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Our Project Genesis

Why did we choose this project
and where does the idea come from ?

At the start of the iGEM project, we asked all team members to come up with a project idea that had inspired them. Each of these participants then presented their ideas to the other team members.

3 Initial Projects, 1 Vote, 1 Choice

When they got together, three projects emerged:
- A water purification project using a Lemna plant species.
- A carbon killer project using Chlamydomonas to produce hydrogen.
- The PseudoDetox project using Pseudomonas bacteria to produce lipids capable of enhancing the metabolization of pollutants in soil.

Team members then split into three groups to advance research on these three projects. After a few weeks, each group had to explain to the others why their project was the most interesting and feasible.

Following this search, we organized a vote to choose the project that satisfied the most members. And so we chose the Pseudodetox project, which seemed to us to be the most interesting in terms of environmental impact and the most feasible.


Our Lab Team

We want to extend our heartfelt appreciation to the WetLab team members – Mettre les noms. Their dedication in conducting experiments, collecting crucial data, and maintaining lab safety was nothing short of exceptional. They established efficient communication channels, incorporated feedback seamlessly, and executed our project with agility, all while juggling full-time studies. Beyond their scientific contributions, they played vital roles in event organization, Wiki editing, fundraising, and fostering collaborations. Their unwavering commitment has been instrumental in our success.

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Photo au centre
Photo à droite

Members of the DryLab team, especially deserve our heartfelt recognition. Their outstanding contributions encompassed the proactive modeling of future experiment outcomes, and the adaptation and optimization of existing software and algorithms for seamless data processing. Their dedication was further evident in their role in designing and testing essential project hardware, as well as meticulously documenting software development. Remarkably, they managed all of this while actively contributing to the development of our Wiki website and participating in various team activities.

Our Human Practices Team

Photo à gauche
Photo au centre
Photo à droite

The members of the Human Practices team played a pivotal role in the success of our project, contributing significantly to both the development of our designs and the organization of various events. Their dedication, expertise, and commitment to understanding the ethical, societal, and environmental aspects of our work added a valuable dimension to our project. Moreover, the efforts of the Human Practices team were instrumental in fostering collaboration and communication within our project team and with external partners. They organized and facilitated events such as community workshops, panel discussions, and outreach activities, which not only promoted awareness of our project but also allowed us to gather valuable feedback and incorporate diverse perspectives into our work.

The Help Of Our Instructors

Many thanks to Marco Da costa

He supported and advised us throughout the iGEM experience. He also help the lab team with protocol check.

Many thanks to Pierre Crozet

He made an exceptional contribution to our project by providing invaluable support in the areas of conceptualization and protocol development. His expertise and guidance were instrumental in shaping the core concepts of our project, ensuring its scientific excellence.

Many thanks to Frédérique Peronnet

Mrs Peronnet helped us to choose our project and gave us all the advice we needed

External Help

Victor De Lorenzo

Victor De Lorenzo

Mr de Lorenzo is a world expert of Pseudomonas putida and knows all about its use in synthetic biology. We met him for a meeting and he gave us some valuable advice on how to grow our bacteria, carry out our project and set up our experiments. Also, he helped us in sending plasmids essential to our project.

Members of the LCQB laboratory

LCQB Laboratory

The LCQB is Pierre Crozet's laboratory, and that's where we were able to carry out our experiments. The members of the laboratory were always there to help us and answer our questions about the organization of the laboratory and how to carry out our experiments. We would like to express our gratitude to Lucile Jomat in the LCQB acknowledgments. Additionally, we extend our heartfelt thanks to Alessandra Carbone (Director) and Stéphane Lemaire (PI and Director of the Biofoundry who hosted us) for their invaluable support. We would also like to thank the lab's doctoral students for their assistance and collaboration throughout our project.

Dr. Till Tiso and Melanie Filbig

Dr. Till Tiso Melanie Filbig

Thanks also to Dr. Till Tiso and Melanie Filbig for helping us transform Pseudomonas putida to produce Rhamnolipids by sending us the different bacterial strains.

Etienne Severac

Etienne Severac

We would like to express our appreciation to research engineer Etienne Severac. His invaluable advice and assistance regarding sophorolipids were instrumental in our project's success. Etienne's expertise and guidance significantly contributed to our understanding of sophorolipid production and its applications in our research. His generous support in obtaining sophorolipids ensured that we had the necessary resources to carry out our experiments.

Chat GPT

Chat GPT

ChatGPT has played a valuable role in assisting us with various tasks where our expertise and training were limited, particularly in the realm of website development. Its capabilities have proven invaluable in overcoming the challenges associated with designing and building our website. ChatGPT's contributions have greatly facilitated our web development process, allowing us to create a user-friendly and informative platform to showcase our project.