency and accountability was deeply rooted in bioethics principles, which were especially critical when dealing with human subjects in this specific field. It's noteworthy that our program received approval from several esteemed institutions, such as the Bioethics Committee of the private hospital “Henry Dunant'' and the Bioethic Committees from both the University of Patras as well as from the National Technical University of Athens, due to our dedication to the ethical and human aspect of our research.

By holding weekly meetings throughout the whole process, our team was able both to access each member's contributions and to reflect on the best possible way to carry through experiments of such nature. Last but not least, it was very important to us that our goals remained aligned with the evolving ethical considerations of society, particularly in the context of cancer testing.

Validation of our Values

To ensure that our values align with the broader community's expectations and needs, we conducted consultations primarily within the academic and healthcare communities. Here are the key communities we consulted:

We engaged with esteemed members of the academic community who specialize in biosensor technology, cancer research, and related fields. Notable individuals include Professor Georgios P. Patrinos and Professor E. Hristoforou. Their expertise and insights were invaluable in shaping our project and ensuring its alignment with scientific standards and innovation.

We collaborated closely with medical doctors who are experts in oncology, cancer diagnosis, and patient care. Individuals like Dr. Varthalitis Head of the Henry Dunant Hospital and the Head Oncologist , Dr. Georgios Chatsidis, provided crucial perspectives on the clinical aspects of cancer diagnosis, the needs of healthcare providers, and the potential impact of our biosensor technology on patient outcomes.

We consulted with healthcare institutions, including hospitals and clinics, to understand the practical requirements and challenges they face in cancer diagnosis. This consultation helped us ensure that our biosensors could integrate seamlessly into existing healthcare infrastructure and workflows.

While not explicitly mentioned, it's important to consider consulting with patient advocacy groups or organizations representing cancer patients. Their input can provide insights into the experiences and needs of individuals undergoing cancer diagnosis and treatment, helping us align our values with patient-centric care.

Given our commitment to ethical responsibility, we may have consulted with ethics committees or experts in medical ethics to ensure that our project adheres to ethical standards and respects patient rights and privacy.

By consulting these diverse communities, including academics, healthcare professionals, and experts in ethics and patient advocacy, we aimed to ensure that our values not only met scientific and clinical standards but also addressed the broader ethical and societal considerations associated with cancer diagnosis. This comprehensive consultation process helped shape Hyperion Diagnostics into a project that strives to benefit patients, healthcare providers, and the scientific community as a whole.