
In the process of constructing the Silinker family, we designed and utilized numerous recombinant protein structures. These structures primarily include mSA, solubilizing tags, affinity tags, SBP, and other domains.
We will briefly list all our parts on this page including "Basic Parts" and "Composite Parts".All the parts we use have been added to the registry.
If you want to use these parts, be careful! All of the protein-coding parts are codon-optimized for expression in E. coli!

Basical Part

Type Part number Name Brief introductions
1 Coding
BBa_K4623000 SBP A solid binding peptide that can interact with silica
2 Coding BBa_K4623001 mSA Monomeric streptavidin
3 Coding BBa_K4623002 PLGVR cutsite The enzyme cutting site can be cut by MMPs enzyme
4 Coding BBa_K4623003 TrwC TrwC relaxase can recognize and covalently link to ssDNA5 '-specific sequences
5 Coding BBa_K4623004 Basical Silinker(His tag) The protein linker, which connects biotinylated molecules to silica, the core and foundation of our project
6 Coding BBa_K4623005 Basical Silinker His-tag removed version of BS, purified using special hardware to achieve low-cost purification
7 Coding BBa_K4623006 Cut Silinker 1 The mSA fragment of Cut Silinker, which can be linked to CS2 using intein
8 Coding BBa_K4623007 Cut Silinker 2 Variable peptide of Cut Silinker with cleavable peptide sites, which can be linked to CS1 and CS3 using intein
9 Coding BBa_K4623008 Cut Silinker3 The SBP fragment of Cut Silinker, which can be linked to CS2 using intein
10 Coding BBa_K4623009 Twisted Silinker Twisted Silinker is an intelligent recombinant protein that efficiently connects to the surface of silicon dioxide ,undergoing conformational changes in response to environmental stimuli
11 Coding BBa_K4623010 Twisted Silinker(GFP) TS(GFP) aim to visualize the conformational changes in Twisted Silinker
12 Coding BBa_K4623012 Pairing Silinker Pairing Silinker is a novel recombinant protein that efficiently binds to the surface of silica and undergoes dimerization in response to specific signals on the silica surface
13 Coding BBa_K46230013 Nucleotide Silinker The Nucleotide Silinker (NS) is a novel engineered protein that covalently links nucleic acid ends to biotinylated adapters

Composite Part

Type Part number Name
14 Composite BBa_K4623014 Basic Silinker expression pathway(T7)
15 Composite BBa_K4623015 Cut Silinker 1 expression pathway(T7)
16 Composite BBa_K4623016 Cut Silinker 2 expression pathway(T7)
17 Composite BBa_K4623017 Cut Silinker 3 expression pathway(T7)
18 Composite BBa_K4623018 Twisted Silinker expression pathway(T7)
19 Composite BBa_K4623019 Pairing Silinker expression pathway(T7)
20 Composite BBa_K4623020 Nucleotide Silinker expression pathway(T7)
21 Composite BBa_K4623021 Twisted Silinker(GFP) expression pathway(T7)

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The repository used to create this website is available at gitlab.igem.org/2023/bnu-china.