Parts | SDU-CHINA - iGEM 2023



  • 01 New basic parts
  • Late stationary phase promoter

The following combinations are transformed into both L19 and L31
Catalog Description Details length Name
01 Regulatory PYU3 Late stationary Phase promoter 201bp BBa_K4583000
02 Regulatory PYU7 Late stationary Phase promoter 204bp BBa_K4583001
03 Regulatory PYU16 Late stationary Phase promoter 201bp BBa_K4583003
04 Regulatory PYU92 Late stationary Phase promoter 200bp BBa_K4583004

  • 1.2 Stationary phase promoter

The following combinations are transformed into both L19 and L31
Catalog Description Details length Name
01 Regulatory Pfic Stationary Phase promoter 131bp BBa_K4583005
02 Regulatory P1.1 Stationary Phase promoter 232bp BBa_K4583006
03 Regulatory P2.1 Stationary Phase promoter 232bp BBa_K4583007
04 Regulatory P3.1 Stationary Phase promoter 230bp BBa_K4583008

  • Esar activated/repressed promoter

The following combinations are transformed into both L19 and L31
Catalog Description Details length Name
01 Regulatory PesaRwt Wild type EsaR-repressed promoter 286bp BBa_K4583009
02 Regulatory PesaRc Variant of PesaRwt 286bp BBa_K4583010
03 Regulatory PesaRp Variant of PesaRwt 286bp BBa_K4583011
04 Regulatory PesaS Wild type EsaR-activated promoter 190bp BBa_K4583012

  • Others

The following combinations are transformed into both L19 and L31
Catalog Description Details length Name
01 Reporter BFP Codon-optimized BFP 720bp BBa_K4583028
02 coding gltA gltA gene 1284 BBa_K4583054

  • 02 New composite parts
  • 2.1 Atuo-lysis system

The following combinations are transformed into both L19 and L31
Catalog Description length Name
01 Composite PYU3-RBS(B0034)-SRRz 1877bp BBa_K4583014
02 Composite PYU7-RBS(B0034)-SRRz 1880bp BBa_K4583025
03 Composite PYU16-RBS(B0034)-SRRz 1877bp BBa_K4583026
04 Composite PYU92-RBS(B0034)-SRRz 1876bp BBa_K4583015
05 Composite PYU3-RBS(B0034)-SRRz 1876bp BBa_K4583037
06 Composite PYU7-RBS(B0034)-SRRz 1879bp BBa_K4583038
07 Composite PYU16-RBS(B0034)-SRRz 1876bp BBa_K4583039
08 Composite PYU92-RBS(B0034)-SRRz 1875bp BBa_K4583040
09 Composite PYU3-RBS(B0034)-SRRz 1878bp BBa_K4583041
10 Composite PYU7-RBS(B0034)-SRRz 1881bp BBa_K4583042
11 Composite PYU16-RBS(B0034)-SRRz 1878bp BBa_K4583043
12 Composite PYU92-RBS(B0034)-SRRz 1877bp BBa_K4583044
13 Composite PYU3-RBS(B0034)-SRRz 1879bp BBa_K4583045
14 Composite PYU7-RBS(B0034)-SRRz 1882bp BBa_K4583046
15 Composite PYU16-RBS(B0034)-SRRz 1879bp BBa_K4583047
16 Composite PYU92-RBS(B0034)-SRRz 1878bp BBa_K4583048
17 Composite PYU3-RBS(B0034)-E 506bp BBa_K4583056
18 Composite PYU7-RBS(B0034)-E 509bp BBa_K4583057
19 Composite PYU16-RBS(B0034)-E 506bp BBa_K4583058
20 Composite PYU92-RBS(B0034)-E 505bp BBa_K4583059
21 Composite PYU3-RBS(B0034)-E 505bp BBa_K4583063
22 Composite PYU7-RBS(B0034)-E 508bp BBa_K4583064
23 Composite PYU16-RBS(B0034)-E 505bp BBa_K4583065
24 Composite PYU92-RBS(B0034)-E 504bp BBa_K4583066
25 Composite PYU3-RBS(B0034)-E 507bp BBa_K4583067
26 Composite PYU7-RBS(B0034)-E 510bp BBa_K4583068
27 Composite PYU16-RBS(B0034)-E 507bp BBa_K4583069
28 Composite PYU92-RBS(B0034)-E 506bp BBa_K4583070
29 Composite PYU3-RBS(B0034)-E 508bp BBa_K4583071
30 Composite PYU7-RBS(B0034)-E 511bp BBa_K4583072
31 Composite PYU16-RBS(B0034)-E 508bp BBa_K4583073
32 Composite PYU92-RBS(B0034)-E 507bp BBa_K4583074

  • 2.2 Stationary phase promoter-RBS(B0034)-GFP

The following combinations are transformed into both L19 and L31
Catalog Description length Name
01 Composite Pfic-RBS(B0034)-GFP 871bp BBa_K4583062
02 Composite P1.1-RBS(B0034)-GFP 972bp BBa_K4583075
03 Composite P2.1-RBS(B0034)-GFP 972bp BBa_K4583076
04 Composite P3.1-RBS(B0034)-GFP 970bp BBa_K4583077

  • 2.3 EsaR activated/pressed promoter-RBS(B0034)-GFP/mKate

The following combinations are transformed into both L19 and L31
Catalog Description length Name
01 Composite PesaS-RBS(B0034)-GFP(LVA) 972bp BBa_K4583013
02 Composite PesaRwt-RBS(B0034)-mKate 1026bp BBa_K4583075
03 Composite PesaRc-RBS(B0034)-mKate 1026bp BBa_K4583079
04 Composite PesaRp-RBS-mkate 1026bp BBa_K4583052

  • 2.4 Three-Layer dynamic regulation model

The following combinations are transformed into both L19 and L31
Catalog Description length Name
01 Composite PesaS-B0034-GFP-PesaRwt-B0034-mKate-PYU3-BFP 2941bp BBa_K4583027
02 Composite PesaS-B0034-GFP-PesaRc-B0034-mKate-PYU3-BFP/td 2655bp BBa_K4583031
03 Composite PesaS-B0034-GFP-PesaRwt-B0034-mKate-PYU7-BFP 2944bp BBa_K4583032
04 Composite PesaS-B0034-GFP-PesaRc-B0034-mKate-PYU7-BFP 2658bp BBa_K4583033
05 Composite PesaS-B0034-GFP-PesaRp-B0034-mKate-PYU7-BFP 2944bp BBa_K4583034
06 Composite PesaS-B0034-GFP-PesaRwt-B0034-mKate-PYU92-BFP 2940bp BBa_K4583035
07 Composite PesaS-B0034-GFP-PesaRp-B0034-mKate-PYU16-BFP 2941bp BBa_K4583036

  • 2.5 Using three-Layer dynamic regulation model to aid PHB production

The following combinations are transformed into both L19 and L31
Catalog Description length Name
01 Composite PesaS-B0034-gltA-PesaRwt-B0034-PHBcab-PYU16-B0034-SRRz 7971bp BBa_K4583053
02 Composite PesaS-B0034-gltA-PesaRwt-B0034-PHBcab-PYU92-B0034-SRRz 7916bp BBa_K4583055

  • 03 Parts contribution
  • 3.1 Parts contribution

The following combinations are transformed into both L19 and L31
Contribution Type Details Name
1 Characterization and improving We provide detailed characterization results and protocols for PesaS and compare its expression time with three other promoters. We used an RBS(BBa_B0034) and GFP-LVA(BBa_K082003) to characterize it. BBa_K3989009
2 Characterization and improving We provide detailed characterization results and protocols for PesaR-C and compare its expression time with PesaS. We used an RBS(BBa_B0034) and mkate (BBa_K076006) to characterize it. BBa_K3989008
3 Characterization and improving We designed an auto-lysis system that will express at the late stationary phase (40h) based on this part. And we provide our failure experience and advice for the future iGEM team. BBa_K2152003
4 Characterization and improving We designed an auto-lysis system that will express at the late stationary phase (40h) based on this part. And we provide our failure experience and advice for the future iGEM team. And we also provide useful experience for how to Characterize lysis system. BBa_K4153004
5 Information We provide the 3D structure of EsaR protein and the interaction between it and AHL. BBa_K3989003