According to our research, we have identified a prevalent demand for weight loss in our country. In response to this significant need, a plethora of weight loss methods and products, such as diet and surgery like liposuction and gastrectomy, have emerged. However, concerns related to the limited effectiveness and potential safety risks associated with these options,such as unsustainable weight loss or adverse side effects, have become a primary concern for the general public.
In light of this, our project aims to develop a highly efficient fat-burning drug that specifically targets white adipocyte cells, offering a safe and effective alternative for weight loss, potentially minimizing side effects associated with traditional weight loss methods.
On this page, we will provide an outline of the implementation strategy for our project, ARROW. We will elucidate the anticipated impact of our project on society and explain how our design and objectives are interrelated and mutually influential. Furthermore, we will clearly identify the potential users of ARROW and emphasize the importance of responsible usage.

Potential Users:
In our opinion, the most suitable potential users for our project would primarily be individuals who have been diagnosed as overweight by a medical professional or individuals who are seeking to lose weight. Specifically, those who have previously tried other weight-loss medications would constitute the largest potential user group.
Proposed Application:
A person experiences discomfort in their heart and seeks medical attention. After examination, the doctor diagnoses them as obese and prescribes ARROW to alleviate heart discomfort by facilitating weight loss.
An individual who perceives themselves as being overweight and desires to lose weight, but finds it difficult to achieve through exercise alone. After evaluating their physical condition, the doctor may prescribe ARROW as a weight loss medication to assist in their journey towards a healthier weight.

Figure 1. Iteration Cycle of the Project Implementation
Development Cycle:
Firstly, to ensure the practical usability of our project, we will continue to make further improvements based on the feedback and learnings from the current iGEM competition.
Secondly, recognizing the importance of biosafety and intellectual property protection, we will seek to apply for a patent to safeguard any new breakthroughs and prevent potential misuse of our technology.
Following this, we will prudently conduct animal and clinical experiments, adhering to all regulatory standards and guidelines.
Additionally, we will refine the production process to align with the requirements of industrial-scale manufacturing.
Once we have achieved these milestones, we will introduce our enhanced product to the market and to our target users.
Throughout each of these steps and in practical application, we anticipate encountering challenges. However, we are committed to conducting extensive research and diligently addressing any issues that arise, as we view these challenges as opportunities for further improvement and iteration of our project.…