The principle of open source and building on the experiences of previous iGEM teams is what makes iGEM the heart of synthetic biology. During the development of our project, we were thrill to build our work on some previous iGEM projects, such as Valencia-2008 and NJU-China-2017. In return, we are happy to share the resources and knowledge we obtained in our project to the community. In this page we demonstrate some of the most important contributions in our project that we believe could be useful for future iGEM teams.

1.We added new documentation to an existing Part (BBa_K141000)
The uncoupling protein UCP1, the most well-studied mitochondrial uncoupler that regulates
thermogenesis and cellular energy expenditure(Kozak & Anunciado-Koza, 2008), has been used
by the team iGEM08_Valencia in their project to control the temperature of the yeast
culture. In their documentation of BBa_K141000, they mainly provided functional data on how
the overexpression of UCP1 would affect the temperature and the growth kinetics of yeast.
Building on this, we supplemented some useful data regarding where UCP1 is located and how
it affects cell energy expenditure in HEK-293T cells, a commonly used mammalian cell line.
Methods and Results
To visualize the subcellular
location of UCP1, we fused an EGFP protein on the
N-Terminus of UCP1 (EGFP-UCP1). HEK-293T cells were transfected with this EGFP-UCP1
expressing plasmid for 48 h before the localization of EGFP-UCP1 was observed via widefield
fluorescent microscopy and live-cell confocal imaging. We also analyzed the glucose
consumption of the transfected cells by measuring the glucose levels in the culture medium.
This analysis represented the level of cellular energy expenditure.
Both wide-field fluorescent imaging (Figure 1a) and live-cell confocal imaging
(Figure 1b)
showed highly specific colocalization of EGFP-UCP1 signal with mitochondria markers
(MTS-mcherry, Figure 1b). Moreover, cells transfected with pNC088 (PCMV-Pdp1NTD-EGFP-UCP1) showed a
higher glucose consumption compared to the control cells transfected with pcDNA3.1(+) vector
(Figure 1c), suggesting a significantly improved energy consumption in these cells.

Figure 1. Charactrization of UCP1 localization and function in HEK-293T cells. (a, b) Localization EGFP-UCP1 in HEK-293T cells. For wide-field microscopy in a, cells were transfected with a EGFP-UCP1 expressing plasmid. For confocal images in b, cells were co-transfected with MTS-mcherry and EGFP-UCP. Photos were taken 48 h post transfection, scale bar: 100μm for wide-field microscopy and 10 μm for confocal microscopy. Data are representative images of 3 independent experiments. (c) Charactrization of cellular metabolism in HEK-293T cells transfected with either EGFP-UCP1 or pcDNA3.1(+). Glucose concentration in the cell culture medium was measured 48 h after transfection; data shows mean±SD, n=3 independent experiments.
2.We introduced a bunch of New Parts to the Registry
We are the first team to introduce the protein-delivering Photorhabdus Virulence Cassette
(PVC) system into the iGEM community. This system was recently reported and engineered by
Kreitz et al. (Kreitz et al., 2023) as a new protein delivery approach to directly inject
proteins into mammalian cells in a target-specific manner. Our team created and documented
different functional units of PVC in the Parts Registry and created multiple parts to help
future iGEM teams engineer the PVC coat and PVC payload. We also included a Golden
Gate-based pvc13 construct, that may possibly simplify the cloning process for PVC tail
fiber engineering. Additionally, we created a part collection containing all the necessary
components to assemble PVCs and the PVCs we used in our project.
The protocol that
we used to construct these parts is documented on the Experiments
page, the parts can be
found on the Parts pages (Parts Overview, Basic Parts, Composite Parts, Part Collection).
3.We provide key Experimental Tips and Troubleshooting process in PVC production
Our goal is to create a PVC particle that targets adipocytes using UCP1. However, this has presented numerous challenges during the purification process. As a new field, there are limited references to using PVCs as a programmable protein delivery tool, which has made the process even more difficult. Despite these challenges, we have successfully engineered the PVCs and documented every step of the procedure, including plasmid construction techniques and temperature control. We have also included unsuccessful steps and techniques, along with tips and warnings, on our Experiments pages. This documentation will be useful for future iGEM teams looking to replicate our work.
4.We Developed an Open-Source Hardware for Enhanced Understanding of PVC Structure
To provide a more direct visualization so others can understand PVCs better, we have created
an open-source 3D model using Solid Works software. This model can be used by others to
create a miniature PVC replica quickly using a 3D printer. This will help users gain a
better understanding of the structure and physical workings of PVCs.

5.We generated a Biology-Focused Open-Source Card Game for Educational Purposes
We have created a card game called ARROW Forward to promote synthetic biology. The game is
inspired by the popular game Saboteur and engages players in a thrilling research adventure.
Players assume the roles of researchers and strive to reach their respective research
destinations represented by three mysterious basic cards. Throughout the game, players
collect objective, link, and action cards, which enable them to advance their research by
acquiring essential components, brainstorming ideas, optimizing projects, and conducting
ARROW Forward aims to demonstrate the challenges and significance of
synthetic biology. By playing this interactive game, players can gain a deeper understanding
of the iGEM and synthetic biology projects, as well as the collaborative nature of
scientific research. We hope that through this innovative approach to education, more
individuals will be inspired to explore the world of synthetic biology and contribute to its
advancement. See our Education page for more
information about this game.
6.High School Synthetic Biology Introduction Curriculum Framework
Our team has created a curriculum framework on synthetic biology specifically designed for
high school students. Our goal is to provide students with a step-by-step learning
experience that will enable them to develop a deeper understanding of the subject, spark
their interest in the field, and inspire them to potentially pursue a career in synthetic
biology research. Our hope is that this curriculum framework will contribute to the
advancement of synthetic biology.

- Kozak, L. P., & Anunciado-Koza, R. (2008). UCP1: its involvement and utility in obesity. Int J Obes (Lond), 32 Suppl 7(Suppl 7), S32-38.
- Kozak, L. P., & Anunciado-Koza, R. (2008). UCP1: its involvement and utility in obesity. Int J Obes (Lond), 32 Suppl 7(Suppl 7), S32-38.