We recognise that both project safety and personal safety during performing experiments is an essential aspect that needs to be given utmost importance. Our motto has always been “Better Safe than Sorry”. The guidance and training of experienced PhDs and staff here at IIT Roorkee helped us in protecting ourselves and preventing any damage to our environment.
The proposed solution relies on a cell-free system, significantly reducing the potential risks associated with handling live organisms and mitigating environmental release concerns. Our team carefully crafted protocols to minimize exposure to hazardous materials, and we diligently adhered to laboratory safety standards. Our experimental procedures were thoughtfully developed, aligning with both iGEM Safety Guidelines and our Institute's Biosafety Guidelines, following extensive discussions with our Principal Investigator and doctoral/graduate students.
Our experiments were conducted in a BSL-1 lab as we didn’t use anything hazardous, and the chemicals used were handled with care, and complete security.Our experiments only dealt with common non-toxic compounds.
The team received lab safety training for the duration of a week, prior to beginning the experiments, from the senior staff of our lab. The training included basic handling skills, safety and emergency briefings, knowledge and demonstrations of equipment such as flow hoods, etc.