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New Parts

New Basic Parts

Registry code Part name Type Description Size State
BBa_K4685003 PP1 Coding Gene that codes for a peptide capable of attaching to polypropylene 36 bp Design
BBa_K4685005 PP3 Coding Gene that codes for a peptide capable of attaching to polypropylene 21 bp Design
BBa_K4685007 PP5 Coding Gene that codes for a peptide capable of attaching to polypropylene 36 bp Design
BBa_K4685004 PE1 Coding Gene that codes for a peptide capable of attaching to polyethylene 26 bp Design
BBa_K4685008 PE2 Coding Gene that codes for a peptide capable of attaching to polyethylene 39 bp Design
BBa_K4685010 PE3 Coding Gene that codes for a peptide capable of attaching to polyethylene 36 bp Design
BBa_K4685014 PE4 Coding Gene that codes for a peptide capable of attaching to polyethylene 36 bp Design
BBa_K4685015 PS1 Coding Gene that codes for a peptide capable of attaching to polystyrene 39 pb Design
BBa_K4685020 PS3 Coding Gene that codes for a peptide capable of attaching to polystyrene 42 bp Design
BBa_K4685022 PS4 Coding Gene that codes for a peptide capable of attaching to polystyrene 69 bp Design
BBa_K4685023 PS5 Coding Gene that codes for a peptide capable of attaching to polystyrene 39 bp Design
BBa_K4685032 Linker Coding Highly flexible 6 amino acid linker 18 bp Design
BBa_K4685024 csgB Coding Natural part of the curli production system 456 bp Test
BBa_K4685026 csgC Coding Natural part of the curli production system 303 bp Test
BBa_K4685027 csgE Coding Natural part of the curli production system 374 bp Test
BBa_K4685028 csgF Coding Natural part of the curli production system 417 bp Test
BBa_K4685029 csgG Coding Natural part of the curli production system 834 bp Test
BBa_K4685019 SpyTag Coding Subunit of the CsgA-SpyTag complex 66 bp Build

New Composite Parts

Registry code Part name Type Description Size State
BBa_K4685031 csg operons Composite Set of genes that code for the biofilm formation 2910 bp Test
BBa_K4685000 SpyCatcher-Rubber Binding Domain Composite Rubber-binding protein fused to the SpyCatcher protein capable of interacting with SpyTag domain fused to the CsgA 1647 bp Build
BBa_K4685021 csgA-SpyTag Composite Gene for the production of the CsgA fused to the SpyTag protein capable of interacting with the Rubber-binding protein fused to the SpyCatcher protein 522 bp Build
BBa_K4685034 csgA PP1 Composite CsgA fused to a peptide capable of binding polypropylene 526 bp Design
BBa_K4685035 csgA PP3 Composite CsgA fused to a peptide capable of binding polypropylene 495 bp Design
BBa_K4685036 csgA PP5 Composite CsgA fused to a peptide capable of binding polypropylene 510 bp Design
BBa_K4685033 csgA PE1 Composite CsgA fused to a peptide capable of binding polyethylene 519 bp Design
BBa_K4685038 csgA PE2 Composite CsgA fused to a peptide capable of binding polyethylene 529 bp Design
BBa_K4685040 csgA PE3 Composite CsgA fused to a peptide capable of binding polyethylene 510 bp Design
BBa_K4685042 csgA PE4 Composite CsgA fused to a peptide capable of binding polyethylene 526 bp Design
BBa_K4685037 csgA PS1 Composite CsgA fused to a peptide capable of binding polystyrene 513 bp Design
BBa_K4685039 csgA PS3 Composite CsgA fused to a peptide capable of binding polystyrene 516 bp Design
BBa_K4685041 csgA PS4 Composite CsgA fused to a peptide capable of binding polystyrene 559 bp Design
BBa_K4685043 csgA PS5 Composite CsgA fused to a peptide capable of binding polystyrene 513 bp Design