
Criteria Guidance Description link
1. Competition Deliverables • Wiki
• Project Promotion Video
• Presentation Video
• Judging Form
• Judging Session
Our project is thoroughly described on the wiki. Additionally, It is showcased through a project promotion video and the presentation. Furthermore, the judging form encompasses all the reasons why we are eligible for the medals and awards. You can find our Project Promotion Video here.
2. Attributions Describe what work your team members did and what other people did for your project using the standardized form. On the Attribution page, the execution tasks and contributions of each team member to the project are clearly described. We express gratitude to everyone who has assisted us in the project. You can view the Attribution here.
3. Project Description Describe how and why you chose your iGEM project.
•Why do you believe your project is a useful application of synthetic biology?
• What are your project goals and how will you achieve them?
• What work outside or inside of iGEM inspired your project?
In our Description section, we provide a detailed account of how we utilize synthetic biology to address problems, along with a thorough explanation of our design and inspiration. Additionally, we outline our project goals and the methods employed for their achievement. You can view our Project Description here.
4. Contribution Make a useful contribution for future iGEM teams. We have introduced brand new parts and conducted scientific measurements and evaluations on them. We have also provided new operational methods and experimental techniques for future iGEM projects, which will simplify the experimental work for future iGEM teams. You can view our Contribution here.


Medal Criteria Guidance Description link
1. Engineering Success Demonstrate engineering success in a technical aspect of your project by going through at least one iteration of the engineering design cycle.
Engineering success can be achieved by making an effort to follow the engineering design cycle:
Design → Build → Test → Learn
We have used the engineering principles of the Design-Build-Test-Learn (DBTL) cycle to improve on multiple aspects of our project. You can view our Engineering Success here.
2. Human Practices Explain how you have determined your work is responsible and good for the world. Explain how we have determined our work is responsible and good for the world. Education


Criteria Guidance
Excellence in Synthetic Biolog At least one of your three chosen Special Prizes must be from the General Biological Engineering category and at least one must be from the Specializations category . The teams may choose a third Special Prize from either category we have chosen the best basic part in the General Biological Engineering category and education as well as inclusivity in the Specializations category.
We have made significant efforts for each special award, greatly enhancing the comprehensiveness and scientific value of our project. This has also expanded the influence of synthetic biology in related fields. We have received positive feedback for our efforts.

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