
Team Attributions


Third Party Attributions

Dr. George Chatsidis

Oncologist, Henry Dunant Hospital, Athens, Greece

Dr. George Chatsidis, as the Head Oncologist at Henry Dunant Hospital, has been appointed as the principal investigator on the Hospital's end, for the upcoming observational study within the Project Hyperion. This study will involve the observation and analysis of 35 patients. His extensive experience and expertise in the field of oncology make him the ideal candidate to lead this crucial study. Furthermore, Dr. Chatsidis has played a pivotal role as an invaluable advisor for our project. His insights and guidance have significantly contributed to the improvement and refinement of our project, ensuring that it meets the highest standards of quality and accuracy. We are grateful for his dedication and expertise, and we look forward to collaborating with him on this important endeavor after the Grand Jamboree of 2023.

Christina Tsianava


We express our heartfelt appreciation to all our dedicated sponsors whose unwavering support has been instrumental in advancing the Hyperion project. Your generosity is propelling us closer to revolutionizing disease diagnostics, making early detection accessible to all. Your partnership embodies a commitment to global health, and we are deeply grateful for your trust in our mission. Together, we are shaping a healthier future for all.


The company provided financial support for the team's expenses and is one of its main supporters. It is a great honor to know that a company of such stature is supporting our project and we would like to express our sincere thanks for their great help.



Edelweiss confectioneries supplied the team with snacks and other food items made from wheat to cover the needs of the team during events. We thank them warmly for their offer.

Custom Prints

The shop created custom apparel and other merchandise so the team was able to be fully represented both at events and at the competition itself. We would like to express our thanks as we are fully satisfied with the result.

Tzartos neurodiagnostics

Tzartos neurodiagnostics provides the team with Lab supplies, facilities and lab equipment in order to carry out the experimental procedures needed for the implementation of the project. We thank them warmly for their help.

University of Patras

We are honored to have the financial support of the University of Patras, which throughout the project was an important help for the execution of the necessary procedures of the team. We are particularly grateful for the university's sponsorship as it helped us to carry out the procedures.