Breast cancer has become the most frequent malignancy in women globally. Triple negative breast cancer TNBC is the most aggressive subtype that has poor prognosis and high risk of recurrence.

Because of the lack of specific receptors and limited chemotherapy responses, the treatment of TNBC is highly challenging.

Immune checkpoint inhibition with paclitaxel offers new therapeutic possibilities for TNBC and other aggressive tumors.

However, the high glycolytic activity of TNBC results in the polarization of tumor-associated macrophage that promotes immune evasion and metastasis.

Our dream is to find a cure by reprogramming tumor associated macrophages toward the phenotype that could unleash anti-tumor immunity.

Live E coli Nissle 1917 bacteria are genetically engineered with SIRPα gene and chemically modified with manganese dioxide nanoparticles that can specifically target to tumor surface CD47.

It is expected to re-boost macrophage driven anti-tumor immune responses.