
What's our target group and why did we choose them?

The distribution of educational resources in China is unevenly distributed. This is evident in the increasing imbalance and lack of coordination in educational development between urban and rural areas, as well as between different schools. The disparity is particularly pronounced between schools in mountainous regions and those in urban areas, as well as between schools in less developed areas and those in more developed regions.As a result, children in underprivileged areas face barriers to accessing synthetic biology, and they have fewer opportunities to learn about and engage with the field [1].

An Overview of Volunteer Teaching Activities

We are committed to addressing educational resource inequalities and offering high-quality education to underserved regions, granting them access to the realm of synthetic biology. Our team members, equipped with thorough preparation and professional training, embark on educational missions spanning nine Chinese provinces, dispersing the seeds of synthetic biology across the entire nation.

Our volunteer teaching initiatives boast several key features:

1.Preliminary Research: Prior to each visit, we engage in pre-visit communication with schools to acquire essential information concerning students' ages, learning capacities, and other relevant details. We actively collaborate with schools to fine-tune the teaching content and methodologies.

2.Tailored Education: Guided by the Confucian principle of "teaching in accordance with the student's aptitude," we create customized teaching plans for students of varying ages and diverse regions. This approach enables students to explore the captivating facets of synthetic biology from multiple perspectives.

3.Inspiring Education: In regions with limited resources, our aim is to offer unconventional educational experiences beyond the standard curriculum. For example, we provide diverse and innovative classes, including hands-on bacterial model creation and bioethics debates, igniting students' interest in synthetic biology through engaging and unconventional approaches.


Click below to learn more:

Yunnan Province 1
Yunnan Province 2
Xinjiang Province

Heilongjiang Province
Sichuan Province
Henan Province

Jiangxi Province
Hunan Province
Neimenggu Province

Reflection and Improvement:

For primary school students, the innate curiosity they hold towards biology shone through during experiments as they posed numerous questions. It was evident that engaging experiments stimulated their interest in exploring science. These young learners demonstrated critical thinking by actively inquiring into the causes of various daily-life phenomena.

Middle school students benefited from these courses, which deepened their understanding of biology, especially synthetic biology, and nurtured their scientific reasoning. The introduction of ethical dilemmas related to biology prompted them to ponder the harmonious coexistence of science, technology, and human society, sowing the seeds of ethical science the feedback received from students, many expressed their appreciation for these unique biology classes, indicating that they had gained a wealth of knowledge and harbored a desire to continue exploring related subjects in the future. Witnessing how our classroom education ignited a passion for biology knowledge in these students fills us with great satisfaction!

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