
We have contributions to educational program and social services, genetic engineering and chemical modification of bacteria, measurement, mathematic modeling, home-built portable device and software.

1. Educational program and social services

In 2023, we have contributed a series of educational lectures, offline meeting, co-authored handbook, science popularization lecture in the university, communities of cities and rural counties, We have published 20 articles (10 in 2023) in the WeChat account that has already been open to the society from March of 2022 (see Human Practice page for more information).

2. Genetic engineering and chemical modification of bacteria

In 2023, we have contributed the method of the expression of SIRPα in E. coli. Nissle 1917 and the surface modification with manganese dioxide nano immunomodulators. We have contributed the method for the linkage of thiolated bacteria with manganese dioxide nano-immunomodulators decorated with Au nanoparticles. We have contributed a 3D spheroid tumor model that can mimic the hypoxic and acidic microenvironment of tumors. You can visit our Project page to see more details.

3. Measurement

We have contributed a LC-MS mass spectrometric technique and bioinformatic analysis method for proteomic and metabolomic analysis (see Measurement and results page for more information).

4. Mathematic modeling

We have contributed one mathematic model. It has been demonstrated in proteomic and metabolomic changes of bacteria living in lactic acid. A detailed report can be found in our Model page.

5. Home-built portable device and software

We have contributed the theoretical principle and hardware for fundamental testing. Associated software is available on our IGEM wiki for free download. For detailed information, please visit our Hardware page.