Results | SDU-CHINA - iGEM 2023



  • Introduction

. On this page, we describe the most important results that portray our journey while designing our project.

  • 01 Selection of quorum sensing system and bacterial strains

  • 1.1 Esa I/R Quorum Sensing (QS) system

Quorum Sensingis a way for cells to regulate downstream gene expression based on their own density. The concentration of the signaling molecule - AHL - secreted by the cell increases as the cell density increases. When the concentration of AHL reaches a certain level, it can bind to the corresponding binding protein and alter the expression of downstream genes.

The Esa I/R system is quite special from traditional QS system. The EsaI/R QS system is homologous to the LuxI/R QS system and originates the maize pathogen--Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartia. EsaR can act as both transcriptional activator and repressor.

Esa I/R system
Fig.1 | Esa I/R system

  • 1.2 Our strains and Previous work

Our project builds on what has been done before. In 2020, Fei Gu et. al succeeded in redirecting the metabolic flowof E. coli using the Esa I/R system[1]. And they have applied the QS switch in the production of PHB. The Stains that they used come from another study[2]. Our project goes one step further. We have re-characterized the system and added an auto-lysis system.This constitutes a three-layer dynamic regulation model that enables the separation of the bacterial growth phase, the production phase and the product-release phase. L19 and L31 were engineered E. coli MG1655, which already have Esa R/I system in them. They have different regulatory thresholds (Fig.2), and we chose L19 and L31 as our strains.

Fig.2 | Switching OD of different strains[2]

  • 02 The characterization of Esa I/R quorum sensing system

  • 2.1 Design

We transformed pCL-PesaS-GFP (LVA) into E. coli L19 and L31 in combination with pCL-PesaRwt-mkate, pCL-PesaRc-mkate, and pCL-PesaRp-mkate, respectively. We repeatedly characterized the Esa I/R QS system by detecting fluorescence intensity to reflect promoter expression intensity. Green fluorescence was used to reflect the transcriptional expression intensity of PesaS, and red fluorescence represented the transcriptional expression intensity of PesaR. In this way, the most suitable models for growth and production stages were screened. Here are the strains we constructed.

Table.1 | Strains for QS switch characterization
L19 pCL-PesaS-GFP(LVA) pCL-PesaRwt-mkate L19SRw
pCL-PesaRc-mkate L19SRc
pCL-PesaRp-mkate L19SRp
L31 pCL-PesaS-GFP(LVA) pCL-PesaRwt-mkate L31SRw
pCL-PesaRc-mkate L31SRc
pCL-PesaRp-mkate L31SRp

  • 2.2 Results
Fig.3 | The results of QS system characterization

  • 2.3 Analysis of results

Through preliminary characterization, we can clearly see that PesaS and PesaR have a distinct sequential expression time sequence at different stages. The PesaS transcript expression peaked in the first 8 hours, especially in the 4th-6th hours, while PesaR peaked and stabilized after 10-12 hours (except for PesaR-p).

We hoped that by comparing the before and after differences in the expression of the two, we would be able to enter into the growth mode during the propagation of the strains faster, and the boundaries between the production mode and the growth mode would be clearer, with a quicker and more complete transition, and the results performed very well for both.

  • 03 Selection and characterization of stationary phase promoter

  • 3.1 Why we need stationary phase promoter and its advantages

If artificial induction is used to make the bacteria lysed, the inducer is not only expensive, but also produces strong toxicity to the cells. If a general constitutive promoter is used to express the cleavage gene, it will cause the bacterial metabolic burden and great growth pressure.

So, we planned to use stationary phase promoter to control the lysis gene. Bacteria undergo significant changes in their physiological state after entering the plateau phase. The stationary phase promoter endogenously produces more σ factors required for the stationary phase when bacteria enter the exponential phase, and it can direct bacteriophage RNA polymerase to transcribe specific genes during the stationary phase. Because the signal required for the stationary phase promoter is produced endogenously, it is not toxic to the bacteria. It is also dynamically regulated and does not cause metabolic stress or growth problems.

  • 3.2 Selection and Characterization results of first batch promoters (Pflic, P1.1, P2.1, P3.1)

We combined PACYC-Pflic-GFP, PACYC-P1.1-GFP, PACYC-P2.1-GFP, and PACYC-P3.1-GFP plasmids (these plasmids were given by Xin Jin, our advisor) with pCL-PesaRwt, pCL-PesaRc, and pCL-PesaRp plasmids (These plasmids were given by Fei Gu, our advisor), respectively, and electrotransformed them into L19 and L31. In total, we constructed 24 strains (Table 2)

We then used a Multi-Detection Microplate Reader (Synergy HT, Biotek, U.S.) to detect the red (excitation at 585 nm and emission at 640 nm) fluorescence and green (excitation at 485 nm and emission at 528 nm) fluorescence.

Table.2 | Plasmids combinations for first screening of promoters
L19 pCL-PesaRwt-mkate PACYC-Pfic-GFP
pCL-PesaRp-mkate PACYC-Pfic-GFP
pCL-PesaRc-mkate PACYC-Pfic-GFP
L31 pCL-PesaRwt-mkate PACYC-Pfic-GFP
pCL-PesaRpt-mkate PACYC-Pfic-GFP
pCL-PesaRc-mkate PACYC-Pfic-GFP
The characterization results of Pfic, P1.1, P2.1, and P3.1 in L19
Fig.5 | The characterization results of Pfic, P1.1, P2.1, and P3.1 in L19
The characterization results of Pfic, P1.1, P2.1, and P3.1 in L31
Fig.6 | The characterization results of Pfic, P1.1, P2.1, and P3.1 in L31

The expression time was found to be close to that of PesaR, with a maximum difference of only 2-4 hours to peak (Fig.4). Also, expression of this promoter is very rapid, with peak expression in less than 4 hours (Fig5, Fig.6). This means that by constructing an auto-lysis system with such a stationary phase promoter, our engineered bacteria will only have a few hours to produce PHB, not taking into account the metabolic disruption and reduced yield caused by the timing being too close to meet our expectations. : (

We also found that Pfic, P1.1, P2.1 and P3.1 have different levels of expression (Fig5, Fig.6)[3]. This difference is particularly evident in L19 (Fig5, Fig.6).

  • 3.3 Selection and Characterization results of second batch promoters (PYU3, PYU7, PYU16, and PYU92)

So, by reading the scientific articles, we selected the late stationary phase promoters of PYU3, PYU7, PYU6 and PYU92 for the second screening[4]. We combined them with PesaR and characterized them. In this batch we also constructed 24 bacteria (table 3).

Table.3 | Plasmids combinations for second screening of promoters
Strain Plasmid 1 Plasmid 2
L19 pCL-PesaRwt-mkate PACYC-PYU3-GFP
pCL-PesaRp-mkate PACYC-PYU3-GFP
pCL-PesaRc-mkate PACYC-PYU3-GFP
L31 pCL-PesaRwt-mkate PACYC-PYU3-GFP
pCL-PesaRp-mkate PACYC-PYU3-GFP
pCL-PesaRc-mkate PACYC-PYU3-GFP
Ten valid combinations of late stationary promoter characterization Ten valid combinations of late stationary promoter characterization
Fig.7 | Ten valid combinations of late stationary promoter characterization

From the 24 characterization results, the above ten combinations with significant expression time differences were selected and prepared for further screening (Fig. 7).

In several of these combinations, we found, for example, L19-PesaRwt-PYU7, that the two promoters peaked in their respective expressions at times that differed by more than 10 hoursThe results show that the production and cleavage phases can be temporally uncoupledTherefore, the characterization results have met our requirement - the production phase is separated from the product-release phase. : )

  • 3.4 Conclusion

In the end, the late steady state promoters PYU3, PYU7, PYU16 and PYU92 were selected as our ideal promoters. We also selected ten combinations that met our expectations to further build the three-layer dynamic regulation system.

  • 04 Characterization of Three-layer dynamic regulation system

In the previous section, we first verified that the Growth Phase is temporally decoupled from the Production Phase, and then verified that the Production Phase and the Product-release Phase are temporally decoupled.

To be more scientific, we decided to co-characterize the growth phase, the production phase and the product launch phase, and to check that all three were expressed in chronological order and at the required time.

Due to the certain red-green crosstalk problem during detection, we constructed PACYC-PYU3-BFP, PACYC-PYU7-BFP, PACYC-PYU16-BFP, PACYC-PYU92-BFP plasmids by ligating the blue fluorescent protein gene BFP with PYU3,7,16,92 promoter (Fig.8, Fig9) in order to make the results clearer and the overall expression time sequence. We constructed 10 strains that each have 3 plasmids (table 4).

Genetic circuit of PACYC-PYU3-BFP
Fig.8 | Genetic circuit of PACYC-PYU3-BFP
BFP fragment
Fig.9 | BFP fragment
Table.4 | Plasmids combinations of 3-plasmids characterization
Strain Plasmid 1 Plasmid 2 Plasmid 3
L19 pCL-PesaSGFP (LVA) pCL-PesaRwt-mkate PACYC-PYU3-BFP
pCL-PesaSGFP (LVA) pCL-PesaRwt Pmkate PACYC-PYU7-BFP
pCL-PesaSGFP (LVA) pCL-PesaRc-mkate PACYC-PYU3-BFP
L31 pCL-PesaSGFP (LVA) pCL-PesaRwt-mkate PACYC-PYU3-BFP

  • 4.1 The results of characterization
 The characterization results of Three-layer dynamic regulation model
Fig.10 | The characterization results of Three-layer dynamic regulation model
The model of L19-PesaRwt-PYU3
Fig.11 | The model of L19-PesaRwt-PYU3

  • 4.2 Analysis

We can see from this that the stationary phase begins to be expressed when the production phase is at its peak and the separation of the production phase from the desired lysis phase has been achieved. This means that the growth phase of the bacteria is barely affected and the bacteria have more than enough time for the production phase. It was only after 40 hours that the bacteria entered the expected lysis peak and lysed in droves.

  • 4.3 conclusion

We built three different modules,the growth module ,the production module , and the product release module, which form our Three-layer dynamic regulation model. we expressed them in the same bacterium, and the results were very good.

  • 05 Selection and Characterization of lysis gene

  • 5.1 Selection of lysis system
  • Lambda phage lysis gene cassette[5] (hereinafter referred to as SRRz System)

When holin monomers are isolated from antiholins that inhibit holin function, their hydrophobic structural domains are inserted into the cell membrane and then aggregate to form a more ordered assembly in a pore as large as ~500 kDa, allowing proteins to cross the cell membrane. Endolysins accumulated in the cytoplasm can then be released into the periplasm to degrade peptidoglycan in the cell wall and, in addition, the Rz/Rz1 complex of the λ phage promotes fusion of the inner membrane (IM) and outer membrane (OM), which in turn pushes the OM away from the murein layer, removing the final barrier.

  • Phi X174 phage lysis system[6] (hereafter referred to as the E system)

Protein E of phi174 is a hydrophobic membrane protein consisting of 91 amino acids that itself lacks enzymatic activity. It is hypothesized to function by triggering endogenous murein hydrolase in the host to form a transmembrane structure that spans the inner and outer membranes.

  • 5.2 Plasmid construction

We cloned the backbone part on the PACYC plasmid except the GFP fragment by PCR using the Gibson method, leaving a short homologous sequence with the lysis gene. At the same time, we obtained the SRRz gene by company synthesis and cloned the SRRz gene fragment containing the homologous arm of PACYC; the E gene fragment containing the homologous arm of PACYC was cloned by PCR on Phi X174 plasmid, and the PACYC backbone fragment and the cleaved gene fragment were seamlessly joined under the action of recombinase. PACYC-PYU3, 7, 16, 92-SRRz and PACYC-PYU3, 7, 16, 92-E plasmids were constructed (Fig. 12). All gene recombinations in the experiment were performed by the Gibson method.

Map of lysis plasmid construction
Map of lysis plasmid construction
Fig.12 | Map of lysis plasmid construction

  • 5.3 First characterization of lysis gene

We transformed the constructed plasmids into L19 and L31 to observe its lysis effect. The left side of the figure shows L19 containing the cleavage plasmid, and the right side does not contain the cleavage plasmid. After 1h of resting, it can be seen that the left side has been cleaved and clarified, and the right side is turbid, and the bacterium is sinking (Fig. 13).

Comparison of lysis effect
Fig.13 | Comparison of lysis effect

  • 5.4 Second characterization of lysis gene and RBS of different strength

Due to incomplete lysis in L19 and L31, we utilized the Gibson self-assembly method and designed primers to add RBS (BBa_B0031, BBa_B0032, BBa_B0033, and BBa_B0034) of different intensities to the promoter regions of PYU3, PYU7, PYU16, PYU92 with intensities of 0.010. 0.07,0.3, and 1 (Fig. 14). Due to time and effort constraints, we did not succeed in constructing all plasmids (Fig. 15).

Genetic circuit of lysis system
Fig.14 | Genetic circuit of lysis system
Electrophoretic validation results
Fig.15 | Electrophoretic validation results

Due to primer design problems, PCR extension length setting, or assembly errors, etc., the RBS substitution was not completely done successfully, so the plasmids verified to be working successfully in the following table were used for the next experiments.

Table.5 | Valid plasmids
Strain Plasmid 1 Plasmid 2 Plasmid 3 Lysis gene
L19 PACYC PYU3 B0031 E
L19 PACYC PYU7 B0031 E
L19 PACYC PYU16 B0031 E
L19 PACYC PYU7 B0031 E
L19 PACYC PYU16 B0031 SRRz
L31 PACYC PYU92 B0031 SRRz

Next, we transformed them to L19,L31 for characterization:

The results of lysis system characterization
Fig.16 | The results of lysis system characterization

PYU16-B0034-SRRz and PYU92-B0034-SRRz were finally selected as the ideal lysis systems (Fig. 16). They have the advantages of higher efficient lysis capacity and low impact on strain growth.

  • 06 Validation of the effectiveness of PHB synthesis genes

Nile red has fluorescent properties, so it can be used as a fluorescent dye for staining microplastics, lipids and proteins, etc. It is commonly used in fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry to detect intracellular lipid droplets. Through Nile red staining and fluorescence microscopy of bacterial cells containing PHB and non-PHB lipid storage substances, Nile red is a good fluorescent stain for lipid substances stored in bacterial cells with high sensitivity[7].

  • 6.1 Method

Nile red dye powder, prepared as a solution using dimethyl sulfoxide, was added to the medium at a working concentration of 0.5 μg/ml and plates were poured. We set up two groups: the first group used Nile Red plates, with PHB-producing strains and non-PHB-producing strains delineated on the plates; the second group used PHB-producing strains, delineated on Nile Red and non-Nile Red plates. Observations were made using a UV imager after 48 hours of incubation.

Nile Red Plate:PHB-producing strain vs. non-PHB-producing strain
Fig.17 | Nile Red Plate:PHB-producing strain vs. non-PHB-producing strain
PHB-producing strains streaked on Nile red plate and non-Nile red plate control
Fig.18 | PHB-producing strains streaked on Nile red plate and non-Nile red plate control

  • 6.2 Analysis

From the figure, we can see that the PHB-producing strains can be observed to fluoresce while the non-PHB-producing strains cannot fluoresce under UV irradiation. And Nile Red works very effectively because there is no fluorescence on the non-Nile Red plate. This is proof that our PHBcab gene is effective.

  • 07 PHB fermentation analysis

  • 7.1 strains construction
Table.6 | Strains for fermentation analysis
No. Strains Note
Group1 L19: PesaS-B0034 (integrated into the genome), pUC-PesaRwt-PHBcab, PACYC-PYU16-0034-SRRz; Treatment group
Group2 L31: PesaS-B0034(integrated into the genome), pUC-PesaRwt- PHBcab,PACYC-PYU92-0034-SRRz
Group3 L19: PesaS-B0034(integrated into the genome), pUC-PesaR- PHBcab Control group
Group4 L31: PesaS-B0034(integrated into the genome), pUC-PesaR- PHBcab
Group5 L19: pUC-Pcon- PHBcab
Group6 L31: pUC-Pcon- PHBcab
Group7 L19: pUC-Pcon- PHBcab, PACYC-PYU16-B0034-SRRz
Group8 L31: pUC-Pcon- PHBcab, PACYC-PYU92-B0034-SRRz
Stains construction
Fig.19 | Stains construction

  • 7.2 Fermentation conditions

Single colonies were transferred to 5mL of Luria−Bertani (LB) Broth with appropriate antibiotics. And they were culturing at 220rpm/ min and 37℃for 8h. 1% seeds were inoculated in M9 medium supplemented with 22g/L glucose.

Table.7 | 1L M9 medium
Material Volume/Mass
ddH2O 1L
Yeast extraction 2g
NaCl 1g
NH4Cl 1g
Na2HPO4·12H2O 15.6g
KH2PO4 3g
Fig.20 | Sampling

  • 7.3 Measurement

Samples were taken at 3,7,11,14,24,30,38,48h for OD600 and glucose concentrations, and PHB concentrations were measured at the same time from the 11th hour onwards (Fig. 15).

  • Glucose

After diluting the samples 50-fold (Fig. 16), the glucose concentration was measured using a glucose tester and glucose was replenished to 20 g/L at 14h and 25.5h of fermentation. Using our hardware can easily complete this work. The raw data is in the Notebook.

Dilution of samples for glucose detection
Fig.21 | Dilution of samples for glucose detection
  • OD600

Using spectrophotometer to measure OD600(Fig. 17). The raw data is in the notebook.

Fig.22 | SpectrophotometerSpectrophotometer
  • PHB

To test the PHB content, we took 2.85mL of culture solution for each group and added 0.15mL of chloroform (5%). Mix by gently inverting up and down, then centrifuge at 3400xg for 8 minutes at 4°C. Remove the chloroform-PHB phase (lower layer) in a glass vial with a pipette gun. To it, 150ul of sulfuric acid was added, 850ul of methanol was added, 1000 µl of chloroform was added, and oil bath was used for 1 h. It was taken out, cooled down to room temperature and then 1ml of dd water was added, and the shaker was shaken for 30 s. It was left to stand for more than 30 min for layering, and 80ul-150ul of the chloroform layer was taken into the gas-phase vial. Determination was carried out by gas chromatography[8].

Gas chromatography
Fig.23 | Gas chromatography

However, when we tested it, the results showed that there was no PHB. Since we had previously performed a step-by-step validation to ensure that each part could function properly, we suspected that there was a problem with the method of extracting PHB or the method of conducting the test.

In order to verify our conjecture, we took 1mL of the 48h culture solution and centrifuged it, then removed the supernatant and took a small amount of the bacterium and observed it under the fluorescence microscope (Fig. 19 and Fig. 20). We found that in Group 3 bacteria, there were many glowing red particles, which were intracellular PHB (Fig. 20), while in Group 1 bacteria, there were few red particles, which represented that most of the PHB had been released (Fig. 19). This suggests that our three-layer model is valid, it's the detection method that's wrong.

So, we will need to validate our results in a different way.

 Group1 (has lysis system)
Fig.24 | Group1 (has lysis system)
Group3 (does not have lysis system)
Fig.25 | Group3 (does not have lysis system)

We then added 3 ml of chloroform to 15 mL of culture medium at 48 h and centrifuged it for 8 min at 4°C, which was used to extract extracellular PHB. 100 μL of the chloroform layer was then taken, and 0.5 μL of Nile Red-stained chloroform layer (working concentration 0.5 μg/ml) was added and measured by fluorescence intensity using a Multi-Detection Microplate Reader (Synergy HT, Biotek, U.S.) (Fig. 21).

Using fluorescence intensity to measure PHB
Fig.26 | Using fluorescence intensity to measure PHB content
Fig.27 | results

All of these results demonstrate that the extracellular PHB production of the strains containing the three-layer regulatory system was much higher than that of the strains without the addition of the lysis system or without the use of the Quorum Sensing system to regulate the metabolic flow.

  • Failures & Experiences:

1. Transformation:

The failure rate of simultaneous transfer of two plasmids during electroporation was significantly higher, which was later switched to one by one with a higher success rate.

It is especially important to prepare receptor cells for transformation plasmid experiments, and culturing them to the pre-exponential stage (2 hours of transfection) can improve transformation efficiency.

The recovery culture should not be too long. We have had transformation failures due to too long recovery cultures.

E. coli can usually appear colonies in one day. When it appears to take more than 24h to grow a colony, this colony may not be E. coli. The first fermentation of this experiment was re-tested for a second eletroporation and fermentation analysis because the yeast colonies were picked resulting in no fermentation product being detected in the end.

2. The amount of bacterial solution when applying the plate should not be too much, it will result in growing into one layer (all bacteria in this experiment are prone to grow into a layer, except for the one containing a strong cleavage gene).

3. The strain needs to be re-cultured and preserved every 3 months. If the time is too long, the activity of the bacteria will be affected.

4. When using the Gibson assembly method for seamless ligation of gene fragments, try changing primers if you encounter a difficult ligation situation or if the pcr product is difficult to obtain.

5. When extracting the plasmid, the incubation time needs to depend on the situation. E. coli DH5α with lysogeny plasmid needs to extract the plasmid around 4 hours of growth, otherwise the plasmid is lost due to bacterial lysis resulting in large amounts of content being discharged.

6. Our experiments required the measurement of extracellular PHB, which did not work well despite being mentioned in some scientific articles. We need to further explore the experimental conditions.

  • Refences
  • References

Fig.6 The formula we use to assess our web accessibility

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8. Borrero-de Acuña, J.M., et al., A novel programmable lysozyme-based lysis system in Pseudomonas putida for biopolymer production. Sci Rep, 2017. 7(1): p. 4373.