Diversity and Inclusion

Podcasts and radio broadcast

One of the most important goals we have managed to achieve during the past months is to make our project more accessible to everyone. We believe that science should be accessible to the whole world, so we tried to find ways to include a larger part of the population in our outreach activities. We created podcasts with different topics regarding our project and we spoke on a radio broadcast of the University of Patras. These actions are mainly addressed to visually impaired people but also to people who cannot attend our other actions for various reasons. A podcast is ideal for people on the autism spectrum or with attention deficit disorder who are unable to read long texts.

At the same time, keeping in mind the fast pace of life these days, we understand that it is difficult for the average person to devote time to science. We have noticed that in our country many people spend a significant part of their day on the road (going to work and returning home). So in this time radio broadcasts and podcasts are ideal ways to communicate science.

With these actions, aimed at a larger part of the population, we hope to inspire as many people as possible to get involved in synthetic biology.


Diversity is a cornerstone of our team, reflecting a mosaic of nationalities, racial backgrounds, and members who identify with the LGBTQ+ community. This inclusion of a wide spectrum of voices and perspectives equips our team with remarkable adaptability and resilience.

Furthermore, we hold a steadfast belief that the diversity within our team forms the bedrock for our originality and fosters exceptional collaboration. These attributes are fundamental in our pursuit of the ultimate goal.

In essence, diversity within a scientific team transcends mere fulfillment of quotas; it entails harnessing the strength that arises from the kaleidoscope of perspectives and backgrounds to push the frontiers of knowledge and innovation. Embracing diversity in science is not just desirable; it is an essential linchpin for cultivating a more vibrant, dynamic, and ethically grounded scientific community.ch team member brings a distinctive blend of skills, life experiences, and insights that collectively enrich our grasp of intricate scientific challenges. This multifaceted approach allows us to tackle problems from various angles, nurturing a culture of continuous learning and development.
