
Cancer survivor video- Patients Perspectives on our project

Cancer is a profoundly challenging and multifaceted disease that exerts a profound and often indescribable impact on every aspect of a patient's life. Its far-reaching consequences extend beyond the physical realm, affecting emotional, psychological, and social dimensions in ways that are often beyond our comprehension.

On this significant occasion of Cancer Survivor Day, we embarked on a heartfelt journey to shed light on the remarkable resilience of cancer survivors from diverse corners of the globe. We embarked on a mission to capture their stories, struggles, and triumphs in a deeply poignant video documentary.

Throughout our project, we engaged in candid and deeply empathetic interviews with these courageous survivors. Their experiences, candidly shared, illuminated the intricate web of challenges they confronted during their cancer journey. These ranged from the physical rigors of treatment and the emotional turmoil of diagnosis to the profound transformations that occurred within their families, friendships, and self-identities.

Furthermore, our discussions delved into the evolving landscape of healthcare. We explored how advancements in medical science, research, and patient care have progressively improved the cancer treatment journey. The survivors' narratives served as poignant testaments to the invaluable progress made by the healthcare system over the years, providing hope and inspiration not only to those currently battling cancer but to all of humanity.

After the successful conclusion of the video interview, we took the initiative to conduct an inquiry with the patient to gather their valuable perspective on our project. This was done with utmost care and attention to detail, as we understand the importance of incorporating the insights of all stakeholders involved in the project.

We would like to thank all the teams who collaborated with us and helped this project become a reality, iGEM UGM, iGEM UI, iGEM Dusseldorf, iGEM Bulgaria, Patras Med.

IGEM VITVellore team

This year, we had the pleasure of working with the VITVellore India team. We got in touch with their team in order to enrich our knowledge and share experiences. We started our meeting by introducing each team member and with a general discussion about our projects this year. We brainstormed and came up with some conclusions that can improve our project's presentation to the public. We then proceeded to co-organize a webinar titled “Microplastics: The Trojan Horse Effect”. Microplastics often percolate into our environment when improperly disposed plastic wastes wear off. In this session we talked about the detrimental impacts of microplastics and presented our projects for this year’s competition.

IGEM TU Braunschweig

We were also lucky enough to work with the TU Braunschweig Germany team. We came together in the hope of collaborating and expanding our knowledge and skills. We created a podcast in which each team presented their project and discussed key aspects of them. At the same time we published a series of posts on our social media about screening. We explained what it is, why people should go for a health screening, what tests are recommended. We also talked about comprehensive health screening, genetic screening as well as specific health screening.

Comic Translation

Thanks to our friends at iGEM UGM, our comic has been translated into Indonesian, expanding its reach to a wider audience. Special thanks to Adhelia Intan Sabhira and Afra Majida Hariono for their dedicated translation work. You can now enjoy the Indonesian version of our Cancer Comic Book and help us spread the message of cancer prevention and research.
