Info Session with Ashesi University Students
The team had the opportunity to interact with other Ashesi University students in an info session organized by the team. The purpose of the gathering was to raise awareness about synthetic biology and the benefits of bacteria to mankind, as well as share our project and encourage students to enroll in the Synthetic Biology elective that the school offers. It was a very interactive session, and it was interesting to hear the views of students about bacteria and some synthetic biology applications. At the start, many of them were rather skeptical about the use of bacteria to solve a problem in society as well as the safety of our project on the environment. However, after expounding more on how the synthesizing project was done and how our project takes into account safety by including hydrogels and a UV kill switch, their perspective on the matter began to change. After the session, we had some participants approach us and express how beneficial they believe our solution would be to miners due to how sustainable it is. Those interested were also encouraged to join the next Ashesi iGEM team and to reach out to the team if they still had questions or suggestions.
Career Choices Session With High School Students
The Ashesi 2023 iGEM team collaborated with UniGhana, a startup formed by Ashesi University students with the aim of providing senior high school students with information regarding the universities in Ghana and providing assistance in the advancement of their education. The purpose of the visit was to share vital information concerning potential schools they can apply to such as Ashesi University, African Leadership University, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and University of Cape Town. The iGEM team assisted by shedding more light on some STEM related majors and career paths including those related to synthetic biology. The students were encouraged to take their career paths and ambitions seriously and consider opportunities available in their area of interests. The team also briefly spoke about the iGEM foundation, its purpose and what our project entailed.