Methanol dehydrogenase

Cycle 1

Design: Methanol dehydrogenase (ADH) derived from Stearothermophilus was selected, the...

Cycle 2

Design: We plan to retranslate 2A to verify that we inoculated a hybrid in cycle 1. In addition, we set up a more....

Cycle 3

Design: We retest A2's activity by resetting a series of PH gradients around 0.5-1 away from the A2 isoelectric...

Cycle 4

Design: We set A2:10ul, 20ul, 40ul, substrate concentration of 3mM,PH 7.06 to test the activity of A2...

Formaldehyde dehydrogenase

Cycle 1

Design: The team selected formaldehyde dehydrogenase (TcFALDH) derived from thermophilic actinomycetes, obtained...

Cycle 2

Design: We plan to re-transform T7 to achieve our desired goal....

Cycle 3

Design: The team re-searched for a formaldehyde dehydrogenase (PsFALDH) derived from unclassified Pseudomonas, obtained...

Cycle 4

We designed a more comprehensive control group to further explore the activity of F7 Build: We discussed with the instructor and...

Cycle 5

Design: We are going to set different conditions to find the optimal conditions for F7 Bulid: We're going to set...

Cycle 6

Design: We finally used BL21 (DE3) -2 receptive cell transformation, induced by 0.5mMIPTG. In addition, our hydrogenase...

Formate dehydrogenase

Cycle 1

Design: We selected formate dehydrogenase (FDH) derived from methylomonas...

Cycle 2

Design: We plan to re-transform M8 and optimize the induced expression conditions Test: We transferred....

Cycle 3

Design: We selected formate dehydrogenase (FDH) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, obtained the gene sequence...

Cycle 4

Design: We plan to change the types of receptive states used for expression transformation and the induced...

Methanol dehydrogenase

Cycle 1

Design: The NADH-dependent [Fe-Fe] hydrogenase (hyd1ABC) gene sequence from Trophomonas wolfeifera...

Methanol dehydrogenase

Cycle 1

Design: The corresponding CE2, CE8, and CE9 truncated mutants CL2, CL8, and CL9 were designed from the E. coli...

Cycle 2

Design: We combined the protein scaffold with methanol dehydrogenase, formaldehyde dehydrogenase, formate....

Cycle 3

Design: We explored the effect of protein scaffolds on the activity of individual enzymes...

Cycle 4

Design: We investigated the effect of hydrogen-rich water on seed germination of lettuce and Chinese cabbage...

Cycle 5

Design:We have designed an experiment on the effect of hydrogen-rich water on plant roots. Please refer to our...

Cycle 6

Design:We have designed an experiment on the effect of hydrogen-rich water on fresh weight of plants. The detailed...
