Our team wishes to express its gratitude to all the people and organizations that invested their time and dedication into this project. Every contribution was instrumental in bringing Project CBDynamics to fruition. Without your support, none of this would have been possible!


Primary PI: PhD Talita Martins Lacerda, who has supported us since the beginning of our project and helped us especially in Human Practices and people management. Her guidance, organization methods and list of contacts were of important value. Also, she played a crucial role in connecting with the university's finance department, which was a big help in getting our team to the iGEM competition and the Grand Jamboree.

Secondary PI: PhD Fernando Segato, who has supported us throughout this journey, since the beginning of our project and helped us in different areas, such as modeling and synthetic biology itself. Our project owes a great debt to his mentorship, which has been instrumental in driving our project's advancement.


Ana Luiza Fortes, who assisted us with her knowledge in modeling, especially regarding the phylogenetic area and helped us with the proofreading of our project.


Jean Lucas Ribeiro and Giovanni Henrique Silva for their support, particularly in the field of modeling, throughout our project.

Fundraising and Marketing

We would like to express our special appreciation to PhD Talita Martins Lacerda, our primary PI, PhD Silvio Silvério da Silva, the Director of EEL, and PhD Durval Rodrigues Junior, the Vice Director. Their support played a pivotal role in securing funding from our university, which enabled our participation in the iGEM competition.

We acknowledge the assistance and support provided by SynBioBR, particularly by Luiza Zucchi Hesketh, in not only facilitating our connections with companies that may consider contributing funds to our project, but also in assisting with marketing efforts to promote our team and project.

We extend our gratitude to those who generously contributed financially by purchasing our raffle tickets.

We want to thank Elaine Cabral Lima, for her legal support and for all the help she has given us with contractual and protection issues relating to our project.

We would like to express our gratitude to Letícia Rigoni Bertolino for her design and conceptualization of our project's logo and visual identity.

Human Practices

We would like to thank our co-leaders Manuela Bernardes de Oliveira and Beatriz Costa Santos for the coordination and all the work related to Human Practices.

Team iGEM USP, for giving us space in the development of the Brazilian Synthetic Biology Olympiad (OBBS), contributing to a significant impact on the engagement of synthetic biology in our country.

Team iGEM Bulgaria, for collaborating with our team through activities that favor both projects, such as research on endemic bacteria in Brazil, and also participating in online meetings with our team.

Team iGEM Lyon, through collaboration with our team in online meetings and activities such as our development of a video about our project for the french team.

Team iGEM IISERTVM, through collaboration with our team requesting a video doing yoga in order to help them produce a video about this topic for their project.

Marie Curie Vestibulares organization, for helping us get in contact with the schools to present our project and disseminate about synthetic biology.

O Centro Universitário Salesiano de São Paulo (UNISAL) school, for letting us present our project and teach synthetic biology in the event called Elas na engenharia.

Thanks to the local community of Lorena and the students at USP-EEL, for helping us with our data collection.

Thanks to Cahue Arruda Pereira for giving a yoga class so we could send a video to Team IISERTVM

Thanks to José Otávio Pompeu for inviting our team to present the CBDynamics project in one of his weekly livestreams at “Espaço Alexandria”, in order to disseminate our project and spread the information about CBD.


Once again, we would like to thank our Instructor, Ana Luiza Fortes, and our Advisors, Jean Lucas Ribeiro and Giovanni Henrique Silva, for all the insights and guidance they've provided throughout the project. We also want to thank the co-leaders Gustavo Cabral Ferraz Santos and Pedro Ribeiro Faria for the coordination and all the work.


Thanking our members Gustavo Nascimento de Araujo and Luisa Kuymjian Belentani for coordinating the wiki design. In addition to thanking members Ana Paula Contelli Xavier, Thiago Gugliotta Kimaid, Gustavo Cabral Ferraz Santos and Luisa Kuymjian Belentani for programming the wiki codes.

Synthetic Biology Club

We would like to thank our Synthetic Biology Club (CBSin) for all the support and to all the members that helped us finance and disseminate the project.

Special Thanks

We want to thank Clara Beatriz Alves, Henrique Barbi Araujo, Jamily Miiler Butske, Matheus Adami Pereira Andrade for following up our team by doing people management monitoring.

Our Members


Ana Paula Contelli Xavier, student leader

Júlia Lóris Senosien Redígolo, student leader

Gustavo Cabral Ferraz Santos, modeling leader

Pedro Ribeiro Faria, modeling leader

Beatriz Costa Santos, human practices leader

Manuela Bernardes de Oliveira, human practices leader

Gustavo Nascimento de Araujo, marketing leader

Lucas Henrique Cardia, administration leader

Camila Klein Fenner, finance leader


Gustavo Cabral Ferraz Santos, leader

Pedro Ribeiro Faria, leader

Bianca Henriques de Oliveira

Bruno Monari Nicanor

Gustavo Nascimento de Araujo

Luca Garufe Strefezzi

Luisa Kuymjian Belentani

Luíza Fonseca Pinheiro

Pedro Baccarin Correia

Thiago Gugliotta Kimaid

Vinicius Teixeira Lopes

William Augusto Ribeiro de Almeida Pereira

Human Practices

Beatriz Costa Santos, leader

Manuela Bernardes de Oliveira, leader

Giovani Garcia de Gaspari Valdejão

Maria Gabriela Sampaio de Lacerda Leite Araújo

Marina Querino Andraus

Vinícius Gusmão de Albuquerque


Gustavo Nascimento de Araujo, leader

Bianca Henriques de Oliveira

Bruno Monari Nicanor

Camila Klein Fenner

Luisa Kuymjian Belentani

Maria Gabriela Sampaio de Lacerda Leite Araújo

Marina Querino Andraus

Pedro Baccarin Correia

Thiago Gugliotta Kimaid

William Augusto Ribeiro de Almeida Pereira


Lucas Henrique Cardia, leader

Giovani Garcia de Gaspari Valdejão

Gustavo Cabral Ferraz Santos

Luíza Fonseca Pinheiro

Vinícius Gusmão de Albuquerque

Vinicius Teixeira Lopes


Camila Klein Fenner, leader

Luca Garufe Strefezzi

Luisa Kuymjian Belentani

Manuela Bernardes de Oliveira

William Augusto Ribeiro de Almeida Pereira

The Wet Lab activities will only be carried out next year. As we are working with cannabinoids (specifically the biological synthesis of cannabidiol) and given that current Brazilian legislation does not provide for the synthesis and manipulation of cannabinoids, even synthetic ones, our Wet Lab stage was directly affected. The inexistent foresight in the law that would encompass the present study in an already well-established decision directly implied the need for research and assistance, primarily legal and administrative, for the project. In addition, there is the latency in receiving the iGEM kit, due to bureaucratic customs issues, and its arrival usually takes place on the eve of the end of the project year. That's why, thinking about, firstly, regulating the type of research and its conditions, also guaranteeing the existence of a legal permit for analogous research by any other Brazilian laboratories or researchers, and secondly, acting in the best possible way with the receipt of the kit and obtaining the reagents and syntheses for development, we decided to translate this project into a biennial work, taking the research in 2023 and 2024 to iGEM. In the first year planned (2023), we developed activities related to Human Practices and Modeling, translating our laboratory into experiments and computer simulations, with the Dry Lab, as you can see on our project pages. Therefore, the following dates have been Wet Lab planned activities for the next project-year:

* Start date: nov/2023

** End date: aug/2024

*** Total time (weeks): 42