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Votre Page

Best Education !

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." – Nelson Mandela

Our iGEM team includes people from different countries, with different cultural heritage, with different life stories and views. Some of us are already in the second year of a master's degree, while others are just finishing their bachelor's degrees. Despite our differences, we are all united by a love for science, a thirst for knowledge, and a desire to make the world a better place. That's why one of our team's top priorities was active participation in educational programs. Through our efforts, we aim to introduce people to science, delve into molecular and synthetic biology, and shed light on modern soil pollution issues and solutions.

Pseudo Magazine

During the year, one of the biggest projects of the Human Practices team was the making of PseudoMagazine, an exclusive backstage pass to the mesmerizing world of synthetic biology! PseudoMagazine isn't just a magazine; it's a mix of science news, innovation and the storytelling of the fantastic iGEM journey!

Exploring Synthetic Biology

Our goal is to unravel the latest developments, breakthroughs, and hot topics within the field, offering readers a comprehensive understanding of this dynamic discipline and open the discussion about environmental issues and how we can solve them with, for instance, projects like PseudoDetox.

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Let us guide you through the iGEM Odyssey
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Join us on an epic voyage as we share our very own iGEM journey. Dive into the heart-pounding excitement of iGEM competitions, and let our tips and tricks guide you to victory. Whether you're an iGEM veteran or a rookie, our tales of triumph and adventure will leave you inspired and ready for your own star turn.

Your Voice Matters !

We're not just about delivering content; we're about creating a community! That’s why we strongly invite our readers to be part of the conversation by sharing their opinions, questions, and ideas on synthetic biology's hottest topics. Your voice matters, and together, we can shape a better future, for the next generations to come.

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Welcome day

Spotlight on PseudoDetox

During this event, our team set up a stand dedicated to our project: PseudoDetox. During the whole day, we interacted with many students and professors from scientific and non-scientific fields who asked us about our project, making it the perfect occasion to shine a spotlight on PseudoDetox and share our passion for synthetic biology and the environmental cause!

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Interactive Learning

To make the day even more exciting, we prepared a special quiz featuring questions about general biology, synthetic biology, and our project! Anyone passing by our stand had the opportunity to test their knowledge, encouraging curiosity and learning.

The icing on the cake? A correct answer was a key to enter our PseudoDetox t-shirt giveaway! The winner of the giveaways took home a personalized iGEM Pseudo Detox T-shirt, a token of appreciation for their enthusiasm and curiosity.

Digital communication & education

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Demystifying Synthetic Biology and Bioremediation for All

In the iGEM Sorbonne team, we're dedicated to bridging the gap between science and society. Our mission is to make the complex world of synthetic biology accessible to everyone, from experienced researchers to those taking their first steps into this exciting field!

Our Digital Community

On our Instagram account, we connect with a diverse audience, including science organizations, students, and locals who share a growing interest in the scientific world. But our commitment goes beyond our official account; our team members also leverage their personal Instagram profiles to engage with their own circle, reaching as many curious minds as possible. Regarding LinkedIn, the team uses it as a professional platform where we engage with a more mature audience who share our passion for science and innovation.

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Empowering through Education

Our digital materials are tailored to empower individuals at all levels of expertise. We break down important topics such as bioremediation and synthetic biology through a blend of factual content and DIY syn-bio experiments tutorials. Our resources serve not only as an introduction for amateurs but also as a valuable resource for experts seeking deeper insights. As we strongly believe in active engagement, our posts include interactive elements like quizzes and surveys. For instance, our Bioremediation Knowledge Survey sparking our audience’s curiosity and encouraging them to participate actively in their own learning journey. This approach ensures that our educational materials resonate with teenagers and young adults, not just professionals.

Bioremediation card game


As we were creating our educational materials, we kept in mind that learning should be engaging, accessible, but, most importantly, fun! That's why we've created the “7 Families of Bioremediation” card game: a unique and educational experience designed for people of all ages.

Unlocking the World of Bioremediation through Play

Bioremediation, a fascinating field that resolves environmental concerns with the power of natural sciences, can sometimes seem complex. So we decided to detach the 7 most important aspect of the subject and transformed them into an exciting and educational card game that the whole family can enjoy!

How Does It Work?

The "7 Families of Bioremediation" is inspired by the classic "Jeu des 7 Familles" concept. In this game, players collect and match cards to form complete bioremediation families, where each family represents a different aspect of bioremediation, such as:

  • • Plants
  • • Micro-organisms
  • • Pollutants
  • • Technologies
  • • Contaminated Places
  • • Positive Effects
  • • Challenges

As you collect and play with these cards, you'll learn about the fascinating world of bioremediation, from the microbes and plants that help clean up pollutants, to the cutting-edge technologies used in environmental remediation. In summary, while playing this game, you can learn about bioremediation in an interactive and enjoyable way regardless of your age and knowledge about bioremediation; while sparking your interest in science and gaining awareness on environmental concerns and how biology can make our world cleaner and healthier!!

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Maurice Genevoix High School laboratory intervention

Empowering the Young Minds

Our team had the privilege of conducting a laboratory session at one of the prestigious high schools of Paris, where we had the opportunity to introduce the younger generation to the fascinating world of iGEM and our PseudoDetox project!

Exploring DNA Mutagenesis
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The theme of our laboratory work was none other than DNA mutagenesis. Throughout the session, we navigated through the mysteries of DNA, elucidating its structure and functions. We also discussed the concept of mutations, the realm of GMOs, and showcased how this technology can benefit science. Hands-on experiments with mushrooms and ultraviolet light demonstrated the remarkable ability of DNA to change and the genesis of mutations.

Synthetic Biology Unveiled

We ventured further into the realm of synthetic and genetically engineered biology, sharing insights about our PseudoDetox project and the prestigious iGEM competition. The students then asked us multiple interesting questions about the project and syn-bio in general! Witnessing the enthusiastic exchange of ideas and the curiosity in the room was immensely gratifying!

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iGEM and PseudoDetox presentation to the Master 1 BMC at Sorbonne Université

At the beginning of September, we had a wonderful opportunity to present our project to the incoming students of the Molecular and Cellular Biology master's program during their Back To Uni presentation! Many of our team members are part of this program, so it was a great chance to connect with the newcomers. During the presentation, we introduced them to the iGEM experience and our PseudoDetox project and talked about the valuable skills that we developed through the PseudoDetox project development. We answered a few questions about our project, and we noticed a strong interest of these students in healing the environment, which is truly motivating for the future of the next generations! Our journey enabled us to learn and grow as a team and piqued the interest of numerous students who are considering joining the Sorbonne team next year.