Imagine a world where the air is clean, the water is pure, and nature flourishes. Where fertile lands yield bountiful harvests, and climate patterns are stable and predictable? This is the world we envision, and it is within our reach through sustainability. At Project RECOVER, we are committed to creating a better future for the world we cherish. By integrating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set forth by the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, we have pledged our commitment to a more equitable, sustainable, and prosperous planet. Here's how team REC-CHENNAI actively contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):

SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure


The RECOVER project makes a significant contribution to SDG 9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Maritime Emission Reduction- Our Innovation

It champions innovation through the integration of advanced equipment on maritime vessels to combat pollution. According to the International Maritime Organization (IMO), annual carbon dioxide emissions from shipping reach 1 billion tons, with international shipping accounting for 2.7% of this total[1]. The project's equipment effectively isolates and converts pollutants into biofuel, thereby reducing emissions at the source.

Emission Reduction In Fuel Infrastructure

Our infrastructure focus is the Nautical Nexus, a complex real-time data system equipped with IoT sensors capable of measuring essential parameters of the ship. These data feeds are efficiently transmitted to the open source cloud platform, providing stakeholders with access to critical information to make informed decisions. It is also underpinned by a capture system that transparently captures CO2 from exhaust gases. Additionally, gyroscopic gimbal technology plays a central role in stabilizing the bioreactor, ensuring optimal performance and longevity of our engineered E. coli culture.

Adaptability Across Industries

While our system is specifically designed to meet the specific conditions encountered on ships, its complex design allows for seamless adaptation to many other industries. With minor adjustments, our technology can be customized to suit sectors such as power plants, manufacturing facilities, and chemical manufacturing, making it flexible and applicable in a variety of industrial environments where capturing and reducing emissions is critical. Additionally, our innovative CO2 to Iso-butanol conversion process is designed to seamlessly integrate with existing fuel infrastructure, promoting sustainability by reducing the need to develop additional resource-intensive developments.

SDG 13, Climate Action, emphasizes the critical necessity of addressing climate change, driven by a 40% surge in atmospheric CO2 levels since the Industrial Revolution. This increase is causing unprecedented global warming, with temperatures having already risen by approximately 1 degree Celsius since the late 19th century. Project RECOVER is firmly committed to confronting this pressing issue by prioritizing the capture of CO2 emissions. Our core mission revolves around capturing CO2 from ship exhausts and converting it into eco-smart fuels, a process that significantly mitigates carbon emissions. What distinguishes our approach is our innovative technology, which operates with a net-zero carbon footprint. Additionally, the end product of our process, iso-butanol, serves as a cleaner and more sustainable alternative to conventional, carbon-intensive fossil fuels. By focusing on CO2 capture and sustainable fuel production, we contribute to SDG 13's imperative of combating climate change and its profound global impacts.

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

SDG 12 encourages responsible consumption and production patterns. It calls for efficient use of resources, reduction of waste, and the promotion of sustainable practices throughout the product lifecycle. This is where Project RECOVER proudly flourishes with a hybrid carbon capture and biofuel production system.

Sustainable Products:

Our project involves the Development of a system to capture flue gas and efficiently separate CO2 for utilization by engineered E. coli K12, producing Isobutanol in a reactor compatible with marine vessels with the help of our gyroscopic system. With advances in bioprocessing, strain development, fermentation techniques, and streamlined fuel separation methods, biobutanol is emerging as a promising next-generation fuel. It is poised to become a sustainable, eco-friendly, and cost-effective alternative. Whether used directly as a transportation fuel or integrated as a gasoline additive, butanol presents itself as a versatile and attractive option for the future of alternative fuels.

Waste Reduction:

Our integrated hardware is designed in such a way to maximize conversion efficiency by targeting emissions rather than dissolved CO2 that is extracted through chemical absorption thereby satisfying the goal of re-utilizing wasteful effluents which is a nod in the direction of waste reduction.
Our capture system focuses on tackling major issues like solubility limitations, energy efficiency, foaming, corrosiveness and especially loss of solvent by using Potassium Carbonate (K2CO3) that is promoted by Sarcosine which solves most of the waste generation and wasteful use of resources.

SDG 13: Climate Action


Project RECOVER aligns with SDG 13, Climate Action, by urgently addressing the global climate crisis. Fossil fuels, responsible for more than 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions and nearly 90% of total carbon dioxide emissions, are the main cause of climate change [3]

To solve this problem, we capture CO2 emissions from ship exhaust and convert them into eco-smart fuels using our cutting-edge technology, which operates with a net carbon footprint. Our end product, isobutanol, is a cleaner, more sustainable alternative to fossil fuels.
What makes our project different in the fight against the climate crisis is the integration of a capture system and IoT technology that complements the Genetically modified organism(GMO) residing within the bioreactor.The biological system includes a bioreactor in which genetically engineered E.coli bacteria efficiently convert captured CO2 into isobutanol.This comprehensive approach, combining sensors, IoT and biotechnology,is in harmony with SDG 13, Climate Action, by offering a comprehensive solution to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change.

Advocacy And Awareness

Our team conducted awareness programmes about climate change issues in our school and orphanage human practices and imparting the message to support climate action initiatives to mitigate its effects to younger, fresher and more powerful minds. It is safe to say that it was well-received while listening to their enthusiastic promises to work for a better and brighter tomorrow.
We streamed a podcast that plays a vital role in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals by engaging listeners in meaningful discussions and showcasing practical actions to address global challenges and urgent need. By raising awareness and inspiring action, we help build a more sustainable and equitable future.

[1] Bryan Comer, Ph.D. and Francielle Carvalho, Ph.D. IMO’s newly revised GHG strategy: what it means for shipping and the Paris agreement July 7, 2023.

[3] United Nations - Causes and effects of Climate Change.