

Here, we would like to highlight organizations and individuals who have supported our team and provided sponsorship assistance, which helped us finalize our project and organize various events.


Nazarbayev University School of Science and Humanities administration

NU SSH administration has always supported students' initiatives and activities, especially participation in the iGEM competition. This year, they covered our expenses in team registration and a trip to the iGEM Grand Jamboree in Paris. Besides that, SSH also provided us with laboratory space, available reagents that we needed for the project, equipment, and assistance from laboratory coordinators who conducted safety training and supervised our work in the labs.

Student Fund

The Student Fund of Nazarbayev University is a student organization directed by the Social Development Fund that accepts student applications to organize events. This year, SF fully funded our Blood Donation Day and BioArt exhibition organization created by us. We thank the Student Fund for always supporting students' lives and activities.

American Chemical Society

NU ACS Student Chapter is a club of enthusiasts that aims to broaden the chemistry enterprise to bring benefits of Earth to people. With their experience, they helped us organize Summer camp this year, also being our main sponsors. Their support made summer camp an unforgettable experience for high school students who received multiple prizes and educational materials financed by ACS.


GenScript is a leading biotechnology company specializing in technology and services for life science, R&D, and manufacturing. Since 2002, this company has been a sponsor of iGEM and has grown into one of the largest biotech companies in the world, being also a partner of iGEM.


Benchling is a large biological-first platform for scientific data, research, collaboration, and technology development. We thank this organization for providing us with a premium subscription for a year that immensely helped us in experiment recording, analysis, and even plasmid construction


SnapGene is a company that created software aimed to document, construct, and visualize biological procedures. With the Snapgene software, we can design our plasmid construct. They have opened up the ability to model DNA design conveniently and quickly, and we thank them for providing us with a premium subscription to their software.

Arlan Biotech

Arlan Biotech is a novel, rapidly growing biotech company founded in Astana, Kazakhstan, that focuses on developing rapid testing systems using synthetic biology. We want to thank Arlan Biotech and its founder, Dr. Bolat Sultankulov, for his support, assistance, and sharing of expert knowledge that significantly contributed to constructing our plasmid de novo and ordering it from Genscript. With him, we accomplished the design of one of the most critical components of our project.

iGEM community - Impact grant

Every year, iGEM distributes Impact Grant among 90 iGEM teams aimed to support outstanding teams that are building upon the past of Synbio to create the future of the field. And this year, we were one of the teams that received this grant. We thank the iGEM community for granting us such an opportunity and supporting our project.


Dr. Danielle Tosi

We thank Dr. Daniele Tosi, Associate Professor of the NU School of Engineering and Digital Sciences, for supporting our BioArt exhibition and being one of our main event sponsors.

Mukhammeddulat (Dulat) Olzhabay

We want to thank our team member Dulat for his contribution to promoting our Summer Camp on social media. He covered expenses related to the advertisement, which immensely helped to attract new subscribers to our Instagram page and participants to our Summer Camp.