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In iGEM 2023, we have engaged in collaborative activities with multiple teams, significantly advancing the progress of our project.

With CSU-CHINA and HNU-China: National Science Popularization Day on September 17th

The 2023 National Science Popularization Day event, organized by the Chinese government, was held in different regions across the country with the aim of promoting science communication. To ensure a remarkable display during the event, we partnered with CSU-CHINA and HNU-China to set up a booth after establishing contact and coordinating with the Science and Technology Bureau.

Figure 1. Poster Showcasing Our Project at the National Science Popularization Day

Figure 2. Leaflet on Synthetic Biology

Our booth featured a variety of activities, including engaging lectures on synthetic biology and captivating biology experiments tailored for children. In collaboration, we designed informative leaflets and thoughtfully prepared intricate gifts in advance. Throughout the event, our booth attracted a substantial number of visitors, accompanied by their children, who eagerly gathered around to listen attentively to the captivating lectures.

Figure 3. Group Photo of Three Collaborating Teams Promoting Synthetic Biology

With Fudan, ShanghaiTech-China and Tongji-China: Development of “Gene Editing” Popular Science Picture Book

In August and September, our collaborative initiative with three other universities (Fudan University, ShanghaiTech University, and Tongji University) focused on creating picture books aimed at enhancing science education and introducing children to the captivating world of synthetic biology. Our primary goal was to promote a broader understanding of synthetic biology through captivating visual narratives and simplified explanations of complex concepts. Each university made significant contributions to the design, illustration, and printing of these picture books. Mindful of the professional integrity required when discussing genes and gene editing, as well as the cognitive abilities of children and the interactive elements of picture books, we made several iterative modifications to ensure their quality.

Through our collective efforts, the series of picture books was successfully distributed across the nation, both online and offline, enabling accessibility to a wide audience. (Check out for more details in our Education page!)

Figure 4. Four Teams Collaborating with a Professional Author to Discuss the Design of Our Popular Science Picture Book

“iG20” Cross-team Education Collaborating Group

Taking inspiration from the G20 summit, where 20 nations come together to lead the global economy, we have established our iG20 team with the aim of fostering closer collaborations and building enduring friendships. This initiative not only highlights the captivating potential offered by synthetic biology but also draws inspiration from the innovative designs and ideas put forth by other teams. Moreover, the iG20 team serves as a valuable intermediary, facilitating connections between teams who share a common interest in our field of study.

In iGEM, fierce competition takes a backseat, allowing teams to engage in open and honest discussions about each other’s challenges and work collaboratively towards propelling the field of synthetic biology forward. Here, the emphasis lies on fostering an environment of camaraderie and cooperation, enabling us all to collectively contribute to the advancement of this cutting-edge discipline.

Figure 5. Online meetings of iG20.

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