In the dynamic realm of synthetic biology, the demand for precise environmental monitoring tools has surged. Nautical Nexus, utilizing pitch and roll data, offers an inventive strategy to replicate sea conditions, fostering a more authentic environment for Biological system. "igemrecchennai2023" is a MicroPython library specifically developed for the Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller. Its primary purpose is to enable smooth integration with the MPU6050 Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), allowing for the extraction of crucial nautical measurements like as tilt angles and acceleration. In addition, developers seeking to equip their Raspberry Pi Pico with SD card functionality for the sake of data recording or incorporate an OLED Display for visual display of data would consider this library to be essential.
Nautical Nexus is a sophisticated data sensing and logging solution designed for monitoring the Roll, Pitch, and Temperature of ships or vessels. This prototype uses the Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller development board to deliver robust performance.
Key Features:
MPU6050 Inertial Measurement Unit:The system interfaces with an MPU6050 IMU to accurately sense and log accelerometer, temperature and gyroscope data.
0.96-inch OLED Display (SSD1306): Real-time Roll, Pitch, and Temperature values are displayed on a crisp OLED screen for easy monitoring.
SD Card Logging: All data is continuously logged onto an inserted SD card using an SD card module interfaced with the Pi Pico board.
Rechargeable Lithium-Polymer Battery: Powered by a 1500mAh Lithium-Polymer Battery, the system ensures extended operation without the need for constant recharging.
Qi Wireless Charging: Nautical Nexus integrates Qi wireless charging technology for convenient and hassle-free battery recharging.
MicroPython Library: A dedicated MicroPython library has been developed for the Nautical Nexus, simplifying code implementation and enabling easy customization.
Programming Environment: The Thonny Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is the platform of choice for programming and configuring the development board.
Save the following code as "igemrecchennai2023.py" in the Raspberry Pi Pico Development board.
Now save the following code as "main.py" in the Raspberry Pi Pico Development Board:
While working on project “RECOVER“, our team added the upcoming new basic and composite parts to the iGEM registry. The CO2 fixation and the production of isobutanol is facilitated by the following part sequences.
Phosphoribulokinase is responsible for converting ribulose-5-phosphate into ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate, a vital substrate for CO2 fixation by the RuBisCO enzyme. This conversion is a key step in the Calvin cycle, essential for photosynthesis and the production of organic compounds.
http://parts.igem.org/Part:BBa K4689369
Phosphoribulokinase and Rubisco are co-engineered on a single plasmid to facilitate the CO 2 fixation phase. This process ultimately yields 3-phosphoglycerate as the end product. Subsequently, 3PG is transformed into pyruvate, which then enters the ketoacid pathway, culminating in the production of isobutanol.
Boosts isobutanol production, genetically enhancing E. coli by increasing AdhA enzyme levels, compensating for the lack of KivD, and improving our biofuel manufacturing process.
http://parts.igem.org/Part:BBa_K4689420Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, a pivotal biological enzyme, occupies a central position in the process of carbon fixation. It strongly promotes the transformation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate, and carbon dioxide into two crucial molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate, which serve as indispensable building blocks for carbohydrate synthesis.
The subunit RbcX of the RUBISCO protein structure is an integral part of the protein. While it plays no part in the protein folding process [1].
It is present in both the cytoplasm as well as within a carboxysome. Therefore, for
extraction, a simple crude cell lysis will be sufficient [2].
It is so integral that delayed post translational addition of RbcX resulted in the rapid loss of RbcL assembly and in the formation of insoluble RbcL. This indicates
that RbcX has a specific chaperone function in preventing RbcL misassembly downstream of chaperonin [3].
The subunit RbcX of the RUBISCO protein structure is an integral part of the protein. While it plays no part in the protein folding process [1]. It is present in both the cytoplasm as well as within a carboxysome. Therefore,
for extraction, a simple crude cell lysis will be sufficient [2]. It is so integral that delayed post translational addition of RbcX resulted in the rapid loss of RbcL assembly and in the formation of insoluble RbcL. This indicates
that RbcX has a specific chaperone function in preventing RbcL misassembly downstream of chaperon n [3]. To ensure this delay in transcription does not occur, it is suggested that a strong promoter is added ups ream of the RbcX coding
sequence to prevent any delays in translation and thereby prevent any missassembly of the other RbcL subunits. We have added this information for our existing part BBa_K4689060 to make part usage easier.
Many teams including ours would have a branching point in their metabolic cycle due to a new engineered pathway in their organism for a substrate already present in the organism. This means there is increased demand for an existing substrate in a limited concentration. Unfortunately there is no widely used enzyme kinetics model present for this competition as it is present for substrate inhibition [such as competitive or in-competitive models of inhibition where multiple substrates or substrate like analogs are present]. To solve this, our team conducted literature research and found an unstudied model of enzyme kinetics where two enzymes are competing for a single substrate.[4]

Our team has also modeled the metabolic pathway branchpoint in our enzyme kinetics using this formula. For this purpose, it was uploaded as a user defined function on COPASI.

Added references :
- 1 . Huang, F., Vasieva, O., Sun, Y., Faulkner, M., Dykes, G. F., Zhao, Z., & Liu, L. N. (2019). Roles of RbcX in carboxysome biosynthesis in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus PCC7942. Plant Physiology, 179(1), 184-194.
- 2. subcellular_location (uniprot.org)
- 3 . Saschenbrecker, S., Bracher, A., Rao, K. V., Rao, B. V., Hartl, F. U., & Hayer-Hartl, M. (2007). Structure and function of RbcX, an assembly chaperone for hexadecameric Rubisco. Cell, 129(6), 1189-1200. 4)Siebert, G., Pfaender, P., & Kesselring, K. (1969). Competition of several enzymes for a common substrate: a possible model of cellular events. Advances in Enzyme Regulation, 7,