Experiments | SDU-CHINA - iGEM 2023



  • 01 Preparation
  • 1.1 Medium

These 6 strains are for QS- switch characterization


  • Conical bottle.
  • Test tube.
  • dd Water.
  • Medium component.
  • Equipment

  • LB medium
  • 1L dd Water.
  • 10g Tryptone.
  • 5g Yeast extract.
  • 10g NaCl.
  • LB solid medium

  • LB liquid medium.
  • 1.5-2% AGAR powder.
  • Fermentation medium

  • 1L dd Water.
  • 2g Yeast powder.
  • 1g NaCl.
  • 1g NH4Cl.
  • 15.6g Na2HPO4·12H2O.
  • Protocol

    After sterilization, 200uLMgSO4 solution (1M),100uLCaCl2 solution (0.1M) and 4mL50%Glu solution were added every 100mL.

    • 1.2 PCR System

    These 6 strains are for QS- switch characterization


  • PCR instrument.
  • PCR tubule.
  • High fidelity polymerase.
  • dNTPs.
  • 2×Buffer.
  • dd Water.
  • Primer.
  • Colony PCR system

  • 10uL Taq Enzyme mix mixing system.
  • 10uL dd Water.
  • 1uL Primer 1 (10uM).
  • 1uL Primer 2 (10uM).
  • 1uL Template.
  • PCR reaction system (50 uL)

  • 1-10ng Template.
  • 2uL Primer 1 (10uM).
  • 2uL Primer 2 (10uM).
  • 25uL 2×Buffer.
  • 1uL dNTPs.
  • 1uL High fidelity polymerase.
  • Up to 50uL ddH2O.

    • 02 Main experimental
    • 2.1 Electroporation

    These 6 strains are for QS- switch characterization


  • 1mm electroporation cuvettes.
  • Electroshock apparatus.
  • Strain to be transferred.
  • Plasmid to be transferred.
  • 10% glycerol.
  • LB medium.
  • Protocol

    1. The recipient bacteria (DH5a or DH10B) were inoculated overnight with 1% inoculated in LB medium and cultured overnight in a shaking bed at 37℃.

    2. 200uL of overnight culture was transferred to 5mL LB medium, and the culture was violently shaken on a shaking table at 37℃ until OD600 = 0.6 (about 2.5-3 hours).

    3. Absorb 1.5mL cultured bacterial solution into 1.5mL centrifuge tube.

    4. Centrifuge at 12000rpm at 4℃ for 5 min.

    5. Discard the supernatant, add 1000 uL 10% glycerin, gently suck up and down with a pipette gun to make the cells re-suspend.

    6. Centrifuge at 12000rpm at 4 ° C for 5 min.

    7. Discard the supernatant, add 1000 uL cold 10% glycerin, gently suck up and down with a pipette gun to make the cells re-suspend.

    8. Centrifuge at 12000rpm at 4 ° C for 5 min.

    9. Discard the supernatant, add 200uL10% glycerin, gently draw up and down with a pipette gun to make the cells re-suspend.

    10. Add 5-10 uL plasmid to each cell, gently suck and evenly with a pipette.

    11. The converter selects 1800V as the output voltage.

    12. Convert the cup, immediately press the button to shock.

    13. Immediately add 1mL LB medium to the transformation cup to resuspension cells.

    14. The cells were transferred into a suitable culture tube and cultured at 37℃ for 1 hour.

    15. Absorb a suitable volume of bacterial liquid coated with the finished antibiotic medium plate.

    16. Overnight culture at 37℃ and observation results.

    • 2.2 Extracting Plasmid

    These 6 strains are for QS- switch characterization


  • Omega plasmid extraction kit.
  • Protocol

    1. Isolate a single colony from a freshly streaked selective plate, and inoculate a culture of 1-5 mL LB medium containing the appropriate selective antibiotic. Incubate for~12-with a volume of at least 4 times the volume of the culture. It is strongly recommended that an endA negative strain of E. coli be used for routine plasmid isolation. Examples of such strains include DH5a® and JM109®.

    2. Centrifuge at 10,000 x g for 1 minute at room temperature.

    3. Decant or aspirate and discard the culture media.

    4. Add 250 uL Solution I/RNase A. Vortex or pipet up and down to mix thoroughly. Complete resuspension of cell pellet is vital for obtaining good yields.

    Note: RNase A must be added to Solution I before use. Please see the instructions in the Preparing Reagents section on Page 6.

    5. Transfer suspension into a new 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube.

    6. Add 250 uL Solution Il. Invert and gently rotate the tube several times to obtain a clear lysate. A 2-3 minutes incubation may be necessary.

    Note: Avoid vigorous mixing as this will shear chromosomal DNA and lower plasmid purity. Do not allow the lysis reaction to proceed more than 5 minutes. Store Solution Il tightly capped when not in use to avoid acidification from CO, in the air.

    7. Add 350 uL Solution Ill. Immediately invert several times until a flocculent white -precipitate forms.

    Note: It is vital that the solution is mixed thoroughly and immediately after the addition of Solution Ⅲ to avoid localized precipitation.

    8. Centrifuge at maximum speed (≥13,000 x g) for 10 minutes. A compact white pellet will form. Promptly proceed to the next step.

    9. Prepare the vacuum manifold according to manufacturer's instructions.

    10. Connect the HiBind® DNA Mini Column to the vacuum manifold.

    Optional Protocol for Column Equilibration

    1. Add 100 uL3M NaOH to the HiBind® DNA Mini Column.

    2. Turn on the vacuum source to draw the NaOH through the column.

    3. Turn off the vacuum.

    11. Transfer the cleared supernatant from Step 8 by CAREFULLY aspirating it into the HiBind® DNA Mini Column. Be careful not to disturb the pellet and that no cellular debris is transferred to the HiBind® DNA Mini Column.

    12. Turn on the vacuum source to draw the sample through the column.

    13. Turn off the vacuum.

    14. Add 500 uL HBC Buffer.

    Note: HBC Buffer must be diluted with isopropanol before use. Please see Page 6 for instructions.

    15. Turn on the vacuum source to draw the buffer through the column.

    16. Turn off the vacuum.

    17. Add 700 uL DNA Wash Buffer.

    Note: DNA Wash Buffer must be diluted with 100% ethanol prior to use. Please see Page 6 for instructions.

    18. Turn on the vacuum source to draw the buffer through the column.

    19. Turn off the vacuum.

    20. Repeat Steps 17-19 for a second DNA Wash Buffer wash step.

    21. Transfer the HiBind® DNA Mini Column to a 2 mL Collection Tube.

    22. Centrifuge the empty HiBind® DNA Mini Column for 2 minutes at maximum speed to dry the column matrix.

    Note: It is important to dry the HiBind® DNA Mini Column matrix before elution. Residual ethanol may interfere with downstream applications.

    23. Transfer the HiBind® DNA Mini Column to a clean 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube.

    24. Add 30-100 uL Elution Buffer or sterile deionized water directly to the center of the column membrane.

    25. Let sit at room temperature for 1 minute.

    26. Centrifuge at maximum speed for 1 minute.

    Note: This represents approximately 70% of bound DNA. An optional second elution will yield any residual DNA, though at a lower concentration.

    27. Store DNA at -20℃.

    • 2.3 Gibson assembly

    These 6 strains are for QS- switch characterization


  • PCR instrument.
  • PCR recovery kit.
  • Metal bath.
  • Assembly mix.
  • EP tube.
  • Protocol

    1. The target fragment was obtained by PCR.

    2. DpnⅠ treatment.
    0.5uL DpnⅠ enzyme solution was added into the 50uL system at 37℃ for 1h.

    3. PCR recovery.

    1. The reaction liquid added to the column and centrifuged at 13000rpm for 1min.

    2. Add 500uL HBC, centrifuge at 13000rpm for 1 min.

    3. Add 700uL DNA WASH Buffer, centrifuge at 13000rpm for 1min, repeat twice.

    4. Dry empty tube for 2min, replace EP tube, add 20-80uL ddH2O or TE buffer at 65℃, centrifuge at 13000rpm for 1min.

    4. Linkage reaction.
    The ligation reaction system is maintained at 50°C for 30-60 minutes to complete the ligation reaction.

    Linkage reaction system (20uL)

  • 8.7uL Target fragment 1
  • 1.3uL Target fragment 2.
  • 10uL 2×assembly mix.
  • 5. The linking solution containing the recombinant plasmid is converted into DH5α.

    • 2.4 Chemical Transformation of Plasmids into DH5α

    These 6 strains are for QS- switch characterization


  • Commodity DH5α.
  • Ice.
  • Water bath.
  • LB medium.
  • Protocol

    1. Take the thawed-sensitive state DH5a on ice, add 1ug/uL plasmid 1uL into the 50uL receptive state, and place it on ice for 30min.

    2. Heat shock 90s in 2.42°C water bath, quickly transferred to the ice for 2min.

    3. 1mL LB medium was added into the plasmid-containing receptive state of each tube on a super-clean table, shaken at 37℃ for 1h.

    4. LB AGAR culture dishes were taken from the super-clean table, and 20mL AGAR medium (containing transformed plasmid resistant antibiotics) was poured into each dish to coagulate.

    5. Centrifuge at 5.12000 rpm, discard the supernatant, take 100uL of invert bacteria coated plate, and invert it in 37℃ constant temperature incubator for 12-16 hours, and observe the colony growth the next day.

    6. Stripe separation and purification, single colonies were selected in liquid medium, culture, bacteria liquid PCR, and storage strains.

    • 03 Fermentation experiment
    • 3.1 Fermentation Method

    These 6 strains are for QS- switch characterization


  • Spectrophotometer.
  • Glucose tester.
  • Gas chromatography.
  • Shaker.
  • dd Water.
  • Conical bottle.
  • Fermentation medium.
  • Strain to be fermented.
  • Protocol

    1. 1% inoculated in 100mL fermentation medium at 37℃ at 250rpm.

    Note: Three parallel experiments were conducted for each strain.

    2. Samples were taken every 3-4 hours in the first 20 hours, OD600 and glucose concentrations were measured every 6-10 hours after 20 hours, and PHB concentrations were measured after 11 hours.

    Note: During this period, glucose is supplemented to approximately 20g/L in the fermentation broth based on glucose concentration data.

    • 04 Others
    • 4.1 Plasmid carrying resistance

    These 6 strains are for QS- switch characterization
  • pCL-PesaS-GFP (LVA) is Kan.
  • pCL-PesaR-B0034-mkate, pCL-PesaRp-B0034-mkate, pCL-PesaRc-B0034-mkate indicates the Spc.
  • The PACYC series of plasmids were resistant to Cm and later changed to Spc.
  • pUC-PesaR-B0034-PHBcab is Amp resistant.
  • L19-B0034-gltA and L31-B0034-gltA are Cm resistant.
    • 4.2 Strain preservation method

    These 6 strains are for QS- switch characterization
  • 800uL bacterial solution +200uL glycerin stored in -20℃ refrigerator.
    • 4.3 Characterization and inoculation amount before fermentation

    These 6 strains are for QS- switch characterization
  • 1% dose of bacteria.
  • 24-well plate 1mL medium, 12-well plate 3mL, 96-well plate 100uL.
    • 4.4 Preparation method of antibiotics

    These 6 strains are for QS- switch characterization
    Name Preparation method Sterilization method Concentration
    Amp 0.5g+5mL dd water Filtration 1‰
    Kan 0.5g+10mL dd water Filtration 1‰
    Cm 1.02g+30mL anhydrous ethanol Filtration 0.5‰
    Spc 1.25g+25mL dd water Filtration 0.5‰
    • 4.5 Electrophoretic detection

    These 6 strains are for QS- switch characterization

    1. Accurately prepared 1% agarose gel, fully boiling, cooling to about 60℃ can be added to the coloring agent GelRed (highly sensitive, safe and highly stable fluorescent nucleic acid dye). Sampling, electrophoresis.

    2. After electrophoresis, the imaging was observed under the gel imager.