The implementation of our technology involves integrating it across diverse marine vessels, such as the challenging Flip Ship, by utilizing the gyroscopic gimbal for orientation stability. This adaptability ensures accurate measurements for bioreactors in various marine conditions. The system is highly scalable and can be seamlessly integrated into different industries without the need for additional substrates, ensuring resource efficiency. Install the gyroscopic gimbals, adapt the technology to specific vessels, and facilitate its deployment in industries for efficient CO2 capture and stable operations.


We have designed the Nautical Nexus, a hardware system that can measure a ship's roll (side-to-side motion) and pitch (up and down motion) in turbulence, and the ambient temperature. Our solution incorporates a gyroscopic gimbal, which serves the vital role of stabilizing our bioreactor in various ship conditions. Our hardware is particularly well-suited for use on a Flip Ship. The Flip Ship is a unique Research Ship created by the US Navy in collaboration with the Marine Physical Laboratory in the year 1962. It is designed like a spoon, stands at 355 ft and is unique in the sense that it has the flexibility to stand vertically from a routine ship’s position of being horizontal.The most unique feature of this type of ship is that it can flip from horizontal to vertical position for research purposes. By allowing water to seep into its ballast tanks, 300m of the ship is submerged in the water, allowing the Flip Ship to carry out its purpose of being an accurate Research Ship.
This innovative research vessel, capable of transitioning from a horizontal to a vertical position, encounters challenges related to wave interference and orientation. Currently, Flip Ships do not have an intrinsic orientation stabilization system that can support the incorporation of a bioreactor containing shear sensitive organisms in it. Incorporating a gyroscope in our Nautical Nexus hardware can be an essential tool for maintaining orientation. Gyroscopes are spinning wheels that maintain their orientation regardless of the mounting's tilting or rotation, a concept rooted in the conservation of angular momentum. This technology is widely used for various applications, including inertial navigation systems, stabilization of flying vehicles, and aiding in ship orientation. It ensures that our hardware can provide accurate measurements and stability for ship-based research. The incorporation of our gyroscopic gimbal is instrumental in maintaining stability, making it an ideal solution for ensuring precise measurements and secure bioreactor stabilization on a Flip Ship.


The future scope for the isobutanol produced through our technology is promising and multifaceted. As we continue to advance in the production of isobutanol from CO2 capture, there's a significant potential for us to not only supply a cleaner and more sustainable fuel but also pave the way for a shift in the transportation sector towards reduced carbon emissions. Here's how we can envision this:

  • Isobutanol possesses a higher energy density than ethanol and compatibility with existing internal combustion engines. This positions it as a suitable candidate for use as an alternative to conventional gasoline.
  • To fully utilize the potential of isobutanol as a fuel source, we can work on designing engines that are specifically engineered to process isobutanol efficiently. These engines can be optimized for isobutanol's combustion properties, maximizing energy output and minimizing emissions.
  • Although isobutanol combustion may still release some carbon, it is a significantly cleaner option compared to burning fossil fuels. By producing isobutanol from captured CO2, we effectively close the carbon loop, making it a more sustainable choice.
  • As isobutanol becomes a viable and widely adopted fuel source, the need for traditional fossil fuels in vehicles can be substantially reduced. This transition is crucial in our efforts to mitigate carbon emissions from the transportation sector

Environmental Impact and Sustainability

While any fuel combustion releases CO2, isobutanol combustion emits significantly less CO2 compared to conventional fuels. This shift to isobutanol contributes to a cleaner and more sustainable environment, mitigating carbon emissions and air pollution in the transportation sector.

Marine Compatibility and Adaptability

Our technology isn't limited to one type of ship. It's adaptable to any vessel, including the challenging Flip Ship, thanks to the gyroscopic gimbal's orientation stability. This adaptability ensures precise measurements and stability for bioreactors in diverse marine conditions.

Scalability and Minimal Resource Requirements

Moreover, our CO2 capture system is highly scalable, making it adaptable to various industries. The beauty of this system lies in its resource efficiency, as it doesn't require any additional substrates beyond the initial setup.