title picture


Team members

Asia Zanella

Hi, my name is Asia, I am 22 years old and I come from Ticino. I am a third year biology student and my biggest interests are microbiology and ecology. In my free time, I really enjoy doing outdoor activities with friends or family.

Fun fact: I trip and fall at least once a day.

Asia Zanella

Team captain/Lab worker/Human practices
Kasandra Balzaretti

Hey, my name is Kasandra, I am 22 and I am third year biology student. I really enjoy working in the lab and I am planning to continue my studies in the genetics field. In my free time I like to take dance classes and going for long walks in the nature.

Fun fact: Confession of a Lab Rat: I've got the Miniprep Protocol down, but my Electrophoresis Gels are living in the Transilluminator.

Kasandra Balzaretti

Lab manager
Chiara Bezzola

Hi! My name is Chiara Bezzola, I'm 22 years old and I'm a third year biology student. I'm interested in neuroscience and microbiology. I like spending my time with my friends and family and go for walks by the lake. I like doing sport and I love to eat.

Fun fact: I want to steal one of the University sheep and keep it as a pet.

Chiara Bezzola

Lab manager
Asia Andreoli

Hello, my name is Asia, I am 22 years old and I come from Ticino. I am interested in biochemistry, neuroscience and physiology. In my spare time I really enjoy going to the gym, doing calisthenics and spending time with family and friends.

Fun fact: I've learned very well how to prevent agar from exploding in the microwave.

Asia Andreoli

Lab worker/Treasurer
Alessandro Gigliotti

Hello there!! I am Alessandro, I am 21 years old and I’m from Ticino. I am in my third year of biology and in the future I would like to study in the field of neuroscience or oncology. In my spare time I like to watch TV series, do all kind of sports and hang out with friends.

Fun fact: Being late is my passion.🙃

Alessandro Gigliotti

Webmaster/Lab worker
Elisa Bernardi

Hi! My name is Elisa, I am 21 years old and I'm a third year biology student. I am interested in genetics and microbiology. In my free time I like to eat good food, spend time with animals and go on bike rides.

Fun fact: I may be clumsy in the lab, but I guess I can say pipettes fall for me.

Elisa Bernardi

Webmaster/Lab worker/Human practices
Leana Ortolani

Hi ! My name is Leana and I am 22 years old. I am a third year biology student and I’m interested in genetics and neurosciences. I like hanging out with friends, riding horse and travelling.

Fun fact: When I bake, I like eating raw flour.

Leana Ortolani

Human practices/Lab worker

Principal investigator

Yolanda Schaerli

Hello, I am Yolanda, the PI supervising the iGEM team. I am associate Professor of Synthetic Biology. The research in my group focuses on building and studying synthetic gene regulatory networks in bacteria. In my free time I like to spend time with my family.

Fun fact: My first publication was not a scientific paper, but an historical novel.

Prof. Yolanda Schaerli

Principal investigator


Emanuele Boni

Hi! I am Emanuele, one of the assistants of the team. I am a PhD student, currently working on spatio-temporal pattern formation in E. coli employing gene regulatory networks. I don't have many results, but plenty of colorful pictures.

Fun fact: When batteries are drained, I like to charge them trail running around the Swiss mountains!

Emanuele Boni

Roberto Avendaño

Hi, I'm Roberto! 4th-year Ph.D. student focusing on patterned engineered living materials. I'm one of the assistants supervising our iGEM team this year. Passionate about bridging science and real-world applications.

Fun fact: Coffee addict by day, wine connoisseur by night.

Roberto Avendaño Vega

Jung Hun Park

In my PhD I work with optogenetic and synthetic oscillators to control pattern formation in E. coli. As a hobby, I enjoy taking pictures, playing with Lego and board games.

Fun fact: For some reason my mom calls me Paulo instead of my real name...

Jung Hun Park

Simon Yersin

Hi! I am Simon, one of the assistants of the UNIL iGEM team. I am a PhD student working on the human gut microbiota in childhood undernutrition using culture and omics techniques. I am a basketball nerd and I love spending time in the mountains hiking or skiing.

Fun fact: One of the deadliest bacteria in history holds my family name…

Simon Yersin

Julien Luneau

Hi! I am Julien, one of the assistants supervising the UNIL iGEM team this year. I am a postdoc researcher doing systems microbiology to understand how bacterial pathogens infect plants. In my free time, I enjoy playing badminton and going out in nature for freshwater fishing.

Fun fact: I fish for fun, so I release all the fish I catch!

Julien Luneau
