Sample Preparation
1)Sample preparation is the most crucial step in ITC. The initial quantities and masses of aptamer and lactoferrin are noted.
2)20mM Sodium Phosphate buffer(pH 7.4) is prepared from a stock solution of 55mM Sodium Phosphate and used as standard ITC buffer after taking in advice of P.hD in structural biology, Kunal Dhankar[1]. This was done as both DNA aptamers and protein are relatively large and act as macromolecules and thus remain stable in the phosphate buffer.
3)Stock solution of lactoferrin was produced. Molecular mass of human lactoferrin protein is 80kDa. 4.9 mg of human lactoferrin was weighed using a microbalance. Total moles of lactoferrin 61.25nMol. This was added in 200μL of phosphate buffer to produce a solution of 306.25 μM, but lactoferrin did not completely dissolve. This was further diluted by a factor of 5 to completely dissolve lactoferrin in solution. A stock solution of lactoferrin of 61.25 μM was obtained.
4)tock solution of DNA aptamer was produced using 3.19 mg of the aptamer ordered from IDT. The molar mass of aptamer was 180083.2mg/nmol. Aptamer was mixed with 100μL Nuclease free water and put in a water bath at 95 ℃ for 5 minutes for complete mixing. Concentration of stock solution was obtained at 1760μM. This was further diluted by a factor of 10 to create a working DNA aptamer working solution of 176μM.
Washing calorimeter
1)The Malvern Microcal PEAQ-ITC machine was washed first using Deionised water 3 times to ensure no contamination in experiment.
2)This was followed by washing using the phosphate buffer to allow proper loading of macromolecules.
3)All stock solutions were maintained at a pH 7.4 to maintain stability.
Protocol 1
1)40μL of DNA aptamer stock solution (176 μM) was loaded in the primary cell of ITC. Stock solution of Lactoferrin was diluted by a factor of 3.0625 to obtain a working solution of 20 μM. 3OO μL of the Lactoferrin working solution was loaded in a specialized ITC syringe and loaded into the sample cell of ITC
2)Reaction Parameters were set as follow
Protocol 2
Determination of Binding Affinities: ITC is widely used to measure the binding affinities between various biomolecules, such as proteins, nucleic acids, and small molecules. It can help identify the strength of molecular interactions, which is crucial in drug discovery and understanding biological processes
1)40μL of DNA aptamer stock solution (176 μM) was loaded in the primary cell of ITC. Stock solution of Lactoferrin was diluted by a factor of 1.53 to obtain a working solution of 40 μM. 3OO μL of the Lactoferrin working solution was loaded in a specialized ITC syringe and loaded into the sample cell of ITC
2)Reaction Parameters were set as follow
Data analysis
Data analysis was done using the MicroCal PEAQ-ITC analysis software.