A Rapid, Sensitive, Easy to use aptamer
based diagnostic kit for detection of
the problem
The existing methods for diagnosis of Alzheimer’s
Disease are not perfect and have a lot of problems.
use of csf sample
need trained professionals
Lack of awareness leading to delayed diagnosis
No cure, only palliative care
Our solution
Our kit works using a simple non invasive salivary sample. This itself makes the kit much more affordable and accessible instead of traditional diagnostic methods requiring a CSF sample.
The saliva contains several biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease. Through literature review we found that beta amyloid and lactoferrin could be used as potential biomarkers for detection. The levels of these protein biomarkers can be detected by the use of specific DNA aptamers which can bind to these proteins.
In-silico modification can be achieved through molecular simulation and docking studies of the existing selex constructed aptamers increase binding. These aptamers are immobilised on a gold electrode. The binding of protein and DNA aptamer casues a conformational change leading to an electric signal.
This signal is quantified and amplifed with the help of a potentiostat to increase ease of use. Bluetooth can be used to send the results in a user friendly readable format to our smartphones.
Working Animation