As not much Literature work has been done into the Simulation of
Amyloid Beta Structures, 1IYT and 5KK3, we couldn’t guess
initially the Simulation time and conditions for the Protein
structures, so we conducted a series of experiments to finally
understand the simulation parameters.
Cycle 1
We obtained the 2-D and 3-D structures of Aptamer, and docked them
with the respective proteins using HADDOCK, wherein we found the
most energetically favorable Clusters on which we are planning to
do MD simulations. We firstly run the simulations on Protein 1IYT,
We generate the input files for MD simulations of the 1IYT
Protein, using CHARMM-GUI, where we set up the MD conditions with
generated Grid Box, and 0.15 M KCl solution, and hence we obtain
the GROMACS input files, in .mdp format, along with the Topology
We initially set the simulation time to be 125 ns. We run the
Energy Minimization Run, NVT, NPT and finally the Molecular
Dynamics run, and hence we obtain the results, through which we
create a MD movie, and finally run the commands for RMSD, RMSF,
H-bond and Radius of Gyration Analysis.
After analyzing the results, We understood that Protein stabilizes
in the region of 50 ns - 100 ns, after that protein undergoes
spikes in its RMSD and Gyration radius, hence we could run our MD
Simulation for the time of 100 ns in case of 1IYT which is small
and 50 ns in case of 5KK3, which is large in shape.
Cycle 2
After the previous Cycle, we learned the simulation time for the
proteins. We pick the best clusters for the proteins, run the
GROMACS simulations on it. We pick 50 ns and 100 ns for the docked
We set the simulation time 50 ns and 100 ns. We generate the input
files for MD simulations of the 1IYT Protein, using CHARMM-GUI,
where we set up the MD conditions with generated Grid Box, and
0.15 M KCl + + 0.15 M MgCl2 solution, and hence we obtain the
GROMACS input files, in .mdp format, along with the Topology
We set the simulation parameters and run the Energy Minimization
Run, NVT, NPT and finally the Molecular Dynamics run, and hence we
obtain the results, through which we create a MD movie, and
finally run the commands for RMSD, RMSF, H-bond and Radius of
Gyration Analysis.
As we can see the graphs above, the Simulation for few structures
is yielding highly unstable data, at 100 ns simulation time, which
indicates we need to study the simulation for a longer time, but
we also learned the simulation condition 0.15 M KCl and MgCl2 is
an ideal as we are able to significantly reduce the RMSD as
compared to first cycle. We need more cycles to fully understand
the stability of conformations that are showing thermodynamic
stability at higher simulation time.